Articles with tag: «labor contract»
2022 № 8 Issues of changing labor relations in conditions of partial mobilization
The Presidential decree on partial mobilization addresses a wide range of issues requiring regulatory regulation. This publication examines a relatively narrow, but extremely important aspect concerning labor relations with the mobilized.
2015 № 7 Myths around an effective contract. Part 2 …
Introduction of an effective contract exceeded the framework of a «concrete labor contract». It relates to a wide bredth of questions, such as how to increase salaries, at the cost of which resources, is it possible to cut renumeration within an effective contract and so on and so forth. Consequently, this gave birth to a lot of myths and wrong thinking around different aspects of an effective contract. This article is dedicated to the analysis of these wrong perceptions (myths).
2014 № 3 Problems of combining requirements on concretization of labor conditions compensation while concluding a labor contract with the necessity to consider real outcome of the work (Federal Research Institute for HealthCare Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation. Introduction of efficient contract suggests concretization of the content of labor contracts with employees, including the point of labor compensation conditions. However, the compensation should depend from the work outcome, which is impossible to evaluate beforehand. How should the combination of these two requirements be guaranteed? Should there always be indicated an exact amount of compensation in the labor contract? This material is dedicated to possible ways of solving this problem.
2014 № 6 Way of including salaries and other payouts of compensational character in the labor contract, concluded in the frames of efficient contract introduction (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia)
The article is dedicated to analysis of labor legislation, related to compensation payouts for workers. The core aspects of studied problem are the order of their determination and paying out process, reflection in labor contracts, concluded in the frames of an efficient contract introduction.
2015 № 6 Myths around an effective contract…
Introduction of an effective contract exceeded the framework of a «concrete labor contract». It relates to a wide bredth of questions, such as how to increase salaries, at the cost of which resources, is it possible to cut renumeration within an effective contract and so on and so forth. Consequently, this gave birth to a lot of myths and wrong thinking around different aspects of an effective contract. This article is dedicated to the analysis of these wrong perceptions (myths).
2014 № 4 Legal and practical aspects of decreasing amount of labor compensation (including the amounts of incentive pay outs) in the frames of introducing an efficient contract (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Introduction of efficient contract suggests further close-bodied dependency of labor compensation from its outcome. It also considers not only raise of salaries as far as reaching best results, but a decrease of salaries in case of decline of corresponding indexes. However, there are legislative limitations directed on decrease of labor compensation amount. The study also considers problems of decreasing labor compensation amounts while not reaching foreseen indexes with meeting requirements of active legislation.