Articles with tag: «organization of medical care»
2020 № 1 Planning the subject of dissertations in the specialty «public health and healthcare»: problems and solutions
Over the last 20 years, the professional values of applicants for a degree in the specialty «Public health and health care» have shifted from health issues to disease issues, which does not meet the needs of modern society. There is a disappearance from the considered discipline, the ancestor of which is the medical police, of knowledge and competencies necessary for the successful implementation of management activities for the implementation of one of the most important social functions of the state-the prevention of threats to public health and safety. It is necessary to clarify the essence of the basic concept of the scientific specialty “Public health and healthcare”, as well as to improve the planning procedures of dissertation research.
2014 № 1 Some methodological approaches to organization of medical care in municipal medical institutions in the Compulsory Health Insurance system (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).
Аnnotation. Organization of medical care in health care facilities in rural municipalities require special approaches to the implementation of medical standards, exploit opportunities of inter-municipal centers and optimization of payment methods of medical care.
2019 № 4 Amendments to the Federal law “On the basics of public health in the Russian Federation” on matters of clinical guidelines: what to do and what to expect medical organizations
The article deals with an analysis of certain provisions of the legislation on health care in connection with the changes made to the Federal law “on the basics of public health in the Russian Federation” on clinical guidelines.” In the context of the adopted changes, the authors consistently and clearly justify the obligation of medical organizations to comply with both the standards of medical care and the current clinical recommendations (treatment protocols). The sig- nificantly increased role of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care, approved by the Ministry of health of Russia, is emphasized and justified.
2015 № 6 Improving system specialized medical care in acute coronary syndromes: experience at the level of the Russian Federation, outstanding issues
A review is presented of the Kemerovo regional experience improving specialized medical care in acute coronary syndrome. Marked the problematic issues in the health care in acute coronary syndrome in modern conditions (late hospitalization, poor interaction of medical organizations). To improve the social and economic efficiency of medical care is necessary to strengthen the preventive orientation in the activities of the primary health care, to create organizational, economic conditions compliance with the order of care in hospitals, to carry out external control of health care health insurance organizations, to provide a system of care in acute coronary syndrome information and statistical tools.