РУС ENG For authors Editorial Board Actual information Archive Contacts Journals > Manager Zdravoochranenia > Tags All tags of «Manager Zdravoochranenia» . . general practitioners2 3 3-dimensional building information modeling1 4 4p medicine3 5 5s methodology.1 a a complication1 a consulting project1 a digital twin1 a fruit1 a healthy lifestyle1 a maturity estimation1 a medical center1 a network of medical organizations1 a professional non-profit organizations1 a single preventive space1 a target audience1 abc analysis2 abortion1 accelerating1 acceleration1 acceptance1 access control1 access to healthcare accessibility of medical care1 access to medical aid1 access to medical care1 access to pharmacotherapy1 access to treatment1 accessability1 accessibility4 accessibility of dermatovenerologic care1 accessibility and quality of medical care1 accessibility of care1 accessibility of medical care3 accessible environment1 accidents1 account2 accounting form 114/y1 accounting of medicines1 accounting of patients with circulatory system diseases1 accounting of working hours1 accounts payable1 accreditation4 accreditation commissions1 accreditation of specialist1 accreditation of specialist? training programmes1 across-the-board standard medical examination of population1 activities2 activities of medical organizations1 activity1 actual and regulatory number of physicians1 acute bronchitis1 acute coronary syndrome4 acute myocardial infarction2 adaptation of the questionnaire1 additional payments1 additional professional medical education programs1 additional professional programs2 administrative penalty1 administrative reform1 administrative suspension of activities1 adolescent girls1 adolescents3 adolescents and youth1 adoption of conceptual solutions1 adult population4 advance payment1 advanced training2 advanced training of doctors2 adverse outcomes1 adverse side reaction (npr)1 after hours work1 age1 age groups1 age and sex population structure1 age-related macular degeneration1 aging1 aging prevention1 aid1 aids1 air ambulance1 alcohol1 alcohol consumption2 alcohol intoxication1 alcohol-attributable mortality1 algorithm for working with appeals1 algorithm of observation1 alimentary therapy1 all-causes mortality1 allergic dermatitis1 allergodermia1 allergy to latex1 allergy to protein1 allied health professionals1 allowance1 alzheimer's disease1 ambulance2 amortization1 amount of time1 an administrative offense1 an automated management system in health care1 an elderly person1 an important part of the activity in dermatovenerological care in the conditions of “lean production” is the improvement of organizational forms of work of medical organizations (mo)1 an obstetric hospital1 anaemia1 analysis2 analysis of current health legislation1 analysis of obligatory health insurance system problems1 analysis of patients’ complaints1 analysis of processes1 and centres of excellence1 and method for calculating demand in physicians1 and non-developing pregnancy1 androgen deprivation therapy1 anesthesia2 anesthesiologist and intensive care1 anesthesiology and intensive care1 anesthesiology and reanimation1 angiogenesis inhibitors1 annual report of medical statistics1 annual reports of medical statistics1 anonymity1 another health professionals1 antepartum and postpartum hemorrhage1 anterior cruciate ligament1 anthropometric indicators1 anthropometrical indicators1 anti-aging programs1 anti-corruption1 anti-narcotic policy1 anti-tb institutions1 anti-tuberculosis activity1 anti-tuberculosis measures1 antibiotic resistance.1 antigenes1 antitumor treatment1 apheresis4 apparatus1 appeal of the medical organization.1 appeals of citizens1 approach1 approbation of the questionnaire1 architectural planning1 architecture of health1 arctic zone1 arkhangelsk region4 art1 arterial hypertension2 articles1 artificial intelligence8 assessing of rehabilitation activities1 assessment2 assessment epidemic1 assessment methodology1 assessment model2 assessment of care management1 assessment of the clinical and economic efficiency of the method1 assessment of the quality of hematological care1 assessment profile1 assisted reproductive technologies1 association of pediatric otorhinolaryngologists1 atc classification1 atherosclerosis1 atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries1 atopic dermatitis1 attendance1 attendance at medical organizations1 attendance of medical organizations1 attending physician1 attitude to vaccinations1 audio recording1 authority of organisation’s senior management1 authorized person on quality and safety of medical activity1 automated system1 automatic management system1 automatic measurement of hemolysis index1 automatical inventory management system of irreducible reserves of the pharmacy1 automatical system of planning and monitoring of purchases1 automation of the treatment process1 autonomous institutions1 availability3 availability of cardiac care1 availability of diagnostic testings1 availability of doctors1 availability of medical assistance2 availability of medical care1 availability of otorhinolaryngological care for children1 availability of ultrasound examinations1 average bed occupancy per year2 average duration of treatment1 average length of stay in a hospital bed2 avoidable loss1 avoidable mortality1 awareness2 awareness of parents1 a medical outpatient clinic1 a new organizational model1 b baby teeth1 bacteria1 bacterial infections1 bad habits1 balanced scorecard1 barriers1 basal cell skin cancer1 base documents1 basic medical services1 basic research1 bed fund4 beds3 behavioural economy.1 benchmarking2 benign prostatic hyperplasia3 bi1 bibliometric indicators1 bibliometrical indicators1 big data2 big language models1 big pharma1 biofeedback3 biological and social risk1 biological crossmatch1 biomedical expertise1 biomedical scientific research and development1 biomedicine1 biotechnologies1 birth1 birth certificates1 birth criteria1 birth rate2 bladder cancer1 blockchain2 blood8 blood collection5 blood banking1 blood circulatory system diseases1 blood donor1 blood saving1 blood saving efficiency1 blood service5 blood transfusion10 blood transfusion services1 body1 body mass index1 body of scientific personnel1 bonus1 bonuses1 borderline functional states of the reproductive system1 brand1 branding1 branding in healthcare1 brca1/2 mutations1 break-even point1 breast cancer1 bronchial asthma2 bronchitis in children1 budget7 budgetary institutions1 burden of disease1 burden of diseases1 burnout syndrome1 burns1 business iintelligence1 business plan1 business planning1 business platform1 business process reengineering1 business processes1 c cachexia-anorexia syndrome1 calculate the needs of other staff1 calculation1 calculation algorithm1 calculation of the economic damage1 call center1 call waiting time1 cancer center1 cancer palliative care1 cancer patients1 cancer patients routing1 cancer screening1 capital assets1 capitated rate1 capitation1 cardiac clinic1 cardiac surgery1 cardiology1 cardiovascular diseases3 cardiovascular disease4 cardiovascular diseases control1 cardiovascular disorders1 cardiovascular surgery2 care coordination1 carotid endarterectomy1 carpal tunnel syndrome2 carry out1 cars of an emergency medical service1 case of treatment1 castration resistance1 cataract morbidity1 cataract treatment1 categorization1 causal approach1 causal relationships1 cause and effect1 cause-and-effect relationships1 causes of death1 causes of mortality1 caution1 cdss1 centenarians1 center of public health and medical prevention1 centralization3 centralization of laboratory research1 centralized laboratories1 ceramic implants1 cerebrovascular diseases1 certificate of accreditation1 certificate of specialist1 certification1 certification and recertification of physicians1 cervical cancer1 channel funding1 characteristics2 charity1 chatgpt1 chechen republic1 check-out work1 check-up1 checklists1 chelyabinsk region1 chest x-rays1 chi1 chi system1 chief doctor1 chief physician1 chief specialists of administrative health care authority1 child disability statistics1 child population2 child populations1 childbirth1 childbirth complications1 childhood disability statistics1 childhood injuries1 childlessness1 children13 children and adolescents2 children under the age of 71 children with disabilities1 children's rehabilitation center1 children’s ent doctors1 children’s health center1 children’s hospital1 chiropractic1 choice1 choice criteria1 choice of doctor1 choice optimization1 chronic diseases1 chronic diseases of girls.1 chronic hepatitis c1 chronic incidence of young doctors.1 chronic non-communicable diseases4 chronic non-infectious diseases2 chronic noncommunicable diseases3 chronic noninfectious diseases1 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd)1 chronic pathology1 chronic respiratory pathology1 chronic skin diseases1 chronical diseases of young men1 circulatory system diseases2 citizens applications1 citizens of the republic of belarus1 citizens with limited mobility1 citizens‘ appeals1 citizens‘rights1 citizens’ satisfaction1 citizen’s name1 city hospital1 civil law contract1 civil process1 clarity and accessibility of information1 classes of diseases2 classification of health financing systems1 classification trees1 clci1 cleaning1 cleaning personnel of manufacturing and office premises1 cleveland clinic1 client-centeredness1 clinic medicine1 clinic of children's infectious diseases1 clinic-static groups1 clinic-statistic groups1 clinical and economic analysis1 clinical and economic simulator1 clinical approbation1 clinical aspects1 clinical diagnosis1 clinical examination2 clinical experiments1 clinical guidelines5 clinical laboratory2 clinical laboratory service1 clinical medicine2 clinical pharmacologist1 clinical recommendations3 clinical research1 clinical-economic analysis2 clinical-economical analysis1 clinical-economy analysis2 clinical-statistic groups1 clinical