Articles with tag: «methods of payment for medical care»
2016 № 7 The possibilities of use of OSDs funds financing for the drug supply in the provision of medical care for patients with rare diseases
The article analyzes the possibilities of use of means of obligatory medical insurance for drug supply patients with rare (orphan) diseases in the provision of medical care in hospital and day hospital.
2016 № 9 Рayment of primary health care on per capita financing
Examines conditions and problems of translation of health care organizations on a per capita principle of financing. The material is based on the experience of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a long-time practicing activities in terms of per capita funding. Recommendations for minimization of financial risks of healthcare organizations.
2022 № 3 he program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2022: logic and basic provisions in the fight against coronavirus infection
Changes in the Program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2022 and for the planned period of 2023 and 2024 compared to previous years are closely related to the current stage of the fight against the spread of COVID‑19 coronavirus infection. At the same time, given that the logic of the changes being made is not always obvious, it is necessary to start both from the current state of healthcare and from an analysis of how innovations will affect the development of the industry in the coming period.