Articles with tag: «paid medical services»

    Statement of the problem
  • 2014 № 9 Problems associated with provision of paid medical services while using equipment purchased at the expense of state funds or funds from mandatory medical insurance system (FSHI «Health Organization and Informatics» Ministry of Health Care of Russia, Moscow, Russia)

    One of the issues, that doesn't have a precise normative regulation, is usage of equipment, purchased at the expense of state budgets of different levels and funds from mandatory medical insurance system when delivering paid medical services. The policy of state and municipal institutions with regard to possibility and regulation on using equipment, purchased at the expense of state budget and funds of MMI (Mandatory Medical Insurance) in the course of a running a profitable activity, is quite controversial. It is not decided, where amortization of the equipment should be directed in such cases. The article is dedicated to possible solutions to this problem.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: amortization1 budget7 equipment3 mandatory medical insurance system3 paid medical services22 resources of financing1

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  • Social aspects of health
  • 2019 № 2 Influence of socio-economic living standards of the population of the region on the market of paid medical services

    The purpose of the study was a comprehensive analysis of the market of paid medical services in the Trans-Baikal Territory, taking into account the influence of regional factors. Using the correlation analysis, the influence of regional socio-economic factors on the change in the volume of paid medical services has been studied. To assess the market of paid medical services, a comprehensive analysis of indicators characterizing consumers and service providers on a reimbursable basis was carried out. Analysis of the activities of medical organizations that provide paid services in the framework of primary health care reflects an increase in the number of visits per shift, specialized medical care – an increase in the number of beds. These data indicate an increase in demand for paid medical services among the population of the region and an increase in their volumes. A demographic estimate of the population of the Trans-Baikal Territory as consumers of paid medical services has revealed a decline in the economically active population, the over-mortality of able-bodied citizens, and the depopulation of the entire population in the region. Socio-economic analysis identified a slight increase in gross regional product, an increase in average per capita incomes, as well as an increase in unemployment, a decrease in the number of employees, etc. Among the factors affecting changes in the volume of paid medical services, indicators characterizing the socioeconomic standard of living of the population were identified. The study made it possible to characterize the market for paid medical services from the perspective of producers and consumers of services, as well as to identify the influence of regional socio-economic factors on the volume of paid medical services.

    Authors: Khodakova O. V. [5] Evstafieva J. V. [2]

    Tags: consumers of paid medical services1 paid medical services22 private healthcare system.2

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  • Questions and answers
  • 2021 № 9 Issues of registration of contractual relations in the provision of paid medical services.

    The contract for the provision of paid medical services is the basis of legal and economic relations with the patient (consumer, customer). Against the background of the rapid pace of digitalization of all spheres of society, questions naturally arise about the permissible forms of contracts concluded, about their content, etc. The proposed material provides answers to some of the questions that arise in this regard.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: co-executor under the contract1 contract3 electronic signature3 paid medical services22 price1 price list1

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  • 2022 № 6 Issues of distribution of the cost of medicines and other consumables by sources of financing in the provision of paid medical services

    In the article, on the basis of regulatory legal acts and explanations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, possible ways of distributing medicines by sources of financing are substantiated.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Chililov A. M. [24]

    Tags: accounting of medicines1 cost allocation1 indirect costs1 paid medical services22 sources of financing2

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  • Manager of heath care consults
  • 2017 № 5 Possible options of citizens' participation in the financial provision of rendering medical assistance using resources not provided by the program of state guarantees

    Active search of new forms of co-financing of medical care is the answer to financial difficulties in the health sector. However, equally important is the streamlining of those forms of relations between medical organizations and patients about co-payments in the provision of medical care within program of state guarantees that exist. The analysis shows that the legalization of shadow payments, proper design of the acquisition at the expense of and at the request of the patient more quality of medicines, health care products, as expressly provided under the program of state guarantees, etc., can serve the interests of both patients and society as a whole. The article discusses specific payment options at the expense of patients, resources that are not provided under the program of state guarantees allowed under the current legislation

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: co-payments3 contracts1 free medical care2 guarantees in the health sector2 medical products2 medications3 paid medical services22 quality of care4 standards of care4 the legislation in the field of healthcare1

