Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the journal
Since January, 1st, 2015 journal “Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii (Physicians and IT)” introduced new author and submission guidelines.
Author and submission guidelines for the journal “Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii (Physicians and IT)” were developed with due regard to requirements of Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the ICMJE recommendations.
1. The manuscript should be initialed by the supervisor and accompanied by an official Letter of Confirmation issued by the affiliate institution of the manuscript that dwells with issues covered by the publication. In some cases the editors may need an expert opinion or opinion of the Ethics Committee to conduct the published study. The Letter of Confirmation printed on the institution’s headed note-paper should indicate whether the article pertains to the thesis work.
2. The manuscript should be signed by all authors providing the Journal with the right to publish it.
3. Authenticated signatures of the authors (last page of the manuscript) together with the Letter of Confirmation, initialed by the institution’s management should be scanned. Scanned documents are then sent to the journal via e-mail.
4. Manuscripts already submitted to other publishers should not be sent to the Journal editors. If any part of the manuscript has been published by other publishers, the Letter of Confirmation should note that with the intent that the Journal’s editors make an informed decision about publishing the presented text.
All scientific manuscripts submitted to the Journal are reviewed according to the established procedures.
1 The manuscript should be sent to the editors in electronic format (either on disc or via e-mail). The manuscript should not exceed 10-24 pages.
2 The journal accepts manuscript files in MS Word 97/2000/XP/2007/2010.doc,.docx, size 14, Times New Roman, 1.5 line space.
3 The manuscript should be organized as follows:
- • Title in Russian
- • Author (authors) – last names and initials in Russian;
- • Full official name of the affiliate institution in Russian
- • Abstract in Russian;
- • Keywords or key phrases in Russian;
- • Space
- • Title in English
- • Author (authors) – last names and initials in English;
- • Full official name of the affiliate institution in English
- • Abstract in English;
- • Keywords or key phrases in English;
- • Space
- • Contacts: Full name and e-mail address;
4 All keywords and key phases (five to seven words ideally) are separated by semicolon.
The list of keywords should reflect the research field as precisely as possible. General terms (like health, disease, number of population, healthcare, etc.) that do not clearly outline specifics of the research subject should be avoided.
Notes. Title, abstract and keywords should not be electronically translated into English to avoid distortion of the author’s meaning.
5 Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) mark (not obligatory) is given together with the UDC acronym in the upper left corner of the first page. The UDC classification mark is determined though the complete edition of the Universal Decimal Classification.
6 The manuscript should contain Abstract, which is the main source of information in national and international information systems and databases that index the Journal.
The Abstract should be structured, concisely and accurately reflect content of the manuscript providing basic factual information and conclusions without over-interpretation or critical remarks of the author. Information in the Abstract should not differ from that in the text. The wording should be concise and persuasive. The text should not contain nonessential information. Charts, tables, graphs, pictures or references to literature are not allowed.
The Abstract should start with the phrase summarizing the main idea of the article. Often this information is included in the title. Redundant introductory phrases (for example, “the author of the article considers….”) should be avoided. Syntactic structures of scientific language are encouraged while complicated grammar should be avoided. Only standard terminology should be used in the Abstract. Acronyms and abbreviations in the text are not allowed. Rare terms should be avoided as well. The author should ensure consistency of terminology in both Abstract and Article.
The Abstract should contain essential words from the text of the article to ensure automated retrieval. The Abstract should specify the following contents:
- • Significance, subject, purpose of the work;
- • Methods;
- • Results;
- • Conclusions;
- • Scope of application
The Abstract should only list the methods used. Results of the work should be described as accurately and informatively as possible. The Abstract should list basic theoretical and experimental results, factual information and relationship patterns and regularities identified. The focus should be placed on new findings and conclusions, which, according to the author, are of practical importance.
Data limitations and reliability, as well as degree of validation should be indicated.
Do not forget, that Abstract is the article in small and its structure mirrors the one of the article. The Abstract is usually developed after the article is finalized. Availability of Abstract does not mean that its main parts (relevance, object, goal, methods, results, conclusions and scope of application) can be ignored in the text of the article.
7 The intent and content of the Abstract in Russian and English should be consistent.
8 Structure of a scientific article outlined by the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of the Medical Journal Editors should include the following sections: “Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results, “Discussion” and “Conclusion”. This structure is not an arbitrary publication format but a reflection of the process of scientific discovery.
Introduction. This section provides a context for the problem under study and its significance and states the specific purpose of the study.
Methods. This section should clearly describe the selection of observational or experimental participants (including controls), including eligibility and exclusion criteria and a description of the source population. The guiding principle of the Methods section should be clarity about how and why a study was done in a particular way. The section should aim to be sufficiently detailed so that other researchers would be able to reproduce the results.
Results. Results should be presented in logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. The main or most important findings should be presented or summarized first.
Numeric results should be given not only as derivatives (for example, percentages) but also as the absolute numbers from which the derivatives were calculated. The Results section should also specify statistical methods used to analyze data. Tables and figures should be restricted to those needed to explain the argument of the paper and to assess supporting data. Graphs should be used as an alternative to tables with many entries; data should not be duplicated in graphs and tables. Nontechnical uses of technical terms in statistics should be avoided, such as “random” (which implies a randomizing device), “normal,” “significant,” “correlations,” and “sample”.
