Articles with tag: «labor organization.»
2022 № 8 Multifactorial assessment of the capacity of the laboratory service of the region in the diagnosis of COVID‑19
The ubiquity of the new coronavirus infection contributed to the mobilization of all authorities, and a colossal burden fell on the health care system. An important stage in patient management is timely laboratory diagnostics, which allows you to adequately carry out medical and diagnostic, anti-epidemic and preventive measures. The integral indicator characterizing the readiness of the laboratory service to diagnose a new coronavirus infection is the capacity of the laboratory service. The material and technical base, personnel resources, labor organization, informatization exert their influence on the maximum design capacity of the laboratory, the current real productivity of the laboratory, the operational productivity of the laboratory. It was revealed that significant factors affecting the laboratory activity are the number of personnel, the presence of automatic nucleic acid isolation stations, and the number of amplifiers. Timely integrated material and technical support, qualified personnel are the basis for successful solution of the assigned tasks of laboratory diagnostics.
2019 № 7 Improvement of information support and organizational and managerial aspects of the chief doctors of Central district hospitals
Annotation. The article presents the results of the study of the organization of work of chief physicians of Central district hospitals and their deputies in the Republic of Dagestan. The content of 918 administrative acts issued at the level of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Dagestan and basic CRH for the last 5 years is analyzed. Studied information provision CRH chief doctors and their deputies.
It is established that opinion acts of management are executed partially or aren’t executed at all. Of the 436 orders of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Dagestan executed 70.6% of 482 orders of chief physicians CRH – 64.2%. About
half (48.6%) of management decisions fall on personnel issues, 17.5% – on the organization of medical and preventive
care, 7.1% – on the development of material and technical base. On the basis of research materials recommendations
on improvement of information support and organizational and administrative aspects of activity of the chief physicians of the Central regional patients are developed. -
2020 № 9 Improving the technology of work of heads of therapeutic departments of Central district hospitals
The article presents the results of studying the organization of work of heads of departments of central district hospitals (CRH) and the quality of therapeutic care for the rural population. The study was conducted in 2017–2019. on the basis of
26 Central District Hospital of the Republic of Dagestan. The quality of therapeutic care was studied through an expert assessment
of 1,085 inpatient and 748 outpatient patient records. The timing of the working time spent by the heads of the departments of
the Central District Hospital for 845 hours. It was found that under the current conditions the heads of departments devote up to
50.7% of their working time to the fulfillment of the main duties. Waste of time is 15.1%.
In the therapeutic departments of the Central District Hospital, an untimely and complete examination of a significant part of the
patients took place; treatment is not always complete and complete, there is no continuity in the examination and treatment of
the patient between the clinic and the hospital.
On the basis of the research materials, a set of recommendations was developed to improve the technology of work of heads of
departments of the Central District Hospital and improve the quality of medical care. Experimental verification of the recommendations confirmed their effectiveness: the time spent on the main work increased from 51.2% to 72.4%, the share of time spent on organizing and managing the treatment and diagnostic process increased by 15.5%. Improving the organization of work of heads of departments during the experiment had a positive effect on the quality of medical care: the proportion of patients examined at the prehospital stage increased by 25.4%; the number of those fully surveyed increased from 58.4% to 90.3%; the number of patients who received full treatment increased by 14.7%.