Articles with tag: «hospital information system»
2022 № 11 A service management strategy in the Hospital information system
To determine the strategy of service management in medical institutions, the article discusses the basic concepts associated with services, gives goal-setting, defines the roles, properties and attributes of medical services, gives recommendations for managing services through the HIS.
Service management is considered on the example of HIS Interin PROMIS Alpha (Interin Technologies, Moscow).
P u r p o s e . Develop a strategy for managing medical services, define goals and objectives for managing services. Analyze the role of information technology in the implementation of medical services in the free market.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Models for maintaining a catalog of medical services are analyzed. The experience of service management in medical institutions based on the existing regulatory framework has been studied. The characteristics of medical services that determine the features of their economic accounting are analyzed. The role of MIS in providing analytical and control tools, as well as mechanisms for configuring business processes is determined.
R e s u l t s . The methodology and stages of transition to a centralized model of maintaining a catalog of medical services have been developed. The tools for managing the production of medical services are described.
F i n d i n g s . The most effective production management strategy in the MO is a centralized (organizational and methodological) model based on a single catalog of medical services, the ability to perform which is evidence of the maturity of the organization. -
2022 № 11 Hospital information system and quality control of treatment.
The article presents an approach to quality control of treatment at the present stage. A trend of today – the use of a medical information system for quality control of the medical and diagnostic process (with special attention paid not to reporting to higher authorities, but to the organization of internal control in a medical organization). Possible tools and benefits are considered.
P u r p o s e . Determining the capabilities of Hospital Information System for quality control of medical care.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . We analyzed the requirements of regulatory acts for the control of medical care, as well as the real needs of HIS users. An experiment on the formation of a set of tools for quality control of treatment was carried out using the example of Hospital Information System Interin PROMIS Alpha. We considered the prospects taking into account the results of the research of Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS in the field of working with clinical data banks.
R e s u l t s . General requirements for internal quality control include 5 levels of control. The use of HIS is most in demand in the following areas: compliance with medical care standards, internal control tools (analysis of compliance with clinical recommendations, expert assessment of the quality of treatment, quality and safety of medical activities, format and logic control, etc.) and ensuring patient safety.
The use cases of the HIS in these areas are illustrated by the example of the Hospital Information System Interin PROMIS Alpha. The prospects of the development of the direction consisting in transferring the main load from a person to an HIS and in attracting AI technologies and neural networks are considered.
F i n d i n g s . The main problems of quality control are the need for the participation of highly qualified specialists and the high complexity of the process. These problems can be solved by shifting the control regulations from «after the fact» to «proactive» and «in real time» by using HIS, as well as involving knowledge-intensive technologies in this process with the involvement of artificial intelligence and neural networks. -
2016 № 9 Automated business process management with the use of hospital information system
This review concerns automated business process management with the use of hospital information system (HIS) in the Pirogov’s national medical-surgical center (Moscow, Russia).