Articles with tag: «subventions»
2022 № 1 Financing of the compulsory health insurance system in 2022
The most important factor affecting the amount and methods of financial support of the compulsory medical insurance system, as in the last two years, continues to be the spread of coronavirus infection COVID‑19.
In the proposed paper discusses not only the indicators of the budget of the Federal compulsory medical insurance Fund, but the dynamics of indicators, including, in comparison with the rate of inflation, and other factors.
New directions of the use of compulsory medical insurance funds are identified, the reasons for their appearance are considered. -
2022 № 7 Topical issues of organization and financial support of high-tech medical care
The article provides a historical overview of changes in approaches to the financial provision of high-tech assistance, analyzes the causes of these changes, shows the system that has developed at the moment.
Comments are given on the most relevant changes concerning the financial provision of high-tech medical care.