Articles with tag: «microbiology»
2017 № 2 Analysis of resourse utilization for laboratory diagnostics by Russia’s hospitals
For evaluate the use of human and material resources for laboratory services was study the structure and expenses for laboratory diagnostics in 82 hospital institutions from eleven Russian regions. The data showed that the laboratories occupy 2.5% of hospital areas (median), they employed 4.2% of all employees, including 4.5% of hospital doctors. In the structure of total institutions costs \ laboratory costs account for 4.4% (1st quartile, 2.9%, the third – 6.4%). These costs are 93.7% for wages and the purchase of reagents and materials. The share of labor costs were twice as high as on the reagents and materials (62.9% and 28.7%, respectively). Median costs for community charges amounted to 1.9%, and equipment maintenance – 1.2%. As an additional task carried out a separate assessment of the resource costs of microbiological laboratories. In half of health facilities, these costs amounted to less than 1% of hospital expenditures, although ten of the thirty-nine – exceeded 1.8%. The median labor costs, reagents and materials amounted to 92.6%. For all laboratory expenditure in general, the predominant contribution here was added labor costs.