Articles with tag: «financing of medical care»

    Focus of the problem
  • 2018 № 10 About the transparency of compulsory health insurance

    The problem of insufficient information openness in the system of compulsory medical insurance in Russia is considered. The non-transparency of the procedures of planning and execution of its budget of the Federal Fund of obligatory medical insurance. Distribution of subventions is carried out by mathematical formulas, the principles of calculations are not defined, and the coefficients used - closed. Financing the high-tech health sector is becoming unregulated. The list of new expensive medical services includes operations performed in the middle of the last century. In the system of obligatory medical insurance it is necessary to provide a clear and open mechanism for the development, adoption of and implement solutions related to common health problems

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20]

    Tags: financing of medical care1 high-tech medical care11 inter-budgetary transfers in health care1 standards of financial expenses1 system of obligatory medical insurance1

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