Articles with tag: «technologies of genomewide sequencing»
2015 № 10 Biomedicine priorities in the focus of the practical assessment of the prospects applications (Federal Research)
Using genome-sequencing as an example there are analysed risks when choosing priorities for science and technologies development in Russia, based only on the analysis of trends in development of global biomedicine, but not factoring resource provision of the direction. It is demonstrated that in today’s Russia there is a lack of sufficient numbers of competent doctors-genetics. The volume of core courses in medical universities (36 hours) in Russian Federation is inadequate to the intensity of the development of this direction and growth in numbers of genetic diseases. Modern domestic park of sequenators is represented by the equipment of early generation, using which prevents it to meet the world standards of research in the area of genome medicine. In practice the technology of genome sequencing is not widely used in the health care due to high costs of the diagnostics procedures. There is a conclusion drawn about unviability of choice as a priority direction of development, which doesn’t have the personnel and instrumental provision as well as demand in the real sector of economy.