Articles with tag: «medical equipment»
2016 № 3 The level provision with diagnostic equipment in medical organisations, offering medical aid in ambulant conditions
Annotation. Shift to the provision of medical care in the outpatient setting updates the analysis of the provision of medical equipment and the loading it in the outpatient departments. Condition of medical devices for preventive screening equipment for computer and magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound and endoscopic diagnostics studied using official reporting statistic data. The technical condition of the buildings outpatient departments was analizing too. Identified the shortages of equipment for mammography, the suboptimal using of the equipment for screening of the chest. The expediency of the certification of health care organizations recommended, as well as the revision of standards studies using computed tomography. A path to optimizing the load on the diagnostic equipment proposed.
2014 № 12 Organizational and technical aspects of the technologies of the maintenance and repair of medical equipment (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Orenburg State Institute of Management, Orenburg, Russia; LLC «ELINS», Moscow, Russia)
The System of Maintenance and Repair is a system realizing the repair technologies as the complex of methods and ways of restoration of the operating capacity (operability) of medical equipment, as well as the determination of the state of equipment and its parts, making decision to repair it, localization of the malfunction before replacement; spare parts, tools and accessories; replacement of defective unit and control of operability. The article describes the organizational and technical aspects of the construction and technologies of work of the System of Maintenance and Repair (SMaR) of medical equipment. The high significance of the readiness of medical equipment and its influence on the efficiency of medical technologies and quality of medical care has been proved.
2021 № 8 Assessment of the efficiency of leasing when operating a mobile medical clinic in russia (on the example of the Rostov region)
In recent years, especially during the COVID‑19 pandemic, the need for mobile medical clinics has increased. For the effective implementation of the project of mobile medical clinics in Russia (by the example of the Rostov region), it is necessary to purchase expensive medical equipment using leasing technologies.
P u r p o s e of the study was to assess the effectiveness of leasing when operating a mobile medical clinic in the Rostov region.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The article investigated the cost-effectiveness of operating leasing compared to the standard purchase of medical equipment. The amount of lease payments was calculated and compared with payments for the purchase of medical equipment. Payments were calculated for a standard set of medical equipment for a medical clinic, including 5 cars on KAMAZ chassis No. 1 with offices of a therapist, surgeon, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist and neurologist, dentist, gynecologist, urologist and ophthalmologist, laboratory and fluorographic, mammographic and CT complexes.
R e s u l t s . According to the results of the study, it was found that in the modern conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection, the need for mobile medical clinics has increased significantly. Effectiveness of medical equipment leasing technology: supplier (equipment manufacturer) – lessee (mobile medical clinic) with the assistance of a leasing company (lessor), lease payments for operating leasing have been estimated.
F i n d i n g s . The effectiveness of leasing in the Rostov region with full depreciation of medical equipment by 30–80% within 10 years of operation has been established.