examination of the adult population1 clinical nutrition organization1 clinical nutrition outscoring1 clinicians1 clinicoeconomic research and outcome1 close relatives1 co-executor under the contract1 co-financing3 co-payments3 coding1 cognitive metastil1 cognitive function1 cognitive metastyles1 cognitive-behavioral group therapy1 cognitive-behavioral therapy1 cognitive remediation.1 collective agreement1 collective contract1 colonoscope1 coloproctology1 colorectal cancer1 combination rate.1 combinations of risk factors1 combining professions (titles)1 comfortable and healthpreserving environment1 comfortable conditions when providing medical aid services1 commercial interests1 commission (service) on internal control1 commission on the elaboration of territorial programmes1 commitment2 commitment to healthy lifestyles1 communication1 communication activities1 communication channels1 communication management2 communication networks2 communication security2 communication system3 community-based psychiatry2 comorbid pathology1 comorbidity2 comparative analysis1 compatibility1 compensation for moral damage1 compensation payments4 compensation payouts1 compensation type of pay outs1 compensations1 competence2 competency2 competency in health care2 competency model2 competition2 competition for the prize for achievements in the field of quality management of health resort services1 competition in the medical services market1 competitive landscape1 competitive progress1 competitiveness2 competitive technological groundwork.1 complaint2 completeness1 completing volumes of medical aid tasks1 complex of medical services1 complex plan1 complex scientific and technological program1 complex valuation of medical care quality1 compliance1 component analysis1 comprehensive assessment of the health status1 comprehensive geriatric assessment1 compulsory health insurance17 compulsory health insurance policy2 compulsory health medical insurance policy1 compulsory medical insurance18 compulsory medical insurance fund1 compulsory social insurance1 computed tomography3 computer competence2 concentration of resources1 concept of the patient-centered model1 conclusion1 conditions for receiving medical care1 conferences2 confirmatory and factor analysis1 conflict of interests1 conflicts1 conflicts of interests1 conformity assessment1 congenital heart defect1 congenital heart disease2 congenital heart disorders1 congenital malformations1 conscript1 consolidation1 constituent entities of the russian federation (rf)1 consultant2 consultation2 consultation per demand1 consultations of physiciens-specialistes1 consumer1 consumer loyalty index1 consumer requirements1 consumers of paid medical services1 contact center1 contest of polyclinics1 continuing medical education3 continuous medical education1 continuous support1 contract3 contract for the provision of paid medical services1 contracts1 contracts for the provision of medical care1 contracts in the mhi system1 control3 control (supervision) without interaction2 control issues1 control measures without interaction with controlled persons1 control obligations for insurance medical organizations1 control of quality and safety of medical activities2 control of quality and safety of medical activity1 control of the quality of medical care1 control of the volume and quality of medical care1 control system1 control the quality and safety of medical activities1 control the use of funds of mandatory health insurance1 control without interaction with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs1 controlled person2 control without interaction with legal entities1 control purchase2 coordination of health issues1 coordination of interests1 core working hours1 coronary bypass surgery2 coronary heart disease1 coronavirus3 coronavirus infection12 corporate brand1 corporate culture5 correction factor to the rates of complex medical services1 correlation analysis1 correlation analysis of target indicators1 correlation regressive and factor analysis1 correlation interrelation.1 corruption2 cost2 cost allocation1 cost of medical services2 cost optimization1 cost performance1 cost reduction1 cost structure1 cost-effectiveness2 cost-effectiveness analysis3 cost-efficient1 costs2 countermeasures programs1 countries of the world1 country people2 coverage1 covid-1928 covid-19 pandemic6 covid‑19 monitoring1 covid‑19 coronavirus infection1 covid‑19 diagnostics1 covid‑19 pandemia1 covid‑19 pandemy1 craniocerebral injury1 credits1 crisis3 criteria6 criteria for activity evaluation1 criteria for assessing the quality of medical care1 criteria for evaluating medical aid quality1 criteria for evaluating quality1 criteria for evaluation1 criteria for healthy lifestyles1 criteria of health care effectiveness.1 cross-border telemedicine1 cross-border transfer of personal data1 cryopreservation of gametes1 ct1 ct and mri scans1 ct scans1 cumulative life course impairment2 customer-oriented healthcare1 customer-oriented marketing1 d daily stay hospital1 daily stay hospitals1 daly3 dangerous work conditions1 data model1 data of traumatism1 data security1 datamatrix.1 dataset2 day hospital4 day hospital (ds)3 day time hospitals1 decelerating1 deceleration1 decentralized networks1 decision support system1 decision tree1 decision-making1 decrees of the president1 deep learning1 defect1 defects of medical care1 deficiency and excess of body weight2 deficit6 deficit of human resourcesin health care1 deficit of medical human resources1 definitions2 deinstitualization1 delphi method1 demand1 demand for hospital beds1 demand for specialized medical care1 demands1 dematel method1 democratic1 demographic situation1 density of population1 dental medical clinics united in a research and production network1 dental care1 dental care for children1 dental diseases1 dental implantology1 dental service1 department head1 department of medical and social assistance1 departments of anesthesiology and intensive care1 department of intensive psychiatric care1 deputy heads of a medical organization1 deregulation1 dermatologic hospital bed1 dermatovenerological care1 dermatovenerology1 design3 design and organization of rehabilitation1 designing organizational structures1 detection of hiv cases1 detection of tuberculosis cases1 development of a database1 development of the healthcare organizations1 development of the healthcare system1 development strategy2 development trend1 devices for health-care waste treatment2 diabetes mellitus6 diabetes mellitus type 2 (dm2)1 diabetic foot2 diabetic nephropathy2 diabetic retinopathy3 diagnosis3 diagnosis related group1 diagnostic examination1 diagnostic research1 diagnostic researches1 diagnostics2 diagnostics research1 dialysis center1 dialysis unit1 differentiality1 differentiated system of payment for labor1 digestion diseases1 digital economy1 digital health literacy2 digital healthcare2 digital rehabilitation of stroke1 digital therapy1 digital transformation3 digital transformation of healthcare1 digital twin1 digitalization of healthcare2 digitalization of primary health care1 direct and indirect maternal death1 direct costs5 directions of development1 directly observed treatment1 director1 disability5 disabled1 disabled people2 disciplinary structure2 disease3 disease as a mortality cause1 disease burden2 disease outcome prognosis1 disease prevalence1 disease prevention1 diseases3 diseases that pose a danger to others1 diseases incidence1 diseases of system of blood circulation1 diseases of the children’s population1 diseases of the circulatory system2 diseases of the reproductive system1 diseases prevalence1 disorders in physical development1 dispanserization1 dispansserization1 dispensaries1 dispensary observation3 dissatisfaction with medical aid1 dissatisfaction prevention.1 dissatisfaction with the provision of high-tech medical care to patients with neoplasms1 dissertation1 dissertation committees1 dissertation councils1 distance consultation center1 distance learning3 distance education technologies1 distributed ledger technology1 distributed registry1 distribution2 distribution uniformity1 district doctor1 district hospital (rb)1 district internist1 district physicians1 doctor2 doctor for medical prevention1 doctor position1 doctors8 doctors-radiologists1 doctorsradio therapists1 doctor’s appointment1 doctor’s duties1 doctor’s job duties1 donation income-generating activities of the state (municipal) procurement1 donations1 donor2 donor movement1 doula1 dr-tb1 drg1 drug2 drug circulation1 drug poisoning1 drug provision1 drug safety1 drug treatment1 drugs2 drug maintenance1 duration2 duties1 duty shifts of medical employees1 dynamics2 dyslipidemia1 e e-health3 e-healthcare1 e-registry1 early cancer1 early detection1 early diagnosis1 eclampsia1 ecological balance1 economic analysis1 economic burden1 economic disease burden1 economic effect3 economic efficiency7 economic efficiency of the project1 economic expediency1 economic impact1 economic indicators1 economic loss1 economic losses2 economical effectiveness3 economics of health care1 ecosystem1 ecosystem of solutions1 edl2 education1 educational events1 educational organizations1 educational programs1 educational standards1 effective1 effective activities of the head plan1 effective contract13 effective contracts1 effective interaction in doctor-parent relationships1 effective team formation1 effective ways to pay for medical care1 effectiveness5 effectiveness assessment1 effectiveness of digital therapy1 effectiveness of information systems implementation1 effectiveness of pharmacotherapy2 effectiveness of research activity1 effectiveness of using funds of mandatory medical insurance system1 efficacy2 efficiency11 efficiency and effectiveness of health care1 efficiency indicators2 efficiency of medical care1 efficiency of activity1 efficiency of health care1 efficiency of healthcare organizations2 efficiency of informatization1 efficiency