Articles with tag: «activities»
2022 № 8 Multifactorial assessment of the capacity of the laboratory service of the region in the diagnosis of COVID‑19
The ubiquity of the new coronavirus infection contributed to the mobilization of all authorities, and a colossal burden fell on the health care system. An important stage in patient management is timely laboratory diagnostics, which allows you to adequately carry out medical and diagnostic, anti-epidemic and preventive measures. The integral indicator characterizing the readiness of the laboratory service to diagnose a new coronavirus infection is the capacity of the laboratory service. The material and technical base, personnel resources, labor organization, informatization exert their influence on the maximum design capacity of the laboratory, the current real productivity of the laboratory, the operational productivity of the laboratory. It was revealed that significant factors affecting the laboratory activity are the number of personnel, the presence of automatic nucleic acid isolation stations, and the number of amplifiers. Timely integrated material and technical support, qualified personnel are the basis for successful solution of the assigned tasks of laboratory diagnostics.
2018 № 8 Sanitary aviation in road accidents and its economic feasibility
Relevance: The organization of emergency medical advice, especially in road accidents is an important as¬pect in preserving the health and life of the victims. Purpose of the study: analysis of the frequency of road accidents and fatalities in the Vologda region for the period from 2006 to 2017. Material and methods: the data of medical documentation on the registration of road accidents and the provision of medical care in their presence. Results and discussion: a list of emergency medical care for road traffic incidents is defined by a number of Government Decrees and orders of the Ministry of Health at various levels. The number of dead children at the scene of the accident increased by 1 case, died at the prehospital stage and in the first seven days after admission was reduced to zero, in the period after hospitalization from 0 to 30 days decreased by 3 cases. Conclusions: during the analyzed peri¬od, the number of deaths in road accidents decreased by 34.0%, the number of deaths in the hospital for the first 7 days after hospitalization by 45.2%, from 0 to 30 days – by 46.3%. Mortality at the prehospital stage is 40.0%.