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  • Manager of healthcare consults
  • 2018 № 2 «Other conditions» as a basis for payment of medical care. Part 1

    The legislation determined that one of the grounds for the provision of medical care for a fee is its provi- sion on other conditions than provided by the state guarantees program. However, the interpretation of «other con- ditions» is rather ambiguous and requires detailed consideration. For this purpose it is necessary to study not only the state guarantees program itself, but also a number of other regulatory legal acts. Thus it is necessary to distinguish accurately other conditions of rendering medical care from household and service. The article deals with various aspects of medical care for a fee on the basis of its provision on terms different from the state guarantees program

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: grounds for rendering paid services2 household services2 paid medical services22 service2 the program of the state guarantees of free rendering medical care to citizens2

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  • 2018 № 4 The sources of financial provision of rendering emergency medical care

    Free provision of emergency medical care is provided by the legislation. This requires a clear definition of the source of cost recovery for medical organizations that provide this assistance, In a particular situation, how¬ever, there are often situations where law enforcement officials refuse to pay for emergency assistance provided to their employees, referring to the above-mentioned legislative requirement. Many problems in the provision of emergency arises in the system of compulsory health insurance. Payment for emergency medical care rendered in excess of the approved amounts remains an unresolved problem. The problem of compensation for emergency assistance to uninsured citizens is not settled either. These problems are especially urgent for private medical organizations

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Sorokinа Yu. А. [1]

    Tags: compulsory health insurance17 contracts for the provision of medical care1 financial support of medical care1 health care24 medical care in emergency form1 paid medical services22

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2019 № 2 How to arrange the provision of paid medical services anonymously

    he article proposes specific mechanisms for the implementation of the right of patients to receive paid medical services anonymously. The authors propose and justify the use in the provision of paid medical services anonymously as the patient’s name alias (fictitious name), which should be reflected in the documentation – in the contract, the patient’s medical record, informed voluntary consent to medical intervention, etc. The Implementation of the proposals expressed by the authors of the article will allow to provide medical care anonymously in compliance with all the requirements of the law.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: citizen’s name1 medical organization53 paid medical services22 patient13 patient’s rights1 provision of paid medical services anonymously1 pseudonym (fictitious name)1

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  • 2018 № 3 «Other conditions» as the basis for payment of the rendered medical care. Part 2

    The legislation determined that one of the grounds for the provision of medical care for a fee is its provision on other conditions than provided by the state guarantees program. However, the interpretation of «other conditions» is rather ambiguous and requires detailed consideration. For this purpose it is necessary to study not only the state guarantees program itself, but also a number of other regulatory legal acts. Thus it is necessary to distinguish accurately other conditions of rendering medical care from household and service. The article deals with various aspects of medical care for a fee on the basis of its provision on terms different from the state guarantees program

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: grounds for rendering paid services2 household services2 paid medical services22 service2 the program of the state guarantees of free rendering medical care to citizens2

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  • 2017 № 3 The paid services in the field of family planning

    The paid services in the field of family planning (including in the form of a voluntary medical insurance) are perceived as a violation, although legally they are not prohibited. But the legislation provides specific protection in this area, which is quite legitimate. Sometimes the guarantee is worded in such a way that in practice, healthcare organizations can easily get around them. The analysis of these problems addressed in this article.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: birth certificates1 childbirth1 paid medical services22 protection of the family1 voluntary medical insurance2

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  • 2017 № 4 Paradoxes of law: the guarantee of free medical aid often limit the rights of patients to improve quality

    The legislation of the Russian Federation, recognizing the rights of citizens on free medical aid and paid medical services, however, makes clear the roll the side free of charge. At the same time guarantee free of charge formulated in such a way that often limit the rights of citizens to receive medical care with the use of drugs, medical devices, etc., not provided for in the programme of state guarantees of free rendering to citizens of medical aid. Moreover, if the rights of citizens to receive paid medical services directly spelled out in the law, the right of citizens to self-purchase of medicines, medical devices, etc. did not say anything. There is no outright bans, which in practice leads to numerous conflict situations. The article provides specific suggestions for improving the legislation in this field.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Starodubov V. I. [40]