of state programs1 efficiency validation1 efficient contract9 efficient management1 egisz1 elderly age1 elderly and old1 elderly and senile age1 elderly doctor1 elderly patient1 elderly people2 electronic data interchange1 electronic documents2 electronic health records1 electronic medical card1 electronic medical record1 electronic medical record of the patient1 electronic patientrecord1 electronic personal medical record1 electronic signature3 elimination of losses1 emergency ambulance service1 emergency and acute disinfection1 emergency medical assistance1 emergency medical care2 emergency medical service2 emergency medical services2 emergency rooms1 emergency situations1 emergency situations in the sphere of public health care1 emias1 emotional stability1 empathy in healthcare1 emphysema1 employers2 employment contract4 employment functions1 employment of graduates1 emr1 endocrine diseases1 endocrinological care1 endoprosthesis replacement1 endoscopy2 endovascular surgery and interventional radiology1 ent diseases3 environmental pollution1 environmentally caused diseases1 epidemic1 epidemic indications1 epidemiology3 eproductive health1 eq index1 eq vas3 equipment3 eq‑5d‑5l3 esg1 esophageal cancer1 esrd1 essential science indicators1 essential drug list2 estimation of medical care accessibility1 eurasian economic union2 evaluating the effectiveness of telemedicine rehabilitation1 evaluation1 evaluation of employee's activity1 evaluation of employees performance1 evaluation of health care effectiveness1 evaluation of medical organization1 evaluation of performance1 evaluation of qualification1 evaluation of specialized medical aid1 evaluation of the effectiveness1 evidence-based approach1 evidence-based management1 evidence-based medi¬cine2 examination1 examination of quality of medical care1 examination of temporary disability1 examination of the quality of medical care4 examinations2 executives pay1 exercise1 expansion of function of quality1 expenditure1 expenditures1 expenses7 experimental1 expert1 expert assessment2 expert quality report of medical aid1 expert system1 expertise4 experts survey1 explanatory work1 external causes3 external environment1 external systems for assessing the quality of laboratory research1 extracorporeal hemocorrection1 extracurricular risk factors1 extremely low birth weight neonates1 extremely low body weight1 f facial clinic1 facial nerve neuropathy1 factor analysis1 factors4 factors affecting healthy lifestyles1 factors contributing to staff shortage1 factors determining the place of work of graduates of a medical university1 false-negative results1 false-positive1 falsification1 family psychologist1 family relationships1 family-centered medical care1 faps (fap)1 fears1 federal districts2 federal budget9 federal budgetary programs1 federal chi fund2 federal cmi fund1 federal compulsory health insurance fund1 federal districts (fd)1 federal fund1 federal fund of chi1 federal fund of compulsory medical insurance1 federal fund of mandatory medical insurance1 federal health care entities1 federal medical institutions1 federal medical organizations1 federal register of covid‑19 patients1 federal state control (supervision)1 federal statistics1 federal the mandatory medical insurance fund1 federal law2 federal compulsory medical insurance fund1 federal register medical organizations1 fee based medical services1 female infertility1 fertility2 fetoplacental insufficiency1 fetus development1 finan- cial and economic justification1 finance1 financial and economic justification1 financial costs1 financial effectiveness4 financial incentives1 financial indicators1 financial lease1 financial provision of medical aid1 financial sanctions2 financial stimulation2 financial support3 financial support of medical activity1 financial support of medical care1 financial violations1 financial sources1 financing13 financing of medical care1 financing per capita1 first-aid post on railway station1 first-aid station (fap)1 fitness1 fitness for military service1 flagship university1 follow-up care1 food fortification1 football world cup1 forecast3 forecasted demand for medicines1 forecasting1 forecasting methods1 forecasting of personnel potential of health care2 foreseeable levels of morbidity1 form no 191 form no 7-d (sobes)1 form no. 080/u1 forms and terms of rendering of medical aid1 forms of documents1 forms of federal statistical observation1 forms of federal statistical observation form no 94 (pensii)1 fortification1 free medical care2 front-office1 fronts of research1 function of medical posts1 function of public health1 function. medicinal products. drug provision. accounting and write-off of medicines1 functional data processing1 functional diagnostics2 functional reserves of the body1 functional responsibilities of personnel1 functions of a medical organization1 fund holding2 fund maintenance1 fundholding1 funding1 g gastroenterologists1 gastroscope1 gbuz “city hospital no. 40 dzm”1 general population1 general doctor1 general medical practice1 general morbidity4 general practice1 general practitioner4 general practitioner’s nurse1 general incidence1 generations2 genomic editing1 geriatric care1 geriatric contact center1 geriatric nurse1 geriatric service2 geriatrics4 gerontologist’s practice1 gerontology2 gestational age1 girls1 global scientific-technological field1 global markets1 gloves sterilization1 goal setting process1 google trends1 government agencies1 government funding1 government order 8902 graduate certificate1 grant funding1 green spaces1 gross domestic product1 grounds for rendering paid services2 growth1 guarantees and compensation1 guarantees in the health sector2 guidelines1 gynecological department1 gynecological inflammatory diseases1 h haematological aid1 hard-to-reach areas1 harmful use1 harmful working conditions1 head of medical organization1 head of the regional vascular center1 health4 health improvement2 health assessment1 health authorities1 health care24 health care reform1 health care development1 health care economics1 health care facility1 health care financing1 health care financing organizational legal forms1 health care for overweight1 health care institution1 health care management1 health care model1 health care organization1 health care organizations1 health care program1 health care quality control1 health care staffing1 health care state (municipal) institutions1 health care system5 health care workforce2 health centers2 health centers for adults1 health centers for children1 health economics1 health funding1 health groups2 health indicators1 health management3 health management body1 health of the village1 health organization2 health organization and public health1 health organizations providing assistance to the population in an outpatient setting1 health organizations providing medical care in a hospital (iscu)1 health organizations providing medical care on an outpatient basis (moau)1 health policy1 health professional non-profit organizations1 health promotion2 health protection4 health resort organization2 health resources1 health sector1 health self-assessment1 health service delivery1 health services1 health status2 health system modernization1 health technology assessment (hta)1 health workers1 health workforce2 health-related quality of life1 healthcare12 healthcare administration1 healthcare efficiency1 healthcare information system1 healthcare information systems2 healthcare informatization3 healthcare institution1 healthcare institutions1 healthcare management6 healthcare organization8 healthcare quality1 healthcare reform2 healthcare resources1 healthcare strategy1 healthcare system2 healthcare-associated infection1 healthcare organizations1 healthy cities1 healthy life-style1 healthy lifestyle5 healthy lifestyle (hls)1 healthy lifestyle promotion2 health insurance organizations3 health personnel2 health system2 health care surveys2 heart attack1 height2 hematological service infrastructure1 hematology1 hematopoietic and related tissue1 hemoblastosis1 hemoblastosis incidence and general morbidity1 hemodialysis1 hepatocellular cancer1 high tech medical aid2 high technology medical aid1 high volume plasma exchange1 high-risk group1 high-tech equipment1 high-tech eye care1 high-tech medical aid tariffs1 high-tech medical care11 high-tech medical care in the profile «traumatology and orthopedics»1 high-technological medical aid1 high-technology medical care1 highquality work stimulation1 high cost nosologies2 hiv1 hiv infection1 hiv mortality1 hiv/aids1 hiv/tb coinfection1 home visits1 homeless children contingents1 homeostasis3 hon code1 hormonal changes1 hospital3 hospital at home1 hospital bed3 hospital bed fund1 hospital infection1 hospital information system3 hospital management2 hospital mortality1 hospital organizations1 hospital patients1 hospital replacement forms1 hospital social services1 hospital workload2 hospitalization rate1 hospitalizm1 hospitals2 hosting1 household services2 hr-assessment1 hrqol3 human resource1 human resource capacity1 human resources4 human resources forecasting1 human resources in medicine1 human-centered healthcare1 human resource management system1 hybrid networks1 hygiene1 hygienic upbringing1 hypertension2 i icd-101 icer1 icu1 identity document1 igisz1 imitation modelling1 immunization1 immunization of infectious diseases1 immunotherapy1 implementation2 implementation effectiveness.1 importance-performance analysis (ipa) technique1 improve1 improvement activities1 improvement of medical care delivery1 improvement of normative documents1 improving the efficiency of a medical organization2 incentive1 incentive funding1 incentive pay outs2 incentive payments8 incentive payouts2 incentive system2 incentive type of payments1 incentives3 incidence4 incidence of adolescents1 incidence of child population1 incidence of children2 incidence rates2 income6 incomegenerating activities1 incoming control1 increase