Articles with tag: «preventive medical examinations»

    Public health

    The article discusses the medical and organizational aspects of conducting preventive examinations of minors as part of new state initiatives of a post-COVID‑19 orientation. The main positions of the Draft Order of the Ministry of Health of May 19, 2021, which will enter into force on September 1, 2021, have been studied, where a structural algorithm has been developed for conducting preventive examinations of minors in the context of an epidemic situation. The regulated positions presented in the document have been studied in the aspect of general medical tasks declared by the state during the modern period of development of the healthcare industry. Such directions, formed in the Project, as diagnostics of post-COVID‑19 complications from various systems of the body of minors, issues of monitoring of reproductive health and physical development are considered. The continuity is shown in the implementation of measures to level violations of the health status of minors within the framework of legislative, managerial
    and organizational initiatives.
    Purpose: analysis of modern legislative materials initiated by the State in the field of preventive examinations of minors, including during the period of the new coronavirus infection COVID‑19; characteristics of the concept of new directions of the program of preventive examinations of minors.
    Materials and methods. The analytical sources of the study were the legal framework, scientific literature data on the issues of preventive examinations of minors. Methods were used in the work: bibliographic, analytical, statistical, comparative analysis.
    Results. A comprehensive analysis showed that the algorithm for conducting preventive examinations of minors is determined by the legislative branch level and checked by the time factor, but is not a constant. Changing living conditions dictate new challenges, determine the inclusion of additional items in the survey of the contingent – laboratory and diagnostic directions, as well as change in time parameters in the examination and organizational support for preventive examinations of minors. The changes introduced undoubtedly require monitoring analysis of indicators on the problem, including comparative scientific analysis and prompt response to new tasks that are determined by time, issues of the medical and social environment.
    Findings. The main organizational directions in the structure of preventive examinations of minors are: diagnostics of post-COVID‑19 complications, monitoring of physical development and the formation of reproductive health, determination of scientifically grounded approaches to admitting the contingent to physical education, the formation of a “data bank” of the results of basic and additional research methods. A comparative analysis of the prevalence of the distribution of minors by health groups based on the results of preventive medical examinations showed the lack of dynamics of indicators in the time period 2014–2020. Undergoing preventive medical examinations, as well as targeted regional policy in this direction, purposefully forming a “healthy childhood environment”, taking into account the development of the local industrial infrastructure.

    Authors: Shchepin V. O. [5] Mingazova E. N. [27] Zagoruychenko A. A. [8] Mingazov R. N. [11] Gasajnieva M. M. [3]

    Tags: health groups2 legislative acts1 minors1 physical health1 post-covid‑19 measures1 preventive medical examinations1 reproductive health2

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