Discussion. Emphasis should be placed on the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them in the context of the current best available evidence. Data or other information given in the Introduction or the Results section should not be repeated in detail. It is useful to begin the discussion by briefly summarizing the main findings, then explore possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings, compare and contrast the results with other relevant studies, state the limitations of the study. It is also advisable to explore the implications of the findings for future research or for clinical practice. It is important to link the conclusions with the goals of the study but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not adequately supported by the data. In particular, statements on economic benefits should be avoided unless the manuscript includes the appropriate economic data and analyses. Claiming priority to the study should be avoided. It is appropriate to state new hypotheses when warranted, but label them clearly.
Conclusions. Conclusions should be stated in affirmative statements defining the study results that all together clearly indicate achievement of the study goals. Conclusions should be listed in order of their importance. Usually they are restricted to five or six.
9 Text and other materials should be thoroughly checked.
10 The manuscript should not use foot references to citation courses. Only end references are allowed.
11 References to sources should be enclosed in square brackets. If there are several sources, they are listed in ascending order, separated by commas without spaces. For example: [2,4,6,8]. If several references are cited in the same place in the text, a hyphen for joining the first and the last numbers inclusively should be used [2-6,8-12]. Do not use a hyphen if there are no intermediate numbers in citation, for example, [1-2]. The text should not contain references to sources not included in the References.
12 The manuscript should be accompanied by References (Bibliographic List) containing at least nine references.
13 References should follow the standards summarized in the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals developed by the: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Vancouver style). Lack of references in the manuscript is sufficient for rejecting its publication. As a rule such manuscripts are returned back to the author (authors) for proper organization.
14 References should be thoroughly checked and numbered; in the manuscript text references should be given in square brackets in strict compliance with the References organized in alphabetic order.
15 References should first list publications of the Russian authors, including works by foreign authors, translated into Russian, followed by references, published in foreign languages, including works by local authors, translated into a foreign language. References should not include unpublished works and textbooks. Personal work is not recommended for inclusion in the References.
16 A reference should list the first six authors. If there are more authors, the sixth author is followed by et al at the References.
17 Reference to a citation should immediately follow the citation either in square or round brackets. If the square brackets are used, the first comes the citation number in the References, and then, after a comma, the page number with the letter "c". For example, [10, p. 81], or if the cited text reaches the next page [10, p. 81-82]. If the citation is enclosed in round brackets, it should be organized as follows: initials and surname of the author/authors, followed by the year of publication, and then - the citation number in the References in square brackets, followed by a comma, page/s. For example: (I.I. Petrov, 2012 [33, p. 29]).
18 The manuscript text should not contain any citations not included in the References.
19 Correct description of the sources listed in References is a guarantee that the cited publication will be counted when assessing scientific work of its authors and the affiliate organizations. Original papers are allowed to cite no more than 30 sources, literature reviews – up to 60. Besides fundamental works, References should contain publications for the last 5 years.
20 Verification of references is the sole responsibility of the author.
21 The number of illustrations (figures, tables, charts, diagrams) is limited to 10.
22 All formulas should be thoroughly checked.
23 Tables should only contain essential summarized and statistically processed data. All data must be interpreted in the text of the article. Uninterpreted data should not be included in tables. All tables should be numbered and titled. All clarifications should be provided in notes (footnotes) rather than in titles.
24 Figures. Letters, numbers, and symbols on figures should be clear and answer their purpose. Titles and detailed explanations should be given in the legends - not on the illustrations. Interpretation of all illustrations in the article is mandatory.
25 Full name and business contacts including e-mail of the author who is the focal point for the editors should be provided at the end of the manuscript.
26 Information for the Russian Science Citation Index should be provided on a separate page. This information includes full names of all authors (in Russian and author’s transliteration), official title of the affiliate institutions (in Russian and English), accurate postal address (in Russian and English), institution’s postal code, job titles, science titles and degrees, and e-mail address.
27 Publication is free of charge.
28 Editors will not consider manuscripts that fail to meet the formatting and submission requirements of the Journal.
The sample of formalization
Столбов А.П., д.т.н., Кузнецов П.П., д.м.н., профессор, Медицинский информационно-аналитический центр РАМН, г. Москва
УДК 002.53
Столбов А.П., Кузнецов П.П. (Медицинский информационно-аналитический центр РАМН, г. Москва)
Аннотация: Предложена модель поэтапной реализации интегрированной электронной карты здоровья гражданина (ИЭКЗ) и разработки стандартов обмена данными, необходимыми для ее ведения. Перечислены основные нормативно-технические документы, на основе которых возможна разработка указанных стандартов. Приведен перечень основных правовых нормативных документов, определяющих требования к процедурам и регламентам ведения ИЭКЗ. Проанализированы некоторые организационно-методические проблемы реализации ИЭКЗ.
Ключевые слова: информатизация здравоохранения, электронная медицинская карта, интегрированная электронная карта здоровья, стандарты обмена медицинскими данными и электронными документами.
UDC 002.53
Integration of the personal data about the state of health: realization stages
Stolbov A.P., Kuznetsov P.P. (Medical centre for information and analysis of Russian academy of medical sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Abstract: The model of stage-by-stage realisation of the integrated electronic health record of the citizen (IEHR) and workings out of standards of the data exchange, necessary for its conducting is offered. The basic normative and technical documents on which basis working out of the specified standards is possible are listed. The list of the basic legal standard documents defining the requirements to procedures and regulations of conducting IEHR is resulted. Some organizational-methodical problems of realisation IEHR are analysed.
Keywords: health informatics, public health services information, electronic health record, integrated electronic health record, exchange standards of medical data and electronic documents.