in profitability1 increase of staff pay1 increase of throughput1 increase of workflow volume1 increased epidemiological threat1 incremental cost-effectiveness ratio1 independent assessment of the medical care quality1 independent expertise1 independent quality assessment3 independent assessment of the quality of medical services1 independent evaluation of work1 index eq2 indexes and criteria of evaluation1 indexes and criteria on evaluating employees activity efficiency1 indications for hospi¬talization1 indicators5 indicators and criteria for evaluating the performance of employees1 indicators of preventive work of health centers1 indicators of the economic damage1 indices1 indirect costs1 induced pluripotent stem cell1 induced pluripotent stem cells1 industrial indicators1 industrial partners1 inefficient use of funds1 infant deaths1 infant mortality3 infants1 infections1 infectious and inflammatory diseases1 infectious disease monitoring1 infectious diseases1 infectious prison syndrome1 infertility2 inflation2 influence of exclavity and income level of the population on consumer preferences of patients in the market of medical services1 information1 information about the doctor1 information and communication technologies1 information coding styles2 information flow1 information interaction1 information management systems1 information resource1 information resources in health care1 information security1 information space2 information support1 information system3 information system deployment1 information system for administrator of a clinical-diagnostic laboratory1 information systems4 information systems integrationс1 information systems on the internet1 information technologies3 information technology5 information theory index1 informational system1 informational volunteer agreement1 informative system1 informatization1 informatization of healthcare3 informatization of the eaeu1 informed consent1 informed voluntary consent to medical intervention1 informing1 informing the consumer1 infrastructure changes1 infusion1 injuries3 injury1 injury severity1 innovation1 innovation approaches to healthcare facilities design1 innovations2 innovative competence1 innovative model of care1 innovative technologies1 inpatient medical care1 inquiries of bodies of inquiry and investigation1 inspection body1 inspections1 instrumentation1 insurance2 insurance attorneys1 insurance contributions1 insurance event1 insurance medical organizations4 insurance payouts1 insurance premiums1 insured population1 integral index1 integral quality indicators1 integrality1 integrated assessment of quality of care1 integrated medical information system (kmis)1 integration2 intellectual backwardness1 intelligent knowledge base editor1 intelligent systems1 intensive care unit1 intensive care unit (icu)1 intensive supervision1 intentional potential1 inter-budget transfers3 inter-budgetary transfers1 inter-budgetary transfers in health care1 inter-municipal medical centers1 inter- territorial settlements1 interaction of inpatient and outpatient care1 interagency cooperation2 interchangeability in public procurement1 interdepartmental approach1 interdisciplinary problem1 internal affairs body1 internal and external quality assessments1 internal control7 internal control of quality and safety of medical activity1 internal control quality and safety of care1 internal quality control1 internal quality control and safety of medical activities2 internal regional product1 internal control tasks.1 international association of social security1 international indexes of scientific citation1 international level2 internet1 interrupted case of treatment1 interterritorial accounting1 intravitreal injection of drugs1 investment strategies1 investment to quality of life improvement1 investments1 involuntary hospitalization1 iron deficiency1 iron deficiency anemia1 irreducible reserves of the pharmacy1 irregular antibodies1 irregular working hours1 isolation1 isp1 j japan2 jci1 job competence assessment1 job description1 job descriptions3 job duties2 job function1 job holding1 job functions.1 joint management1 joint practice1 judgment1 judicial practice1 judicial practice for estimating the value of minimum wage1 junior medical personnel2 junior medical staff2 junior nurse on care1 k keyworsd priority areas for development in science and technology1 kidney cancer1 kirov region1 kliniko-statistical groups1 knowledge base1 komi republic1 kommunarka3 kpi1 kurgan region1 l labeling1 labor compensation4 labor compensation fund1 labor conditions1 labor contract6 labor costs1 labor function1 labor intensity1 labor law1 labor normalization1 labor organization.3 labor productivity1 labor rationing2 labor regulation2 labor relations3 labor remuneration1 labor standards5 labor/ job functions1 laboratory1 laboratory capacity1 laboratory diagnostics3 laboratory information system1 laboratory medicine1 laboratory research1 laboratory services1 laboratory tests1 labour legislation3 labour norms1 labour renumeration1 labour salary compensation1 labour satisfaction level1 laddering1 latent iron deficiency1 law enforcement1 law enforcement agencies1 law regulations1 leader1 leadings1 lean manufacturing technologies1 lean polyclinic1 lean prodaction1 lean technologies in healthcare1 lean management4 lean production6 lean technologies2 leasing2 legal problems of e-healthcare1 legal regulation1 legal activity of parents1 legal base1 legal framework1 legal framework for medical aid provision1 legal problems of e-health1 legal regime1 legal representative1 legal representatives1 legal sanction1 legal uncertainties1 legal acts2 legislation4 legislative acts1 length of stay2 lethality1 level of education and qualifications1 level of psycho-emotional load1 levels of medical aid provision1 level of satisfaction1 lexical control systems1 liberal1 libraries2 license rights1 license control1 licensing of educational activities2 licensing of medical activity1 licensing of medical rehabilitation1 licensing of physicians1 licensing requirements2 life cycle2 life expectancy1 life quality1 life years saved1 life-threatening committee2 lifestyle3 limb`s surgical artery diseases1 linguistic and semantic analysis1 list of vital and life critical drugs2 lists of control questions1 litigation1 load norms1 local authorities1 local governments1 local normative act1 local normative acts1 local pediatricians1 local therapist1 local therapists1 logistic regression1 logistics1 longevity1 loose leaves1 loss of earning capacity1 lost opportunities1 lower urinary tract symptoms1 m machine learning4 magnetic resonance imaging2 magnetic resonance tomography1 main and additional indicators1 main external experts coordination council1 main funds1 maldi-tof ms1 male and female mortality1 male infertility1 malignancies1 malignant neoplasms5 malignant neoplasms of female genital organs1 malignant neoplasms of the skin1 management17 management company1 management decisions1 management efficiency2 management in health care1 management levels1 management model1 management of a medical organization2 management of health care1 management of patient's blood1 management personnel1 management standards1 management styles authoritative1 management system2 manager3 manager of a medical organization1 managerial competence1 mandatory health insurance5 mandatory hospitalization1 mandatory medical insurance10 mandatory medical insurance funds1 mandatory medical insurance system3 mandatory requirements3 manifestations of neurasthenia1 manipulations1 manning table1 manpower policy1 manual therapy1 map call emergency medical help prehospital care quality management1 mapping method1 market of medical services1 marketing1 marketing analysis1 marketing events1 marketing plan1 markov chains2 markov chains with assessments1 markov chains with estimates1 markov chains with estimations1 material and technical equipment1 material stimulation2 maternal and child health service1 maternal mortality1 maternal satisfaction1 mathematic model1 mathematic modeling1 mathematical methods1 mathematical model1 mathematical modeling1 mathematical models2 mayo clinic1 mdr-tb1 measurement3 measurement of satisfaction1 medcom-mp2 medical1 medical care quality2 medical organization providing medical care on an outpatient basis – polyclinic1 medical industry enterprise1 medical intervention1 medical organizations providing inpatient care (mosu)1 medical organizations providing outpatient care (moau)1 medical staff satisfaction1 medical activities2 medical activity5 medical activity of parents1 medical activity of the elderly1 medical aid2 medical aid cost1 medical aid standards1 medical and demographic situation4 medical and economic examination1 medical and preventive care1 medical and preventive treatment facilities2 medical and social aspects1 medical and social assistance3 medical and social care1 medical and social expertise1 medical and social factors1 medical and social problems1 medical and technological assignment1 medical associations1 medical benefit1 medical call center1 medical call center management1 medical care13 medical care and rehabilitation department1 medical care at rheumatic diseases1 medical care for children4 medical care for patients1 medical care in a hospital setting1 medical care in emergency form1 medical care quality management system1 medical care standard1 medical care to patients with cancer1 medical center1 medical center efficacy2 medical commission6 medical confidentiality1 medical contract1 medical device1 medical devices2 medical devices examination for the quality and effectiveness1 medical diagnostic care1 medical doctors1 medical documentation2 medical documents quality1 medical duties at homes1 medical education1 medical engineering clusters1 medical entity1 medical equipment3 medical examination1 medical examination of certain groups of the adult population1 medical examination of children1 medical expertise1 medical