Articles with tag: «human resources»
2019 № 3 Corporate competency model in a medical organization practice as a quality improving factor
The aim of the article is to describe the process of medical organization corporate competency approach in personnel management in health care system. The model of relations between professional standarts, key performances indices, functional responsibilities and competency model in practice of personnel management in medical center is examined. The model of personnel (corporate) and managerial competencies of Tatarstan cancer center is presented.
2020 № 2 Competency model based human resources assessment in medical organization
The article considers main types of personnel assessment on the example of a large specialized hospital, analyzes
the features of the assessment of medical personnel. As an example of the system of personnel assessment, personnel
assessment is given according to the competency model of a large medical organization with consideration of practical
examples of the use of personnel assessment results in the development of the clinic. The model of personnel rating based
on the given competency model is presented. -
2017 № 10 Financial reserves of the state (municipal) institutions health
. The difficult economic situation makes to search for possible variants of optimization of resources and reserves in the state (municipal) institutions. Many heads of agencies believe that the reserves for salary increases in accordance with the «Мay» decrees of the President have been exhausted. However, they did not start the process of normalization, the introduction of professional standards and effective contracts. On the other hand, the legal environment in which agencies are often not allowed to implement the legislation provided for the possibility of attracting additional resources. These issues are discussed in this publication
2016 № 7 Foreign and Russian experience in healthcare human resources management: the structure of «other» or «allied» personnel
The article deals with the current Russian and foreign experience in public health system’ manpower planning, linked to the optimum ratio of healthcare staff with different profiles, the range of other medical personnel and positions of specialists with higher non-medical education. The author offers new approaches towards the structure of the «other» personnel or «allied» health professionals in order to resolve the problem of medical personnel availability for Russian population, accessibility and quality of health care services with reduces economic cost.