Articles with tag: «red blood cells»
2022 № 9 Features of national account of donor platelets collection
Based on the analysis of the practice of collection and the volume of units of donor red blood cells, plasma and cryoprecipitate in 13 Russian blood service organizations, it was established:
- volumes of units of 9 received types of erythrocytes differ significantly: H-test of Kruskal-Wallis – 32,071 with a critical value of 15,507 (p < 0,001);
- the volume of red blood cells suspension exceeds the volume of red blood cells suspension mass by 28,8% (p = 0,004);
- removal of the buffy-coat reduces the volume of red blood cells suspension suspension – by 14,8% (p = 0,002);
- leukodepletion does not reduce the volume of red blood cells suspension and mass;
- the volume of washed red blood cells is the most variable (median absolute deviation = 33), since it is determined by an arbitrary amount of saline added to the final product;
- pathogen inactivation does not affect the plasma volume, which allows us to recommend the production of pathogen-reduced cryoprecipitate;
- there is no unequivocal qualification of cryosupernatant plasma as a therapeutic product or a vastage in cryoprecipitate production (out of 12 organizations collected cryoprecipitate, 5 indicated the preparation of cryosupernatant plasma);
- 3 out of 13 participants in the study have already implemented the production of pooled cryoprecipitate – a technology that significantly reduces labor costs and 92% – unproductive consumption of the medical product (p < 0,001);
- the current system for accounting for the volume of red blood cells and plasma collection does not allow estimating the number of prepared therapeutic units;
- it is proposed to account donor red blood cells, plasma for transfusion and cryoprecipitate in units, and plasma for the production of medicines – in liters. -
2014 № 10 National blood transfusion reporting features (National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia)
Existing indicators of statistical reporting on blood transfusions in the Russian hospital are invalid and suggest keeping mixed blood and blood components and are not subject to unequivocal interpretation. Scholastic use of the existing statistical indicators makes them practically unusable, and the impossibility of any analysis of transfusion therapy in Russian clinics.
2022 № 1 Irregular antibodies to red blood cells in patients of a multidisciplinary clinic
We studied the practice of transfusion therapy for patients at the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, who
were diagnosed with irregular antibodies to red blood cells (RBC) in 2020. Among hospital patients, the part of such
immunized persons was 1,62% (200 people). Of these, the selection of donor RBC was performed in 29 (14,5%) patients.
45 cross-matching procedures were performed, which involved 177 units of RBC. 121 units were found compatible and
56 – incompatible. Of 29 patients with matched blood, transfusion of matched RBC was received by 14 (48,3%) people.
They received 54 units of RBC compatible in the indirect antiglobulin test. In 2 patients, antibodies were detected during
transfusion therapy. It is advisable to: a) create a centralized laboratory for federal medical organizations with the possibility of identifying irregular anti-RBC antibodies and individual selection of compatible donors; b) include identification of antibodies in the range of medical services; c) standardize the number of segments of the donor container tube from which RBC can be taken for cross-matching; d) establish the frequency of screening for irregular antibodies while continuing transfusion therapy; e) in a clinic of comparable scale, it is sufficient to maintain a daily supply of RBC in the amount of 2,1% – 2,8% of the annual consumption in order to provide an individual selection of blood for patients with irregular anti-RBC antibodies.