facilities1 medical faculty1 medical help2 medical history1 medical information system8 medical information system that stimulates the part of payroll and the quality of medical care1 medical information systems11 medical informational systems1 medical institution2 medical institutions2 medical insurance1 medical insurance company1 medical insurance organizations6 medical organisation management1 medical organization53 medical organization (md)1 medical organization management system1 medical organization resources1 medical organization site1 medical organizations23 medical organizations (mo)1 medical organizations of the public health system1 medical organizations providing medical care in a hospital setting (mos)1 medical organizations providing medical care in an outpatient setting (moau)1 medical organizations that provide assistance on an outpatient basis1 medical panel1 medical personal1 medical personnel7 medical personnel safety1 medical planning1 medical prevention2 medical product2 medical products2 medical professional communities1 medical professional counseling1 medical professional orientation1 medical professions1 medical records1 medical rehabilitation9 medical research funding1 medical research studies1 medical science2 medical secrecy2 medical service2 medical service codifiers1 medical service management1 medical services5 medical services consumer1 medical services market2 medical social networks1 medical specialists1 medical staff7 medical statistician1 medical statistics3 medical statistics service1 medical stores and drug inventory1 medical students3 medical stuff1 medical supervision1 medical support2 medical technologies1 medical technology1 medical university1 medical waste2 medical waste treatment site2 medical wastes1 medical worker3 medical workers5 medical-demographic indicators1 medical-demographic process1 medical-economic expertise1 medical-economic information1 medical-social support1 medicals employees1 medical and preventive treatment institution1 medical rehabilitation department1 medical care in hard-to-reach areas1 medical professionals1 medication supply1 medications3 medicine2 medicines2 medicines consumption1 medico-demographic data1 medico-economic standard1 melanoma1 membership1 mental disorders2 mental health services2 mentoring1 method of defining1 methodical approaches1 methodological principles1 methodology5 methodology of calculation1 methods1 methods of assessing1 methods of evaluation in health care1 methods of payment for medical care3 methods of payment medical care1 methods of strategic planning and forecasting of personnel capacity of health care1 metrological support1 metropolis1 microbiology1 micronutrients1 microsporia1 midwifery specialists1 migration1 military commissariat1 military permit1 military service1 minerals1 minimal wage size1 minimum viable product1 minor1 minors1 misuse of funds1 mobile application1 mobile medical clinic1 mobile medical clinics1 mobile teams1 mobilization1 mobilization readiness of health care1 model of geriatric help1 model of medical service1 model of organization1 model outcomes1 modeling3 modeling of management decisions1 modelling management decisions1 models of medical care1 modernization1 modernization of health care2 modernization of the coloproctological service1 modifying factors1 molecular genetic research1 monetary evaluation of key parameters1 money1 monitoring3 monitoring of quality of care1 monitoring system1 monitornig holter ecg and blood pressure application1 moratorium on scheduled inspections1 morbidity14 morbidity (general2 morbidity dynamics1 morbidity of population2 morbidity rate1 morbidity structure1 morbidity of young men1 morbidity of teenagers1 mortality21 mortality age structure1 mortality causes1 mortality due to all reasons1 mortality in 5-years age groups1 mortality in road accident1 mortality of the population from malignant neoplasms of lymphoid1 moscow1 mother2 motivation2 motivation process1 motivational crisis1 motivational profiles1 motivational testing and modeling technique by sh. richie and p. martin’s1 multi-drug resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis1 multidisciplinary approach1 multidisciplinary hospital2 multidisciplinary medical organization1 multifocal iols1 multifunctional centers of public services1 municipal district (mr)1 municipal management1 municipal-private partnership1 murmansk region1 n name of a medical organization1 naming1 narcotic drugs1 national calendar of preventive vaccinations1 national fund of mandatory medical insurance1 national healthcare system1 national hiv/aids response1 national medical research center1 national peculiarities1 national project1 national project «healthcare»1 national security1 national project “science”1 natural and climatic factors1 natural and value indicators1 natural population growth1 navigation in the polyclinic1 navigation of incoming calls1 near-arctic territories1 need1 need for drugs1 need for rehabilitation1 need in hospital beds1 neediness1 negative trends1 neoplasms3 neoprene1 nephrology1 nephrology care1 net cost1 nets1 network science1 networking3 neural networks1 neurological service1 neurorehabilitation1 neurosurgery1 neurosurgical assistance1 new coronavirus infection2 new management1 new model of ambulatory healthcare1 new normative documents1 newborn1 newborns1 newly diagnosed (primary) morbidity1 new model of medical management organization1 new model of medical organization2 nocebo1 nomenclature1 nomenclature of positions1 non-communicable diseases1 non-financial indicators1 non-governmental medical organization1 non-state medical institutions1 non-stationary form of social services1 noninfectious diseases3 nonparametric tests1 norm of working hours1 normalized insurance reserve1 normative support1 normatives2 normatives of hospital beds provision1 normative legal documents1 norming of the labor1 norms for population1 norms of time1 north ossetia alania1 nosological reforms1 not seeking medical care1 nps1 nps loyalty index1 nudge1 number1 number of beds1 number of visits1 nurse2 nurse anesthetist1 nurse general practice (iucn)1 nurses8 nursing care satisfaction1 nursing managers1 nursing staff5 nutrition1 o obesity1 obligatory medical insurance3 obstetric care indicators1 obstetric embolism1 obstetric point (fap)1 obstetrics1 occupational disease1 occupational examinations1 ocular pressure1 of premature babies1 offer1 official medical statistics1 official website1 offspring1 olap1 old age.4 on-site examination2 on-site unscheduled inspections1 oncohaematological care1 oncological diseases4 oncological pathology1 oncology7 oncology service1 oncopathology of the gastrointestinal tract1 oncoscreening1 one channel financing1 online training1 onlp2 ontology1 operating unit1 ophthalmic help1 ophthalmological care1 ophthalmology1 opinion1 opinion polls1 opportunistic screening1 optimal hospital bed fund1 optimization6 optimization of network2 order2 order of medical care1 orders4 orders of rendering medical care1 organ transplantation1 organic damage of a brain1 organization1 organization and management1 organization of care1 organization of clinical approbation1 organization of health care1 organization of health care and public health1 organization of medical care4 organization of medical care to country people1 organization of medical care to patients with vascular diseases1 organization of outpatient care1 organization of paid medical services1 organization of specialized medical care1 organization of transportation1 organization of traumatologic-orthopedic care1 organization of treatment1 organization of work health centers1 organizational experiment1 organizational and economic mechanism of management1 organizational and management technologies1 organizational and methodological activities1 organizational and methodological work1 organizational culture1 organizational health-saving technologies1 organizational model3 organizational model operation1 organizational plan1 organizational problems1 organizational factors1 organization of obstetric care1 organs and tissue of deceased persons1 oriented graph1 oriented trees with grades1 orphan medicinal drug1 orphan diseases2 orthopedic care1 orthopedic treatment1 otorhinolaryngological care3 outgoing control1 outpatient admission1 outpatient care6 outpatient clinic1 outpatient polyclinic service1 outpatient psychiatric module1 outsourcing4 outsourcing of transport service1 overall incidence1 overall morbidity1 overview of literature1 overweight1 p paid educational services1 paid medical care1 paid medical services22 paid services1 paid services in medicin1 paid medical services contract1 pain1 palliative care1 pandemic8 paradigm2 paradigms and algorithms logistics research roadmap1 paramedic3 paramedical obstetric point1 parameters of hospital bed accessibility1 parent community1 parental training1 parents1 participants in medical insurance1 participants of the educational process1 passportization2 passportization of health care entities1 patent wars1 patents1 patent documents1 patient13 patient adherence1 patient adherence to treatment1 patient behavior1 patient centered1 patient experience2 patient flow1 patient flow management1 patient identification1 patient information2 patient loyalty3 patient medical intervention1 patient pathway1 patient register1 patient rights3 patient routing1 patient safety2 patient satisfaction7 patient satisfaction with the provision of medical services1 patient support program1 patient survey3 patient time evaluation1 patient's right1 patient's self-referrals1 patient- oriented2 patient-centered approach1 patient-centered medicine3 patient-centeredness2 patient-centricity1 patient-in-focus approach1 patient-orientation6 patient-oriented healthcare model1 patient-oriented healthcare system1 patient-oriented model1 patients aged 60 years and older1 patients aged 60 years and over1 patients extremism1 patients in the