Articles with tag: «electronic signature»
2021 № 9 Issues of registration of contractual relations in the provision of paid medical services.
The contract for the provision of paid medical services is the basis of legal and economic relations with the patient (consumer, customer). Against the background of the rapid pace of digitalization of all spheres of society, questions naturally arise about the permissible forms of contracts concluded, about their content, etc. The proposed material provides answers to some of the questions that arise in this regard.
2022 № 5 Issues of introduction of electronic personnel document management in medical organizations
Informatization is gradually spreading to all new areas of labor relations. Therefore, it is logical to switch from the transfer to electronic form of individual documents (electronic sick leave, electronic workbooks, etc.) to the comprehensive automation of the entire personnel document flow.
The proposed material presents an analysis of changes in labor legislation devoted to this area. -
2014 № 11 Personalized record-keeping of persons involved in the health care (Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia).
It was carried out an analysis of the current state of the procedure of personal record-keeping in the process of medical care conduction of persons involved in the health care and its impact on the public health system. There were substantiated and formulated some proposals to improve it as well as prospects of application in medical information systems.