Articles with tag: «primary healthcare»

    Modeling and forecasting
  • 2023 № 11 Methodological principles of determining the directions of development of primary healthcare in the Russian Federation based on the cognitive matrix.

    The main approaches to assessing the level of development of primary health care (PHC) in the Russian Federation generally correspond to global trends, however, to a greater extent it is still concentrated on individual areas and not fully systematized. To solve this problem and create a common methodological basis for determining the most acceptable classification features for the Russian Federation, allowing to verify the current state of PHC, identify problem areas and gaps in its development, as well as to form priorities for scientific and practical research and public policy, it seems appropriate to develop a unified cognitive matrix of taxonomic features for the analysis and evaluation
    of PHC based on at the country level.
    O b j e c t i v e . To develop a cognitive matrix of taxonomic features for the analysis and evaluation of PHC in the Russian Federation based on international approaches to assessing the level of PHC development, the conceptual structural hierarchy and concrete steps to achieve the targets laid down in the strategic documents of the Russian Federation and elements of the healthcare system studied in scientific researches.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Based on the previously prepared analytical review of WHO strategic documents, scientific research and publications [1, 2] by correlating with them on the principles of semantic or logical identity attributes, indicators, criteria or measures that determine the directions for research and evaluation of the current level of PHC development and directions of its prospective development, a content analysis of domestic publications (n = 41,824) with subsequent terminological adaptation.
    R e s u l t s . A cognitive matrix of taxonomic features has been developed to analyze and assess the current level of PHC development in the Russian Federation, as well as to search for existing gaps for concentrating the efforts of health policy makers and the scientific community in solving the problems of its long-term development.
    C o n c l u s i o n . The cognitive matrix of taxonomic features for the analysis and evaluation of PHC in the Russian Federation is a working tool for researchers, specialists of executive and legislative authorities in the field of health protection, experts in the field of health care and public health, allowing to determine the degree of study of certain areas of PHC, to identify gaps and unresolved legal provisions that create obstacles to its effective functioning and long-term development, directions for new fundamental and applied research, to unify approaches to determining priorities in the implementation of public policy.

    Authors: Orlov S. A. [5] Shepel R. N. [1] Kontsevaya A. V. [1] Drapkina O. M. [1]

    Tags: directions of development1 healthcare resources1 methodological principles1 primary healthcare2

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  • Economics of health
  • 2017 № 9 Audit of the local programme of state guarantees implementation in the subject of the federation on the example of the Zabaykalsky krai

    In order to evaluate healthcare accessibility under the Local Programme of State Guarantees in Zabaykalsky Krai in 2016, the analysis of the scope of provided medical services, their types and conditions of delivery was carried out. The comparison of actual data on the types of health services provided by healthcare institutions according to the standard indicators, recommended by the Federal authorities, revealed the structural and organizational disparities in the local health care system

    Authors: Shilnikova N. F. [1] Senizhuk A. I. [1]

    Tags: access to healthcare accessibility of medical care1 morbidity rate1 primary healthcare2 the scope of health services1 their types and conditions for healthcare delivery1

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