nursing service1 patients of age 60+1 patients routing1 patients with neurodegenerative diseases1 patients with somatic pathology1 patients' satisfaction2 patient’s personal data1 patient’s rights1 pay per patient treated1 payback period1 paying for medical care1 payment for health care1 payment for labor1 payment for medical care4 payment for outpatient services1 payment methods for medical care1 payment methods of stationary medical care1 payment of a disability certificate1 payment treated case by profile1 payouts of compensation character1 payroll fund1 pediatric cardiologist1 pediatric dentist1 pediatric dentistry1 pediatric otorhinolaryngology1 pediatrician1 pediatrics1 penalties1 penalty sanctions1 penitentiary medicine1 pension and social insurance fund1 pension fund1 people of working age1 people older than working age2 people with limited mobility1 per capita financing2 per capita funding2 per capita method of financing1 per resident2 percapita funding method1 percutaneous coronary intervention1 percutaneous intervention1 perfection1 performance evaluation criteria1 performance indicators and efficiency of the medical call center1 perinatal care1 perinatal monitoring1 perinatal mortality2 perinatal risks1 periodic accreditation3 periodic health examination1 peripheral artery diseases1 peripheral nerve diseases1 person- centered care certification®1 person-centered care2 person-lysed medicine1 personal and social restoration1 personal data3 personal data protection1 personal income tax1 personal qualities1 personal record-keeping1 personal records1 personalized medicine1 personal safety1 personnel4 personnel deficiency1 personnel management4 personnel rating1 personnel resources1 personnel service1 personnel staffing1 personnel's crisis1 persons is more senior than working-age1 persons of elderly and senile age2 pharmaceu- tical product1 pharmaceutical companies2 pharmacoeconomic analysis1 pharmacoeconomics1 pharmacoepidemiological analysis1 pharmacological support1 pharmacovigilance1 phased treatment1 phenotype1 phone contacts1 photo chronometer watch1 photo-timing observation1 phototime supervision1 phthisiatricians1 physical health1 physical activity1 physical and functional condition1 physical development2 physical development disorders1 physical development of students1 physical rehabilitation specialists1 physician1 physician anesthesiologist1 physician training1 physician training standard1 physicians2 physicians-plastic surgeons1 physician for common hygiene1 physician involvement1 physiotherapy1 placebo1 placenta1 planning3 planning of volumes of medical care1 planning the extent of medical care1 plasma3 plastic bracelets1 plastic bronchitis1 platelet1 platelet dose for adults1 platelets5 points of establishment of medical waste treatment site2 poisoning2 poisoning with drugs and psychodisleptics (hallucinogens)1 political environment1 polls1 polyclinic5 polyclinic offices of the medical organizations1 polyclinics1 pooling4 population5 population above working1 population ageing1 population birth rate1 population depopulation1 population groups1 population morbidity1 population mortality.1 population older than working age1 population over working age1 population size1 population’s satisfaction with primary health care for children1 portfolio1 position1 post-covid‑19 measures1 postanalytical phase1 postoperative mortality1 potential years of life lost1 powers in the field of health protection1 powers of mhi participants1 powers of public authorities1 powers of state (municipal) institutions1 ppp1 practical health care1 pre-analytical phase1 pre-school and school educational organizations1 precise coronary syndrome1 precision medicine1 predicting1 prediction1 predictive analytics1 preferential drug provision1 pregnancy4 pregnancy outcome1 pregnancy outcomes2 pregnant and the lying-in women1 pregnant women1 preliminary diagnosis1 premarital sex1 premature mortality1 prenatal diagnosis1 prenatal diagnostics1 preservation and strengthening of health1 prevalence7 preventable deaths1 preventable mortality1 prevented economic loss.1 prevention24 prevention at enterprises1 prevention at the enterprises1 prevention in enterprises1 prevention of age-related1 prevention of dental diseases1 prevention of patients’ discontent1 preventive activity1 preventive adnexectomy1 preventive drug treatment1 preventive examinations1 preventive measures1 preventive measures for children1 preventive medical examination1 preventive medical examinations1 preventive medicine1 preventive screening1 preventive visit1 preventive visits1 preventive care in the fitness center1 price1 price list1 primary care2 primary health care23 primary health care (phc)2 primary health care at home1 primary health care for children1 primary healthcare2 primary medical and sanitary assistance1 primary morbidity5 primary open-angle glaucoma1 primary pre-medical health care1 primary premedical health care (pfmsp)1 primary prevention1 primary)2 primary statistical data1 primary health carequality and availability of medical care1 primary incidence1 principals of development1 principles1 priorities1 priorities for research and technological development1 priority areas1 priority direction1 priority of the interests of the patient1 priority areas of scientific and technological development1 private clinics1 private educational organizations1 private health care system1 private healthcare system.2 private medical clinic1 private medical organizations1 private midwife1 private sector of health care1 problems of men's health1 problems of paid medical services1 problems of russian pathology service1 process4 process approach7 process organization2 process quality1 process management1 process-oriented approach1 processes2 procurement regulations1 production process1 professional achievements1 professional activities1 professional activity1 professional activity of a doctor1 professional and emotional burnout syndrome (spev)1 professional autonomy1 professional burnout3 professional career1 professional competence1 professional competencies1 professional competencies and skills1 professional development of doctors1 professional educational programs1 professional medical communities1 professional quaification groups1 professional retraining program1 professional socialization1 professional standard2 professional standards7 professional training programs1 profile specialists1 profitability of investments1 prognosis3 prognostic matrices1 prognostic models1 program2 program of state guarantees2 program of state guarantees for provision of free medical aid to the population1 program of state guarantees of free medical care2 program on infection security disinfection1 programs of additional professional education2 project management2 project management in healthcare1 promising system of mandatory medical insurance1 promoters1 promotion1 proper use of funds1 prophylactic mastectomy1 prophylactic medical examination1 prostate adenoma1 prostate cancer4 protection from tobacco smoke1 protection of the family1 protracted bacterial bronchitis1 providing ambulatory treatment1 providing medical assistance in emergency form1 providing medical care to patients with dermatovenerological pathology at all stages of its provision.1 provision of beds for the population1 provision of medical aid1 provision of medicines1 provision of outpatient and polyclinic institutions1 provision of paid medical services anonymously1 provision of population1 provision of the population with oncological beds in daily stay hospitals1 provision with doctors for medical rehabilitation1 provision with hospital beds3 provision with medical employees personnel1 provision with medical personnel1 provision of the population with doctors1 pseudonym (fictitious name)1 psoriasis2 psychiatric1 psychiatric hospital1 psychiatric hospitals1 psychiatric outpatient module1 psychiatric rehabilitation1 psychoactive substances1 psychographic segmentation1 psychological and pedagogical prevention1 psychological disorders1 public awareness2 public and private blockchains1 public health9 public health and health care2 public health and healthcare1 public health care1 public health protection1 public health sector1 public health services1 public health services economy1 public health system1 public healthcare system1 public opinion1 public relations1 public-private partnership3 public-private partnerships2 publication activity3 publication flow1 publishing activity1 pulmonological center1 purchase of equipment1 purchase of medicines1 pushing1 pvq1 q qaly1 qualification6 qualification characteristics2 qualification of doctors2 qualification requirements3 qualifications2 qualimetric assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the results of project activities1 quality5 quality and accessibility of medical care1 quality and safety2 quality and safety control of the medical activity1 quality and safety of medical activities9 quality and safety of medical activity12 quality and safety of medical care1 quality and safety of medical devices1 quality and safety of medical practice4 quality assessment criteria1 quality control4 quality control and safety of medical activity3 quality control and safety of medical practice1 quality control of diagnostics research1 quality control of laboratory research1 quality control of medical care1 quality control of treatment1 quality criteria1 quality examination1 quality expertise1 quality expertise of medical aid1 quality health care1 quality indicator of journals1 quality inspection1 quality management2 quality management system9 quality manager1 quality of care4 quality of health care3 quality of healthcare service1 quality of life8 quality of medical activity1 quality of medical aid2 quality of medical care21 quality of medical services2 quality of organization and provision of medical care1 quality of services1 quality of structure1 quality results and normative values1 