Articles with tag: «medical activity»
2014 № 5 The quality of medical care or the quality and safety of medical activity: what are still controlled medical organizations? (Saint Petersburg, Irkutsk, Russia)
In the article the authors reason imperfect regulation of the Federal law dated November 21, 2011, №323-FZ internal quality control and safety of the medical activity. Given specific proposals on consolidation in the law of the concepts of quality of medical activity and safety of medical activity. In addition, the authors have defined the list of measures that must be implemented in a medical organization within the framework of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity.
2016 № 6 Order for examination of quality of medical care
The article deals with the factors that must be considered when establishing the order of examination of quality of medical care in the Russia with the exception of medical assistance provided in accordance with the Russian legislation on mandatory medical insurance. Analyzed and systematized information on the powers of constituent entities of control of quality and safety of medical activities in feald of examination of quality of medical care. Subject to the authority of constituent entities of control of quality and safety of medical activities proposed to allocate external and internal examination of quality of medical care. The content of examination of quality of medical care carried out by medical organizations.
2019 № 1 About inadmissibility of transfer of all chief physicians and their deputies to the status of non-medical workers and the admission to management of the medical organizations as the first heads of persons without medical education
In the article, the authors show in detail and justify the very dramatic consequences that the country's health care will receive if the planned changes to the Regulation on the licensing of medical care are adopted the activities assuming exception of works (services) on "the organization of health care and public health" from the List of the works (services) making medical activity, and also the admission to the management of the medical organization as the first leaders of persons without higher medical education. The authors emphasize that the implementation of the planned changes will lead to the fact that the chief physicians and their deputies will cease to be medical workers, the manageability of medical organizations and the quality of medical care will decrease, the system of training of managers will degrade. This is totally unacceptable.
2020 № 2 The clinical significance of the relationship between doctor and patient (literature review)
This literature review collects research, laws, and various models of physician-patient interaction in the health
care system. The question of the patient’s adherence to treatment based on the level of trust in the doctor is considered in
detail, the analysis of the concepts of different models of interaction is carried out, and their specific conditions are defined,
presented in the scientific literature by the authors of the CIS and Europe. The purpose of the review was based on the
analysis of various options aimed at the development of the doctor-patient relationship in health care. Based on the data,
the authors suggested that it is necessary to search for new approaches to increase the legal, economic responsibility of
the patient, both for the performance of medical appointments and for their own health. -
2019 № 9 To the question of training of medical workers within internal control of quality and safety of medical activity
Changes in the legislation concerning the organization of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity put forward new requirements to training of medical workers. These requirements concern the mandatory training on early detection of cancer, ensuring the provision of medical assistance to citizens in emergency form, the use and operation of medical devices. The article deals with the practical implementation of these requirements at the level of the medical organization.