Articles with tag: «polyclinic»

    Sociology of healthcare
  • 2022 № 3 Assessment of time spent by patients when visiting a medical organization

    The satisfaction of the population with medical care is considered today as one of the most important indicators of the health care system. At the same time, more and more attention is being paid to the time spent by patients in a medical organization when receiving outpatient care, as a factor affecting satisfaction with medical care in general.
    P u r p o s e of the study is to determine the opinion of patients about their time costs when visiting a medical organization that provides outpatient care.
    M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s . The process of a patient’s referral to a polyclinic, a questionnaire for patients posted on the Internet on an open electronic resource Online Test Pad. The number of questionnaires is 509. Methods: analytical, sociological, descriptive statistics.
    R e s u l t s . During the surveys, respondents subjectively assess the time spent on various actions: communication at the reception desk, searching for an office, waiting for an appointment, etc., as well as the total time spent in a medical organization. In addition, the appearance at the polyclinic may be preceded by an appointment, which also takes time. Respondents were asked to estimate the total time spent in the polyclinic, as well as the time they are willing to devote to visiting it. The respondents’ assessment of the time spent shows significant time reserves: in the organization of an appointment and the work of the registry (clarifications, obtaining background information, obtaining coupons), navigation and, possibly, in the location of offices, in the organization of space in waiting areas.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . A tool for assessing the time spent by patients to receive care in a medical organization providing outpatient care has been developed and tested. There are significant differences in the length of time spent on making an appointment, including by phone and via the Internet. Significant reserves have been identified to reduce the total time required to visit the polyclinic. The developed tool is characterized by a short filling time, contains simple questions and allows you to quickly identify areas of necessary improvements.

    Authors: Senenko A. Sh. [7] Savchenko E. D. [5] Shelgunov V. A. [1]

    Tags: doctor’s appointment1 lean  technologies2 navigation in the polyclinic1 patient satisfaction7 patient survey3 patient time evaluation1 polyclinic5 primary health care23 registry1 waiting for an appointment1

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  • 2022 № 7 Data-based management in imaging: evaluation of the performance of a unified radiological information service model

    The development and availability of information technologies covers all spheres of society, providing ever newer and more advanced means of automating processes and structuring data, primarily in order to improve management efficiency.
    Radiation diagnostics, due to its clinical significance, is one of the key areas of modern healthcare. At the same time, it is distinguished by an extremely high degree of digitalization, which creates extensive opportunities for the development and improvement of organizational and managerial aspects. An analytical study was carried out on the principles of a systematic approach, consisting of three stages.
    First stage. The main phases and indicators of the development of a single digital circuit for radiodiagnosis in Moscow are characterized: the dynamics of the integration of diagnostic equipment, the structure of medical organizations, the rate of accumulation of the results of radiological examinations by modality.
    Second phase. The analysis of the influence of a single digital circuit of radiodiagnosis on the level of informatization of medical organizations and informatization of the health care system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation was carried out, its compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Russia was assessed.
    Third stage. The analysis of the influence of a single digital circuit of radiodiagnosis on the level of digital maturity of the health care system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation was carried out.
    The practical implementation of the model of a single digital circuit for radiation diagnostics of an administrative-territorial unit was carried out in the period 2015–2020 in Moscow.
    The Unified Radiological Information Service (UIS) of Moscow was created – an information system in the field of healthcare that combines the workplaces of radiologists, radiologists and diagnostic equipment, accumulates information about each study or a series of studies conducted on devices connected to it, is equipped with additional tools for solving analytical, managerial and organizational tasks.
    The analysis of the significance of ERIS EMIAS as an implemented single digital circuit for radiodiagnosis of a subject of the Russian Federation was carried out.
    The development of URIS EMIAS ensured a steady increase in the level of informatization coverage of medical organizations that have radiation diagnostics units in their composition.

    Authors: Shulkin I. M. [2] Vladzimirsky A. V. [2]

    Tags: polyclinic5 primary health care23 radiodiagnosis2 telemedicine12 teleradiology2 uris emias1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2018 № 2 Analysis of CT utilization for primary care clinics of the large city

    We studied the use of CT scans in forty-five polyclinics in a large city. The maximum load per unit was 657 exams per month. The average load was 220 exams per month (CI 95% 208–231). No direct correlation was found between the exam volume and the size of the population served by the polyclinic (r = 0.47). The average CT utiliza- tion was 14.4 exams per 1000 adults inhabitants (CI 95% 12.4–16.5). The age-specific patterns of CT usage were revealed. For population within the age group of 18 to 45 years the frequency of CT usage gradually increased from 4.24 to 5.94 per 1000 people. Most often CT was used within the age group of 70-year-olds. Within this group, the number of tests reached 30.6 per 1000 adults inhabitants. In the older age groups, the number of exams was lower. In polyclinics without an MRI scanner, the structure of CT exams differed. The share of brain exams among all CT exams was 18% (compared to 10.8% in MRI equiped polyclinics), the share of spine exams was 17.7% (compared to 9.5% in MRI equiped polyclinics). Evidence is obtained of a multiple increase in the frequency of use of contrast media for CT in response to a complex of educational, control and economic interventions

    Authors: Sveshсhinskiy M. L. [1]

    Tags: computed tomography3 ct scans1 polyclinic5 utilization2

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  • 2023 № 2 Actual problems of management of the radiology diagnostics service of the primary level of health care.

    The main problems of the organization of the work of the radiation diagnostics service and the possibilities for their solution provided by the tools of information systems are considered. The organizational tasks that need to be provided for in the digitalization of healthcare are formulated. The analysis of changes in the organizational and managerial approach to ensuring the work of the diagnostic department is carried out. A decisive role in the development of modern healthcare is played by a systematic approach to the digitalization of the industry and the creation of digital infrastructure in accordance with current requests for operational management.

    Authors: Shulkin I. M. [2] Vladzimirsky A. V. [2] MD [1] Shults E. I. [1] PhD [1] Akhmetov R. N. [1]

    Tags: polyclinic5 primary health care23 radiodiagnosis2 telemedicine12 teleradiology2

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  • 2018 № 9 Comparative analysis and assessment of polyclinic work at the second level of urological care to the population in the region within the framework of the developed three-level system

    The system of urological care in the region is an integral component of effective health care. The regional system of urological care, implemented in the form of the so-called “traditional approach” is not optimal. The article provides an analysis of the three-level system of restructuring of urological care in the Voronezh region in terms of the polyclinic activity of medical organizations of the second level of urological care on the example of urolithiasis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. The study included two time stages: the traditional system of urological care before the introduction of the restructuring system and after the introduction of a three-level system of care for patients with urological pathology. The results demonstrate a strong statistically significant objective increase in outpatient activity and the level of medical examination for the vast majority of patients in all three diseases considered in this study reflect the ultimate performance of the regional urological service (on the example of Voronezh region), in terms of its functioning in the format developed a three-tiered system of medical care in comparison with the traditional approach.

    Authors: Esaulenko I. E. [3] Zolotukhin O. V. [3] Kochetov M. V. [2] Avdeev A. I. [1] Madykin Yu. Yu. [1] Zolotukhin V. О. [1]

    Tags: benign prostatic hyperplasia3 polyclinic5 prostate cancer4 regional system1 restructuring2 urolithiasis2 urological care1

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