Articles with tag: «criteria»
2014 № 8 Independent validation system of scientific medical organizations in the paradigm of twenty years remoteness (Federal Research Institute for Health organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
There has been created a new system for evaluating scientific organizations and their subdivisions. Readings of publication and patent activities of organizations were used as key efficiency indicators. There was a study conducted on modern patterns in development of a global scientific — technological field, which questioned the information capacity of these efficiency indicators on scientists and institutions.
2013 № 7 Problems related to optimization of the dissertation committees on medical professions Problems of optimization (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
There will be started a passportization of dissertation committees as a result of which there will be processed optimization of its network. Members of expert commitees of Supreme attestation commission and dissertation committees as well as organizations on the base of which there will be created committees, who will face new requests the biggest part of which will be related to index of publishing activity and quote ratings of scientists in international an bibliometric data base. There are presented results of national publication flow analysis regarding clinic medicine, indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, showing the problems of using scientometrical factors as a criteria of scientific level of potential members of expert and dissertation committees in various medical specializations.
2021 № 8 A self-assessment methodology for improving the activity of a health resort based on the global model EFQM 2020
Improving the quality of health resort services through effective management is one of the key tools to increase their competitiveness, which increases the demand, ensures year-round occupancy and increases their financial results. An independent assessment of the management system in a health resort and the publication of the results build the trust of guests as well as authorities and investors, which contributes to attracting investment in the resort and its sustainable development.
Purpose of the study. This study develops a methodology for managing changes in accordance with standardized international criteria to improve the results and ensure the development of a health resort.
Materials and methods. An express self-assessment of the health resort's management system was carried out by means of a questionnaire, which reveals the development level according to the most effective approaches within each criterion of the global model EFQM 2020. These criteria emphasize consumer priorities, sustainable values, the satisfaction of stakeholder needs, and the environment. The approaches characterizing the health resort’s activity, help to estimate the level of its maturity in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The results were used to plan improvements in the health resort's operations.
In comparison with the results of past self-assessments, these results record the current state of the management system and demonstrate the levels of development and tendencies in work practices, showing possibilities for the development of the resort. To assess the activities of the health resort organization for each element of the model, four options for assessing the levels of maturity were selected.
Conclusions. Express self-assessment gives a rapid assessment of the activities of health resorts based on the questionnaire and information supplied verbally. The results can be obtained within one day and can represent graphically the evaluation profile of the health resort. The method can be used in any health resort, regardless of its organization, ownership, or medical specialization. Indirectly, the methodology develops patient- and risk-oriented thinking among management, which forms a culture of quality and innovation in the health resort itself and in the professional community of organizations in order to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the spa industry in Russia as a whole. Improving the methodology of express self-assessment includes clarifying and adding statements to the questionnaire in relation to the best management practices of health resorts, new goals, objectives, and
business technologies, as well as challenges at the regional and global levels. -
The urgency of the problem. One of the directions of state policy in the field of modernization of health care and sanatoriumresort business in particular, should be the development of methods and technologies for improving management systems. Regulators should take on the sponsor function, primarily with their policies and budgets, and professional associations should implement this policy by initiating and organizing assessment and competitive procedures to support sanatorium-resort organizations that are actively introducing and applying systematic quality management technologies in their activities. their services for sustainable longterm development.
Purpose of the study – development of a Sectoral model for assessing the management system of a sanatorium-resort
organization on the basis of internationally recognized criteria in order to improve the results and improve the activities of a sanatorium-resort organization and the industry as a whole.
Materials and methods. The analysis of models for assessing various aspects of the activities of organizations (ISO 9001, EFQM, JCI), incl. applied in health care using the methods of comparative and logical-structural analysis of their characteristics, which made it possible to identify the strongest solutions in the models under consideration and became the basis for building a model for assessing the management system of a sanatorium-resort organization.
Results. The criteria of the Sectoral Assessment Model and their content are harmonized with globally recognized management models, the principles of which emphasize the priority of consumers, the creation of sustainable values and the satisfaction of their needs, as well as the needs of stakeholders in the face of partners and the ecosystem and contain a re- the list of aspects of activities in which the organization must be successful.
Conclusions. An independent assessment of the level of maturity of the management system of a sanatorium-resort organization and the publication of its results form trust on the part of patients, vacationers, members of their families, large customers of sanatorium-resort services, as well as regulatory bodies and investors, help to attract investments in a sanatorium-resort complex and its sustainable development. The assessment model can also be used for self-diagnosis and improvement of the management system of any health resort organization. -
2017 № 10 Criteria for assessing the quality of health care: what to consider and how to ensure compliance in a healthcare organization
The issue deals with the organization of work on the application of criteria to assess the quality of care in a medical organization. The authors pay attention to a number of characteristics that must be taken into account specified criteria, including note that work on their application not only largely concerned, but also overlap with the functions of the medical Commission of the medical organization. The article shows that the use in a medical organization criteria for evaluating the quality of medical care is one of the tools that ensures the continuity of inter¬nal control of the quality and safety of medical activities with the departmental and state control of the quality and security of medical activity
2020 № 4 Risks that need to be taken into account in the implementation of a new model of a medical organization providing primary health care help
The article analyzes documents (guidelines, drafts of Federal legal acts) that present issues related to criteria and the introduction of a new model of a medical organization that provides primary health care. As a result, it was noted that the analyzed documents lack clear characteristics of the new model, the principles of its organization and functioning, and there is no clear description of the content and structure of the new model. The article draws attention to the fact that the financial and economic justification of the draft Law on the implementation of the new model does not contain any information about the financial and human resources required for the implementation of the new model. The authors emphasize that one of the main criteria for allowing medical organizations to implement the new model should be at least