Articles with tag: «coverage»
2020 № 5 Availability and staffing of gastroenterologists in the Russian Federation and in pilot regions, 2013–2017
Human resource issues are of high relevance for accessibility of the quality of health care. The aim of the study was to conduct analyses of actual staffing of health care facilities for provision of gastroenterological care on an outpatient basis in the Russian Federation and its subjects. Materials and methods: calculation of occupied positions and physicians-gastroenterologists rate, extensive indicators, method of descriptive statistics. Results. Multidirectional levels and trends in physicians-gastroenterologists coverage rates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been established. In a number of federal districts there is an increase in the studied indicators, in some – levelling. Conclusions. An analysis of the availability of gastroenterologists roviding health care an outpatient basis showed that the supply of gastroenterologists in the federal districts increased or levelled. Moreover, in six of them there was a decrease in the staffing rate by these specialists. The results of the study could be used for the human resources planning and for decision-making.