Articles with tag: «medical rehabilitation»
2016 № 5 Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of health care for medical rehabilitation
Abctract. The method of evaluating the quality and effectiveness of medical rehabilitation in the parameters is described. The method allows to determine the capabilities of the service, results and quality research. The basis for determining the level of quality of care in health organizations based on three main components: quality of structure; quality of process; quality of the results. This method allows to judge about the possibilities of rehabilitation services in determining logistical base, human resources, technical equipment and the condition of the equipment. Data on the quality and effectiveness of treatment can serve as a basis for performance assessment and volume of the study identified a number of indicators and their conformity to regulatory standards. The Toolkit is designed for health care providers, experts, economists working in health care organizations Federal, regional and municipal levels, as well as researchers and teachers in the field of health planning.
2020 № 5 Medical rehabilitation: issues in licensing
The article provides a legal study of a number of current problems in the field of licensing of medical rehabilitation activities and suggests some ways to resolve them
2016 № 3 Provision of medical rehabilitation care for the population of Russian Federation on an outpatient basis
Annotation. Demographic changes in the direction of increasing of older age groups in the population structure, chronicity diseases, disability height, high premature mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases and due to this enormous economic damage to the national economy of the country pose the problem of organizing measures of effective medical rehabilitation of patients to the category modern Russian health priority issues. The results of analysis of medical institutions and professionals activities, that provide assistance for medical rehabilitation in outpatient settings, indicate that there is a low level of cabinets and experts providing assistance on medical rehabilitation in Russia. The low number of visits to the professionals of all profiles in combination with a high coefficient of combining and low understaffing, indicates lack of sending patients for this type of restorative treatment, that is unfairly against a background of increased morbidity, especially chronic and disabling forms of diseases. This, in turn, shows the lack of organizational and legal forms of regulating the flow of patients from the active treatment to the rehabilitation, that leads to the dissatisfaction of the population need for this type of care. The structural analysis of the situation and identify unsolved problems so far give us basis for looking for priority actions for the development of provided medical rehabilitation on an outpatient basis – a necessary condition for the implementation of medical and social functions of the state to preserve and strengthen health of the population.
2017 № 3 The application of the system of strategic indicators in health and rehabilitation centres at the regional level (theoretical-methodological analysis)
This paper presents an analysis of strategic indicators as an effective method for organizing medical and rehabilitation centres at the regional level. Justified its advantage compared to traditional methods, fleshed out the mechanisms for its implementation. Identified the difficulties and contradictions of the MTP application in the Organization of the system of medical rehabilitation, identified ways to overcome them.
2014 № 10 Problems with providing specialized (rehabilitation) aid in medical organizations (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. The article is dedicated to the questions of potential and normative supply of medical-social rehabilitation in Russian Federation. It is demonstrated that, there is a tendency remained on decreasing the number of medical staff employees with higher and secondary education with rehabilitation majors as well as there is shown how accessibility of medical aid through Mandatory Health Insurance system is being limited. The main aspects of solving the problem include: profiling of hospital beds, managing the work of specialists according to a team work frame, their preparation for new basis modules.
2013 № 10 Aspects of organizing medical aid services for rehabilitation in practical health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informaticsof Ministry of Health Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. In the article there is an analysis of objectives, main streams and events directed onto developing medical rehabilitation in the system of health care of Russian Federation. There is considered a number of actual questions regarding organization of medical rehabilitation, its stage-by-stage approach, specifics and opportunities of rehabilitation tactics in conditions of outpatient and hospital health care entities.
2013 № 8 Method of defining demands of adult population in medical rehabilitation (FSHM «Russian scientific center of medical rehabilitation and spa treatment» Ministry of Health Care of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: Method of defining demands of adult population in medical rehabilitation is based on data concerning population's morbidity, generally in accordance to diseases classes as well as on few particular diseases. The basis of defining method for demand in medical rehabilitation was formed by indications and contraindications to its processing in outpatient and inpatient conditions. The development of medical organizations network, which provides aid for medical rehabilitation has to correspond with the real demand of the population. The following methodical recommendations permit to make a judgment regarding demands of concrete region in medical rehabilitation after processing the described calculations.
2023 № 5 Soft-technologies in medical rehabilitation after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint.
The use of soft-technologies in medical rehabilitation is a highly relevant and promising direction of the remote method of restoring the health of patients. The authors have developed a program for an electronic computer «Medical rehabilitation (therapeutic gymnastics after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint)». It is designed for patients to independently perform a set of exercises of therapeutic gymnastics at home. Based on the results of the lesson, the patient fills out a report, on the basis of which the attending physician makes adjustments to the individual medical rehabilitation plan. The analysis of the results of the approbation based on an anonymous survey
indicates high patient satisfaction when using a mobile application and an increase in commitment to the implementation of recommendations. -
2015 № 5 On the issue of statutory normatives of rehabilitation centers for children with congenital heart disorders
To date the statutory normatives of rehabilitation centers and rehabilitation departments for children with congenital heart disorders are not approved, methodological recommendations on this issue are missing. There has been undertaken a review of specific normative-legal acts as well as theoretical findings from the literature related to development and approval of statutory normatives for healthcare and regulations on provision of medical aid to the population. There has been presented an organizational-statutory structure of a rehabilitation center for children with congenital heart disorders. The purpose of this article is to make a defense case for optimal statutory normatives of a children's rehabilitation center for children with congenital heart disorders.