Articles with tag: «onlp»
2019 № 5 Current organization of drug maintenance for certain patient groups. Role of drug lists
Nowadays there is established legal basis for drug maintenance of certain patient groups. Based on it there are several individual categories, diseases and drug lists. Despite the division on federal and regional levels, some rules and regulations are duplicated that lead to organizational problems and also influence the negative budget issues. In order to determine directions for improvement, one should analyze current legal basis in Russian healthcare.
2020 № 6 Regulatory aspects of the organisation of medicine provision for welfare beneficiaries
A legal basis has been established to regulate the issue of pharmacological support of special patient groups. It consists of several individual categories, diseases and drug lists. Nowadays pharmacological support is divided into federal and regional levels. However, some rules and regulations are duplicated in both of them. This fact can lead to organizational problems and also influence the negative budget issues. The analysis of the current legal basis will allow to determine the directions for further improve- ment of pharmacological support legislation