Articles with tag: «employment contract»

    Manager of healthcare consults
  • 2018 № 7 Material stimulation of employees of the economic services of the state (municipal) establishments of public health

    The deadline for the introduction of an effective contract in state (municipal) institutions is approaching. In health care facilities, an effective contract is introduced not only for medical but also for other workers, in particular, for economists. In order to correctly establish incentive payments to economic service employees, it is necessary to identify the key functions performed by them. This would be greatly facilitated by professional standards. But, unfortunately, they have not yet been approved for economic positions. On the other hand, the main types of work carried out by economists in state (municipal) health care institutions are well known. Taking into account the experience gained in the development of indicators and criteria for assessing the performance of medical and other positions, this allows you to choose the best options for assessing the activities and employees of the economic service. The article contains an analysis of possible approaches to the methods of material incentives for employees of the economic service, to the establishment of incentive payments within the framework of the introduction of an effective contract

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: bonuses1 effective contract13 employment contract5 incentive payments8 incentives3 wages5

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2016 № 5 Job Description in terms of the latest novelty in the field of health workers labor competencies

    Job descriptions, being a common document, however, does not have a clear legal regulation. A lot of questions are raised when the need arises to change them. Nowadays, there are rather a lot of reasons to job description changes. First of all, there are serious innovation in the field of professional competence of employees related to the development of professional standards, accreditation of health care workers, certification, effective contract administration, etc. The article considers the legal and organizational aspects of job descriptions development, approval and change in the light of the latest novelties in the regulatory framework and the field of professional competence.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] L. Yu. Kulbuzheva [1]

    Tags: accreditation4 certification1 effective contract13 employment contract5 job description1 labor/ job functions1 professional competence1 professional standards7 qualifications2

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  • 2021 № 9 Labor rationing as one of the effective management tools of a medical organization.

    Labor rationing is an important tool for managing the workforce of a medical organization, which is not limited to setting labor standards. Rationing has a number of potential opportunities, the competent implementation of which makes it possible to solve a number of urgent management tasks, including stimulating of employees.
    The article discusses various aspects of the use of rationing in order to improve the efficiency of the medical organization.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Ivanova M. A. [12] Chililov A. M. [24]

    Tags: effective contract13 employment contract5 incentive1 labor standards5 rationing2 remuneration3

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  • Focus of the problem
  • 2023 № 4 Problematic issues of contractual relations between a medical worker and a medical organization: what needs to be paid attention to the head of a medical organization and a medical worker

    The “Guidelines for Compliance with Mandatory Requirements in Carrying Out Medical Activities” approved by Roszdravnadzor on November 11, 2022, noted that the most common violations include the licensee’s lack of employment contracts with employees performing work (services) permitted by the license. In this regard, the article substantiates in detail the need to conclude an employment contract with every medical worker working in a medical organization, regardless of whether this organization is his main place of work or not.
    The authors show that when a medical organization engages a medical worker from another medical organization to consult patients on a regular basis, it is also necessary to conclude an employment contract with him. At the same time, when a medical organization engages a medical worker of another medical organization on a paid basis for one-time/separate consultations, a civil law contract can be concluded with him. The article emphasizes that the concepts of “consultant” and “medical consultation” require their disclosure in the legislation, which determine the legal status of specialists involved in consultations and give a detailed description of medical consultations.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: civil law contract1 consultant2 consultation2 employment contract5 job duties2 labor function1 labor relations3 medical organization53 medical worker3

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  • Focus of problem
  • 2018 № 8 Duties of the doctors and the quality control and safety of medical activity: what to consider in a medical organization

    The article deals with the issues of registration and content of duties of a doctor in connection with the implementation of the state control of quality and safety of medical activities on checklists (lists of control issues). The authors pay attention to the direct requirement of the legislation in the field of health care, concerning the obligatory presence of job descriptions of doctors, as well as justify in detail where and how the medical organization should be prescribed job duties and duties of a doctor. The article shows that in the duties of a doctor it is necessary to document the provisions on compliance with the requirements for ensuring the quality and safety of medical activity.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: doctor’s duties1 doctor’s job duties1 employment contract5 job descriptions3 quality and safety of medical activity12

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