quality control and safety of medical activities4 quality and safety control of medical activities1 quantity norms1 questioning1 questionnaire2 questionnaire survey4 questionnaires2 r r&d2 radiodiagnosis2 radiologists1 radiology3 radionuclide diagnostics1 railway medicine1 raise of patient treatment effectiveness1 ranking1 ranking method1 ranking of factors1 ranking of federal districts and constituent entities of the russian federation1 ranking problems1 rare (orfanny) diseases1 rare (orphan) diseases2 rate of compliance1 rate of increase1 rates1 rating of health systems1 ratings1 rationing2 re-programming cell technologies1 reasons1 receiving department1 recipient4 recommendations of the public1 recreation resources1 red blood cell1 red blood cells3 redesigning1 reduction of hospital bed fund1 reduction of risk factors at work1 redundancy2 reference approach1 reference center2 reference state1 reform of control and supervisory activities1 reform of laboratory services1 reforming.1 reforms1 region1 region's typology1 regional benefit1 regional center for monitoring the safety of medicines1 regional differences1 regional health authority2 regional health informatization1 regional hospital (rb)1 regional informatization of health care1 regional informatization of healthcare1 regional level2 regional medical information systems1 regional peculiarities1 regional project1 regional system1 regional variation1 regional vascular center2 regional features2 regional procurement2 regions2 register an oid1 registration2 registration certificate1 registration of medical devices1 registries2 registry1 regression analysis1 regular appointment1 regulation2 regulation on providing medical aid1 regulations4 regulatory body of public health service1 regulatory documents2 regulatory framework1 regulatory legal acts1 regulatory support1 rehabilitation5 rehabilitation and preventive measures1 rehabilitation bed fund1 rehabilitation majors1 rehabilitation measures1 rehabilitation programs1 rehabilitation services1 rehabilitation structures1 rehabilitation system1 rehabilitation treatment1 relationships1 relevance of normative documents1 remote method of concluding a contract1 remote monitoring3 remote rehabilitation1 remote technologies1 remote-controlled rehabilitation1 remote monitoring tools1 remuneration3 remuneration pay1 remuneration systems1 renal replacement therapy2 renumeration2 renumeration payouts1 reorganization1 repair technologies1 replacement of a doctor1 report of doctor1 report on the implementation of the clinical approbation protocol1 reports1 reproductive health3 reproductive losses1 reproductive potential2 reprofiling of multidisciplinary hospital1 republic of moldova1 republic of tatarstan.1 republican clinical oncological center of republic of tatarstan1 requests of bodies of prosecutor’s office1 requests of body of penal system1 requests of court1 requirements1 research and development2 residents of other cities1 resource-saving1 resources of a medical organization1 resources of financing1 respiratory center1 respiratory diseases1 responsibilities and obligations of insured citizens1 responsibility1 restrictions1 restructuring2 result-oriented approach1 results1 results of preventative checks1 resuscitation1 retinal diseases1 return on investment1 reusable surgical gloves1 review2 rev¬enues1 rights and responsibilities1 rights of citizens2 rights of the patient1 risk assessment1 risk factor1 risk factors15 risk factors for noncommunicable diseases1 risk groups1 risks2 road accidents1 road traffic accidents1 road traffic injuries1 robotic systems1 roentgenology1 rostov region1 round-the clock stay hospital (skp)1 routine medical inspections1 routing3 routing of patient calls1 routing of patients1 routing of pregnant women1 rural health1 rural health care2 rural medical ambulance station (ias)1 rural population5 rural residents2 rural territories1 russia8 russian federation3 russian medical science1 russian science citation index1 russian scientific fund1 russian regions2 s s pecialized dermatovenerologic care1 safety4 safety and quality of health care1 safety attitude1 safety monitoring2 safety monitoring of medical devices1 safety of medical activities2 safety of medical activity1 safety of medical care1 salaries4 salary2 salary pays for medical employees1 salary structure1 sanatorium1 sanatorium treatment1 sanctions3 sanitary aviation1 sanitary-epidemiological examination1 sars-cov‑2 (2019-ncov)3 satisfaction of patients1 satisfaction valuation of public by accessibility and quality of medical care1 satisfaction with ambulatory care1 satisfaction with medical care3 saving resources1 scales and tests in telerehabilitation1 scaling1 scenarios of restructuring1 scheduled inspections1 scheduling of health care1 scholarly journals1 school medical staff1 school risk factors1 schools of health1 schwartz questionnaire2 science1 scientific and educational medical cluster1 scientific and medical institution1 scientific organization of labor1 scientific organizations1 scientific research1 scientific-technological development1 scientometric indicators2 scopus1 score scale1 screening1 screening of socially maladjusted population1 screening programs2 security2 sedentary lifestyle1 seeking medical care1 selection1 selective laser trabeculoplasty1 self diagnostics1 self-assessment1 self-assessment by residents of the russian federation1 self-education1 self-regulation1 self-regulatory non-profit state organizations of doctors1 self-regulatory system1 self-sufficient reception1 semantic analysis1 seminars2 senile age1 sensitivity analysis1 sensor3 separate types of state control (surveillance)1 septic and iatrogenic complications1 service2 service department1 service norms1 servqual technique1 sexual dysfunctions1 sf‑36 questionnaire1 shared decision making1 simple contact dermatitis1 simple dermatitis contact1 simultaneous dental implantation1 single digital health circuit1 single payer.1 skin1 skin malignancies1 sklifosovsky1 smart1 smart contracts1 smart criterion1 smoking2 smoking bans1 social adaptation2 social and economic efficiency1 social and hygienic factors1 social danger1 social disease burden1 social factors2 social fund1 social importance of pharmacotherapy1 social inequality1 social security payment1 social services1 social support1 social support measures3 social welfare1 social-demographic loss1 socialization2 socially dangerous actions1 socially-oriented psychiatry1 social consequences1 social groups1 socio-economic aspects1 socio-economic development of regions1 sociological assessment1 sociological research3 sociological survey1 sociology of medicine1 soft-technologies1 software1 software module1 somatic and reproductive health of women1 sources of financing2 southern federal district1 spatial diagrams1 special assessment1 special interest groups1 special production1 special social benefits4 special social payments1 specialist accreditation1 specialist medical care to inpatient high-tech medical care beds1 specialists with higher non-medical education1 specialized medical aid1 specialized medical care2 specialized care1 special patient groups2 specific gravity1 specifications of the financial expenses1 sports1 sports facilities1 stability of functioning of health care1 staff deficit1 staff development2 staff imbalance1 staff involvement1 staff list1 staff management1 staff management structure1 staff planning1 staff productivity1 staff provision1 staff rating1 staff schedule2 staff shortage1 staff standards1 staffing11 staffing level1 staffing ratios1 stages of introduction of innovative system for treatment of medical wastes1 stages of stationary treatment1 stan- dardization1 standard norms1 standard of care1 standard operating procedures1 standard operating procedures (sop)1 standard program of mandatory medical insurance system1 standard work hours regulations1 standardization2 standardization of medical care1 standardized module1 standardized insurance stock.1 standards1 standards of care4 standards of care order medical care. clinical recommendations1 standards of financial costs1 standards of financial expenses1 standards of medical aid3 standards of medical care5 standards of staff number1 standard operating system1 start-ups1 state (municipal) assignment4 state (municipal) healthcare organisations1 state (municipal) institutions7 state (municipal) institutions of healthcare1 state (municipal) institutions plans1 state (municipal) medical institutions1 state (municipal) organizations1 state cancer registry1 state educational organizations1 state financing1 state guarantees4 state guarantees for free medical aid2 state guarantees in the field of healthcare1 state guarantees of free medical care1 state guarantees program1 state obligations in the sphere of health protection of citizens1 state of health1 state procurements1 state system of scientific certification1 state task1 state-private partnership1 statement of claim1 states1 state (municipal) health care institutions.1 state guarantee program4 state provider1 station1 station of disinfection of medical wastes1 statistical analysis1 statistical data1 statistical indicators analysis1 statistical reporting1 statistician1 statistics5 statistics of health care1 statutory normative in the healthcare1 stenting of carotid arteries1 sterility1 still birth1 stillbirth1 stimulation payouts1 stomach cancer1 stomatologic services in step-by-step availability1 straight cost1 strategic health management1 strategic indicators system1 strategic initiative1 strategic planning2 strategic planning and forecasting1 strategic management in medicine1 strengthening and maintaining the health of workers1 strengthening and preservation of health of workers1 strengthening and preservation of workers ' health1 stroke2 structural and functional business model1 structural features1 structural reforms1 structure2 structure and governance arrangements1 structure of morbidity1 