Articles with tag: «compulsory health insurance policy»

    Manager of healthcare consults
  • 2019 № 6 New rules of obligatory medical insurance: major changes

    The rules of obligatory health insurance regulate legal relations of subjects and participants of compulsory health insurance. New rules of obligatory health insurance developed by the Ministry of health of Russia in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of justice. The essence of these recommendations was not to make regular changes to the existing rules of obligatory health insurance, but to approve new rules of obligatory health insurance. To a large extent, these changes are associated with the Informatization of health care, with the advent of legislative regulation of the use of telemedicine technologies. Most of the changes affect the order of calculation of the value of sanctions applied to the medical organisations in the mandatory medical insurance system. In turn, these changes reflect the desire to reduce the financial burden on state (municipal) institutions and make it easier for them to achieve the level of wages provided for by the "may" presidential Decrees of 2012.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Kuftova Yu. V. [2]

    Tags: compulsory health insurance policy2 compulsory medical insurance18 healthcare  organizations1 health  insurance  organizations3 penalties1 sanctions3 telemedicine  technology1 the  rules  of  compulsory  medical  insurance1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2016 № 1 The paradoxes of health care funding in 2016: the system of mandatory health care insurance policies recorded extra funds, which will be withdrawn back into the federal budget

    With all complexity of current economic landscape in the country, health care remains to be one of the top priority spheres regarding financing. Despite the crisis, the volume of funds, allocated to the field is gradually increasing. However, the growth rates of spending on health care lag behind the rates of inflation. Furthermore, a significant part of the budget of Federal Fund of the mandatory medical insurance policy is not connected with the provision of medical aid in the medical mandatory insurance system. Expenditure of Mandatory Medical Insurance System is not oriented on President’s orders to increase the salaries. And despite the presence of crucial financial issues in the mandatory medical insurance system, substantial funds are withdrawn from the Federal budget of Mandatory Medical Insurance system into the federal budget.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Brutovа A. S. [5] Obuhova O. V. [5]

    Tags: budget7 compulsory health insurance policy2 deficit6 expenditure1 financing13 healthcare11 income6 inflation2 national fund of mandatory medical insurance1

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