Articles with tag: «quality management»
2020 № 5 Basis of a programmatic approach to ensuringthe quality and safety of antitumor treatment
The article presents the rationale for the introduction of a single territorial approach to improving the oncological service of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on the basis of the “Program for the management of quality and safety of anti-tumor treatment” (Program). The program is based on the principles of quality management, on the industrial model of managing a medical organization and should help increase the efficiency of the entire oncology service of the region
2014 № 6 Process approach - innovative technology of organization of medical examinations (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia; Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Medical-sanitary health clinic, Astrakhan, Russia)
The article describes algorithms and results of integration of process approach for medical examinations.