structure of morbidity of adult population1 structure of salaries1 students6 study1 subject of legal regulation1 subject structure1 subject-practical1 subjects1 subjects of russian federation1 subsidies1 subsidy for compensation of normative inputs4 subventions2 suggestions1 supervisory authorities in the field of healthcare1 suppliers of medical services1 supplying with medical property1 support schemes1 support systems clinical decision1 surgery1 surgical bed1 surgical blood saving1 surgical.1 surplus2 sustainable development4 sustainable development of healthcare organization1 sverdlovsk regional oncology center1 svs1 swot-analysis3 syndemic1 syndrome of professional emotional burnout1 synthetic surgical gloves1 system analysis1 system approach3 system dynamics1 system improvement1 system methods1 system of compulsory medical insurance1 system of indicators1 system of maintenance and repair (smar)1 system of obligatory medical insurance1 system of protection of motherhood and childhood1 system solutions1 system «medstat»1 t target-oriented programmes1 targets1 targets (indicators)1 tariff setting1 tariffs1 tariffs in the public health insurance system1 tarrification commission1 tarrification of employees1 taxation1 tb care1 team work forms of labour management1 technical maintenance1 technical condition of buildings of medical departments1 technical-economic indexes1 technological effectiveness2 technological training1 technologies1 technologies for reprogramming cells1 technologies of active longevity1 technologies of genomewide sequencing1 technology for genome editing1 teenager population1 teenagers2 telecommunication technology1 telemedical consultations1 telemedicine12 telemedicine consultation1 telemedicine consultations1 telemedicine rehabilitation1 telemedicine services1 telemedicine technologies3 telemedicine technology1 telephony1 teleradiology2 telerehabilitation in the post-stroke period1 temporary detention facilities1 temporary disability1 temporary loss of patients1 termination of the contract1 terminology1 terms of treatment1 territorial accessibility of medical care1 territorial chi funds1 territorial cmi funds1 territorial convenience1 territorial departments of roszdravnadzor1 territorial compulsory medical insurance funds1 territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance1 territories1 test purchase1 testing2 the calendar of vaccinations for epidemic indications1 the accompanying sheet of emergency ambulance station1 the automated calculations1 the average bed occupancy in a year1 the average duration of treatment1 the basic foundations of healthcare organizations1 the case price of hospitalization1 the centers of health1 the centil table1 the central bank of the russian federation1 the commission on development of the territorial judicial practice1 the commission on the development of the territorial chi program1 the complex automated clinic information systems1 the complex automated hospital information systems2 the computer equipment1 the conclusion1 the consumer preferences1 the contract on rendering of paid medical services1 the cost of time1 the disadvantage of paid educational services1 the effectiveness of reorganization1 the effectiveness of treatment1 the eurasian economic union1 the experience of the organization1 the expert of quality of medical care1 the federal medical institutions1 the formation of a healthy lifestyle1 the goal of centralization1 the head of the medical organization1 the health of students1 the hematology service1 the implementation1 the incidence of children1 the incidence of girls1 the incidence of girls within classes of diseases1 the incidence of teenagers1 the information technology1 the insurance medical organization1 the integral evaluation of the level of informatization1 the internet1 the legislation in the field of healthcare1 the legislation in the sphere of health care1 the list of the higher attestation commission1 the medical organization2 the medical organizations giving help in out-patient conditions1 the ministry of health of the russian federation1 the model rules state (municipal) agencies1 the municipal health organization1 the national calendar of preventive vaccinations1 the national system for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific research and development1 the newborn1 the number of beds1 the object of examination1 the organization of cancer care system1 the organization of medical care for children1 the organization of specialized medical care1 the performance of the obligations1 the primary medical documentation1 the principle of process approach1 the production of blood products1 the program of state guarantees1 the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens of the russian federation1 the program of the state guarantees of free rendering medical care to citizens2 the program to combat the spread of hiv infection1 the projects 'full cycle'1 the purchase motivation1 the quality and safety of medical practice1 the quality and security of medical activities1 the rate of «problem»1 the ratings of medical institutions of cardiovascular surgery1 the recipient1 the regional differences1 the regions of the russia1 the regions of the russian federation1 the regulation of labor1 the relationship between doctor and patient1 the republic of azerbaijan1 the responsibility of medical organizations1 the role of behavior1 the russian federation (rf) federal district1 the safety of drug therapy1 the scope of health services1 the second stage of nursing1 the semantic analysis1 the sick child1 the social research1 the sphere of circulation of medical products2 the state stomatologic service1 the structure of minimal wage1 the substance of minimal wage1 the territorial fund of compulsory health insurance of saint-petersburg1 the volume of diagnostic tests1 the ways of payment for medical care1 the «healthy moscow» project1 the “white list” of journals1 the international object identifier tree1 their types and conditions for healthcare delivery1 therapeutic gymnastics complex1 therapy of chronic diseases of the mental group1 the kyrgyz republic1 the method of “oriented trees with estimates”1 the morbidity of young men within classes of diseases.1 the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens1 the rules of compulsory medical insurance1 the volume of medical care2 three-level system1 three-link system of maternity hospitals1 threshold of willingness to pay1 time management standards1 time norms2 time of admission1 time series1 timekeeping2 time management.1 timing of performance of labor function1 title1 toddlers1 tools and methods of lean manufacturing in healthcare1 trade union organizations2 traffic accident1 traffic accidents1 trained medical workers1 training4 training of health personnel1 training of medical personnel1 training programmes1 trans-regional cooperation1 transa rterial radioembolization1 transactions1 transfusinist1 transfusiological blood saving1 transfusiology1 transfusion3 transfusion blood saving1 transfusion reaction1 translation of scientific data1 transportation of tangible assets1 trauma center1 treatment4 treatment periods1 treatment costs1 treatment efficiency1 treatment stages1 treatment standards1 treatment strategy1 trends2 trichophytics1 tuberculosis4 tuberculosis in adults1 tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis.1 turnaround time (tat)1 turnover (function) bed1 types1 types and methods1 types of nurture1 types of regions1 u ultrashort case of treatment1 ultrasound diagnostic equipment1 ultrasound diagnostics2 unclaimed body1 underweight1 unemployed citizens1 unfavorable outcome1 unification1 unified health care system1 unified health information system1 unified legal framework of the health system1 unified scheme of collecting information on maternal deaths1 unified state information system in healthcare1 unified public health information system1 uniform payer of medical care1 unique device identifier1 unit4 unreasonable call1 unscheduled on-site inspections1 unscheduled inspections2 unstable angina1 urban environment2 urban health1 uris emias1 urogenital system1 urolithiasis2 urological care1 urology1 uronephrological diseases1 usa2 use1 usish1 usishc1 utilization2 v vaccination3 vaccination against human papillomavirus1 vaccination coverage1 vaccine1 vals1 value consistency indicator1 value opposition coefficient1 value orientations1 value profile2 value-based healthcare3 vascular surgery1 ven-analysis1 venereology hospital bed1 verbal-symbolic1 video recording1 viral hepatitis2 visiting doctor1 visits of villagers1 visualization of data processing1 vital values and requirements1 vitamins1 vmi1 vocational training1 volga federal district1 volume4 volume of financial means1 volume of the publication flow1 volumes of medical care2 volumetric norms of the programme of state guarantees1 voluntary health insurance1 voluntary medical insurance2 w wage system1 wages5 waiting for an appointment1 water for hemodialysis1 ways of financing of medical care1 web of science4 web-environment1 webinar1 website1 week1 werfau jsc1 wilcoxon’s t-test1 women2 women in labor1 work activities1 work functions1 work hours1 work of a children’s outpatient hospital1 work organization1 workflow technology1 working conditions1 working hours2 workload1 workload standards1 workplace1 works (services) that make up medical rehabilitation1 work with citizen’s appeals1 world science2 x x-ray diagnostics1 xyz-analysis1 y years of life lost1 years of life lost (yll)1 yld1 young doctors1 young mothers1 youth1 z zirconium dioxide1 zoom1 « «golden thousand» russian science citation index1 «lean clinic»1 «other» medical staff1 а аntiedge1 р рandemic of a koronavirusny infection1 с сlinical and economic efficiency1 сomprehensive geriatric assessment1 сompulsory medical insurance1 “ “healthy moscow”2 “incident 38”1 “lean manufacturing”3 “national medical chamber”1 “zemsky doctor” program1