    Tags: accessibility of care1 free medical care2 guarantees in the health sector2 medical products2 medications3 paid medical services22 quality of care4 standards of care4 the legislation in the sphere of health care1

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  • 2016 № 2 The challenges, related to provision of paid medical services on anonymous basis

    Current legislation has quite clearly settled the questions regarding the provision of the medical aid on a paid basis. Medical organisations, participating in the realization of the programmes of state guarantees for delivering free medical aid and territorial programmes of state guarantees for providing free medical aid to the population have a right to provide patients with paid medical services anonymously exempt for the cases set forth by Russian legislation. However, the provision of medical aid on a paid basis requires conclusion of contracts. There is no special legislation or other normative regulation for contract conclusion on anonymous basis. Nevertheless, an analysis of the normative basis, related to the anonymous provision of medical aid allows finding solutions to the most frequently occurred problems.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: anonymity1 health care state (municipal) institutions1 legal framework for medical aid provision1 paid medical services22 patient’s personal data1

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  • Management in health care
  • 2022 № 6 The impact of patient loyalty on the economic indicators of the activities of a medical organization providing paid medical services

    I n t r o d u c t i o n . In modern conditions of the paid medical services market, the vector of competition development is shifting from the concept of classical marketing to relationship marketing, and in these circumstances the issues of forming, retaining and managing patient loyalty come to the fore. The authors propose to consider a fundamentally different approach to measuring patient loyalty by a medical organization. In their opinion, the most effective method for studying the level of loyalty in combination with economic indicators is the consumer loyalty index (English Net Promoter Score, NPS), developed and first introduced in 2003 by Fred Reichheld.
    T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e r e s e a r c h is to study the impact of patient loyalty on improving the economic efficiency of a medical organization providing paid medical services.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . A study was planned and conducted using the NPS methodology to study patient loyalty. The survey of patients was carried out through SMS messages in automatic mode using a service integrated into the medical information system (MIS) of a medical organization. Previously, patients provided consent to the processing and transfer of their personal data.
    The results of the survey and data on the actual payment for paid medical services for each respondent were integrated into a consolidated database for further statistical processing.
    R e s u l t s . The study involved 39320 patients of the dental clinic. The results obtained during the study period coincided with the calculations of Fred Reichheld and confirmed the relevance of the application of this methodology in the current conditions of the paid medical services market. It has been established that the loyalty of patients to a medical organization affects the increase in economic indicators, and achieving a sustainable growth rate of a medical organization and predictable positive financial indicators is impossible without creating a base of loyal repeat patients. In addition, increasing the level of loyalty of repeat patients has a positive effect on NPS, which is directly related to an increase in the average cost of medical appointment and net sales.
    C o n c l u s i o n . Thus, the level of patient loyalty has a direct impact on the main economic indicators of the medical organization activity.

    Authors: Novikov M. S. [2] Solovieva Yu. A. [1]

    Tags: consumer loyalty index1 economic indicators1 paid medical services22 patient loyalty3 patient-in-focus approach1

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  • Law
  • 2019 № 6 Legal issues of non-conformity of payment medical services to expectations of the patient

    The article is devoted to the problems arising in the course of inconsistency with the patient’s expectations in the context of providing paid medical services. The legal regulation of this service sector needs to be improved, so the paper analyzes the documentation of the legal relationship between the medical organization and the patient, considers the basic conditions that are mandatory for implementation and determines the specific nature of the medical service within the framework of delineating patient information when provided for payment and free medical care.

    Authors: Perepelova O. V. [3] Grishina N. K. [6] Gridnev O. V. [2] Pesennikova E. V. [2]

    Tags: informed  voluntary  consent  to  medical  intervention1 paid medical services22 paid  medical  services  contract1

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  • Focus of the problem
  • 2023 № 7 New rules of paid medical services: is a medical organization required to have an official website.

