Articles with tag: «efficient contract»
2014 № 10 Number of problems in enhancing the system of labor remuneration in health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. The Russian Ministry of Health Care conducts work on enhancing the systems of labor remuneration for employees of federal health care organizations, attracting regional authorities to this activity as well. The main focus is made on re-consideration of incentive pay outs list in the frame of introducing an efficient contract. Another important objective is to amend the relative share of wages in the total amount of labor remuneration — at current stage, the wages share is groundlessly low, what causes a number of problems. There are other reforms that need to be implemented in the system of labor remuneration.
2014 № 4 Legal and practical aspects of decreasing amount of labor compensation (including the amounts of incentive pay outs) in the frames of introducing an efficient contract (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Introduction of efficient contract suggests further close-bodied dependency of labor compensation from its outcome. It also considers not only raise of salaries as far as reaching best results, but a decrease of salaries in case of decline of corresponding indexes. However, there are legislative limitations directed on decrease of labor compensation amount. The study also considers problems of decreasing labor compensation amounts while not reaching foreseen indexes with meeting requirements of active legislation.
2014 № 9 The order for developing the regulation on labour system norms in a state (municipal) healthcare institution (FSHI «Health Organization and Informatics» Ministry of Health Care of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. Questions with regards to the labour norming standards are becoming gradually relevant due to the necessity of establishing indexes and criteria for evaluating employees activity efficiency in the frames of introducing an efficient contract. Logically speaking, norming of the labour should come first before introducing the efficient contract. However, norming the labour — is a complex and time-consuming process, which has to run consistently on an ongoing basis. Therefore, these processes, to a large extent, develop parallel one to another. The starting document for institutions (along with the recommendations of state (municipal) bodies has to become a local normative act — Resolution regarding the system of norming the labour in institution.
2014 № 3 Problems of combining requirements on concretization of labor conditions compensation while concluding a labor contract with the necessity to consider real outcome of the work (Federal Research Institute for HealthCare Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation. Introduction of efficient contract suggests concretization of the content of labor contracts with employees, including the point of labor compensation conditions. However, the compensation should depend from the work outcome, which is impossible to evaluate beforehand. How should the combination of these two requirements be guaranteed? Should there always be indicated an exact amount of compensation in the labor contract? This material is dedicated to possible ways of solving this problem.
2014 № 6 Way of including salaries and other payouts of compensational character in the labor contract, concluded in the frames of efficient contract introduction (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia)
The article is dedicated to analysis of labor legislation, related to compensation payouts for workers. The core aspects of studied problem are the order of their determination and paying out process, reflection in labor contracts, concluded in the frames of an efficient contract introduction.
2015 № 4 Administrative and legal principals for converting hospital nurses into cleaning personnel of manufacturing or office premises
Requirements of «May» Orders issued by the Russian President force institutions not only search for additional funds but also optimize the structure of institutions and cut expenses. One of the possible solutions — is to convert nurses into a cleaning personnel. The article represents an analysis of labour legislation and other normative acts, related to the issue of converting hospital nurses into a cleaning personnel.
2013 № 9 From the principle of pay for the result-oriented work to the effective contract with MONIKI (Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI), Moscow, Russia)
An unceasing work is being carried out in MONIKI on studying different principles of pay for work depending on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of working results which are reflected in the labor (effective) contract of the employee. The closest direct connection between the basic and stimulating salaries of the hospital physicians and sisters was established using index which characterizes satisfaction of patients with treatment process, introduction of contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic methods into medical practice, and operative activity of surgeons. The strongest feed-back was revealed between medical staff salaries and postoperative complications, patients' complaints, penalty sanctions, and the mean duration of hospital treatment.
2013 № 2 Transformation problems of existing labor payment system in aim of implementing efficient contract into the health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
The article is dedicated to problems of implementing efficient contract into the health care. Despite the presence of definite normative base, all necessary conditions for implementing efficient contract are not yet created. Moreover, approved and planned for approval normative acts do not consider a number of important issues, related to efficiency of material stimulation measures in such specific field as health care. Therefore, this article is dedicated to its analysis, as well as proposals for increase of productivity while implementing efficient contract in the field.
2013 № 3 Efficient contract in health care: opportunities and risks (Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatization, Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow, Russia)
Article is dedicated to problems of implementing efficient contract into health care. Currently, there are created descent conditions for implementing efficient contract into health care, what provides circumstances for its future successful realization. But, on the other hand, there is required a flexible policy not only towards terms, included in labor contracts with employees but towards the process of implementing efficient contract itself. Especially, when health care is characterized by great diversity: not everywhere the same approaches for stimulation are acceptable and reasonable. In the article there is given an analysis of opportunities and threats, related to implementing efficient contract, there are suggested measures countering these threats.