    The Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations, approved by Government Decree No. 736 dated May 11, 2023, significantly expand the requirements that provide for an increase in the amount of information about the contractor and the paid medical services provided by him, which the medical provider must provide to the consumer. organization. Taking into account these requirements, the article considers in detail the question of whether medical organizations providing paid medical services are required to have their own official website. The authors substantiate that all medical organizations providing paid medical services, but not participating in the implementation of the State Guarantees Program, are required to post the information provided by law about themselves and about
    the paid medical services they provide on the Internet. At the same time, the specified information may be posted on the official website on the Internet and (or) in other information systems on the Internet. At the same time, all medical organizations providing paid medical services must take into account the risks associated with the use of information systems owned by foreign legal entities and citizens, the use of which is subject to the prohibitions established by Part 8 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”. One way to account for these risks is to create or develop your own official sites on the Internet.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: information systems on the internet1 informing the consumer1 medical organization53 official website1 paid medical services22 personal data3

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  • Focus of problem
  • 2023 № 10 Legal regulation of test purchases in the provision of paid medical services: relevance of the issue for medical organizations.

    The article presents a detailed analysis of the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 № 248-FZ “On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation” in the context of such a control (supervisory) event as a test purchase in the provision of paid medical services. Heads of medical organizations need to know and take into account in their activities that grounds for conducting a control purchase of paid medical services may arise, including when supervisory authorities carry out control measures without interaction with controlled persons, and as a result of a preventive visit. Legislative consolidation of test purchases as a method of control (supervision) over the provision of paid medical services requires medical organizations to ensure their constant readiness in terms of knowledge
    by employees of the medical organization of the established procedure and mechanisms for its implementation. The implementation by Roszdravnadzor bodies of a test purchase within the framework of federal state control (supervision) of the quality and safety of medical activities once again confirms that the issues of providing paid medical services should be constantly in the spotlight when medical organizations conduct internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities. The authors substantiate that organizing and conducting control purchases of paid medical services is a very promising control (supervisory) measure for its active use by supervisory authorities.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control measures without interaction with controlled persons1 medical organization53 paid medical services22 preventive visit1 quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities4 test purchase1

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  • 2019 № 6 Control purchase when providing paid medical services: what medical organizations must know

    The article deals with changes in legislation relating to the test purchase in order to verify compliance with the medical organization of the order and conditions of paid medical services. It is emphasized that control purchases in the provision of paid medical services is now one of the areas of state control of quality and safety of medical activity. The authors present the characteristics of the control purchase in conjunction with other forms and methods of control, including unscheduled inspections and control without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. It is noted that the control purchase in the provision of paid medical services can be used by the relevant Supervisory authorities not only in the implementation of state quality control and safety of medical activities, but also in the implementation of supervision in the field of consumer protection, as well as in the implementation of the Federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.
    Keywords: control purchase,  paid  medical  services,  medical  organization,  control  without  interaction  with  legal  entities,  unscheduled  on-site  inspections,  quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities,  separate  types  of  state  control  (surveillance)
    … Р. 6-10
    Abstract. The article deals with changes in legislation relating to the test purchase in order to verify compliance with the medical organization of the order and conditions of paid medical services. It is emphasized that control purchases in the provision of paid medical services is now one of the areas of state control of quality and safety of medical activity. The authors present the characteristics of the control purchase in conjunction with other forms and methods of control, including unscheduled inspections and control without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. It is noted that the control purchase in the provision of paid medical services can be used by the relevant Supervisory authorities not only in the implementation of state quality control and safety of medical activities, but also in the implementation of supervision in the field of consumer protection, as well as in the implementation of the Federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control  without  interaction  with  legal  entities1 control purchase2 medical organization53 paid medical services22 quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities4 separate  types  of  state  control  (surveillance)1 unscheduled  on-site  inspections1

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  • 2020 № 1 Is the medical organization obliged to ask the patient for an identity document when applying for paid medical services?

    The article shows and proves that when a patient applies for paid medical services, a medical organization is obliged to ask him for an identity document. First of all, this is enshrined in the requirements for the maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the authors emphasize that even if the patient does not have an identity document, the refusal to conclude a contract for the provision of paid medical services is unacceptable. The issue of presentation of an identity document by a patient when applying for the provision of paid medical services became particularly relevant after the introduction of such a control tool as the control purchase of paid medical services.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control purchase2 identity document1 medical documentation2 medical organization53 paid medical services22 patient13 quality control and safety of medical activity3

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  • 2018 № 5 The program of state guarantees as a tool for ensuring social obligations of the state in the field of health protection of citizens

    The program of state guarantees of free medical care is a tactical tool to ensure the social obligations of the state in the field of public health. It is shown that the current system of state guarantees at the macrolevel provides funding for all types, forms and conditions of medical care in the full range of diseases, but free medical care is not fully provided. In the overall structure of health care spending in Russia, the share of personal funds of citizens is almost half, which is more than three times higher than in the European Union. The data presented in the article suggest that the population pays not for the possibility of obtaining medical care, but for its quality. The authors believe that it is necessary to change the relationship between the doctor and the patient, to create conditions for the traditional spiritual and intellectual development of the Russian professional medical community

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20]

    Tags: paid medical services22 program of state guarantees of free medical care2 public health and health care2 state obligations in the sphere of health protection of citizens1

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  • 2022 № 3 Control (Supervision) without interaction with a controlled person, as a new form of control over the provision of paid medical services: what the heads of medical organizations need to know

    Currently, Roszdravnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor in the established areas of state control (supervision) over the provision of paid medical services are entitled to exercise control (supervision) without interaction with a controlled person, in which the following are carried out: monitoring compliance with mandatory requirements and on-site follow-up. Due to the fact that control (supervisory) measures without interaction with the controlled person are implemented without prior notification of the controlled persons, the conduct of these measures by the supervisory authorities is likely to entail an increase in the number of unscheduled inspections of medical organizations, including
    control procurement. The emergence of a new type of control (supervisory) measures without interaction with a controlled person is one of the significant factors that increase the responsibility of medical organizations in terms of compliance with the requirements established by law for the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid medical services.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control (supervision) without interaction2 controlled person2 mandatory requirements3 on-site examination2 paid medical services22 quality and safety of medical activities9 safety monitoring2

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  • 2023 № 5 New rules for the provision of paid medical services: review and evaluation of the main innovations

    The article discusses the change in the regulatory framework for the provision of paid medical services in connection with the adoption of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which approved new rules for the provision of paid medical services. The reason for the adoption of the new rules is analyzed, as well as the content of its individual provisions. An assessment is given of how the new legal framework for the provision of paid medical services will affect the activities of medical organizations and how they will affect the interests of patients.
    Special attention is paid to the emergence of a new – remote form of contract conclusion.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Starodubov V. I. [40] Kobyakova O. S. [16] Chililov A. M. [24]

    Tags: acceptance1 consumer1 contract for the provision of paid medical services1 offer1 paid medical services22 patient13 remote method of concluding a contract1

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  • Financial management
  • 2019 № 5 Providing income activities as a conscious necessary for functioning of the state (municipal) medical providers

    Realization of the rights of citizens to health care and medical care free of charge, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, carried out by state and municipal health care institutions «… at the expense of the relevant budget, insurance premiums and other income». Analysis of the dynamics of the volume of financial sources for 2014–2017 showed a significant increase in revenues of medical organizations, which are state budgetary institutions, funds from income-gener- ating activities.
    The article describes the main financial sources that a medical organization – a state (municipal) institution may have for providing medical care, as well as for implementing the Program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. The rationale for the insufficiency of public funds to ensure the necessary level of wages for medical workers is given on the example of comparing tariffs of the compulsory health insurance system and prices (tariffs) of private medical organizations in the city of Moscow.
    The regulatory and legislative conditions for obtaining funds from various financial sources by a public institution are con- sidered, the relevance of developing measures to attract additional financial sources, which include revenues from providing paid medical services to the population, including through voluntary medical insurance, is justified.

    Authors: A. Sh. Senenko [5] O.  V.  Obukhova [3] D.  I.  Nitsenko [1] V. Ch.  Tsydypov [1] A.  M.  Chililov [2]

    Tags: compulsory medical insurance18 financial  sources1 incomegenerating  activities1 paid medical services22 state  provider1 the  program  of  state  guarantees  of  free  medical  care  to  citizens1 voluntary medical insurance2

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