Articles with tag: «personnel management»

    Social aspects of health
  • 2020 № 9 Value orientations of the doctor as predictor of efficiency of activity of the medical organization

    The article presents the results of an empirical study of the value orientations of dental clinic employees. It is
    suggested that gaps in human values are factors that influence professional activities in terms of communication (in the
    production team) and ultimately the profitability of the individual in the teams. The initial data is obtained from the reports
    of the clinic’s medical information system and the Schwartz’s Value Survey (SVS) and Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ).
    In addition, we used a retrospective analysis and a questionnaire survey. Doctors were divided into two groups based on
    the impact of value gaps on the share of revenue plan fulfillment (type one and type two groups). Attention is drawn to the
    direction of relationships in the group of the first type, all correlations of average strength are direct, in the group of type
    2 – reverse. In the structure of the profile of value orientations, there are differences between the groups on the second
    place in importance for the respondents in the group of the first type are the value orientation (VO) “Achievement” and
    secondly, “Self-Direction”, third place in the group of the first type is “Benevolence”, whereas in the group of the second
    type of “Benevolence” in 4th place. To increase economic efficiency, managers of medical institutions need to organize
    activities to create cultural artifacts about the normative ideals of those values that affect the workflow, take into account
    the data of the employee’s value profile for optimal selection of the team composition (work shift).

    Authors: Tsaranov K. N. [11] Tarbastaev A. G. [9] Klimova E. M. [3] Akimov T. V. [1] Zvansky A. B. [1]

    Tags: effective team formation1 human resource1 personnel management4 raise of patient treatment effectiveness1

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  • Questions and answers
  • 2019 № 3 Corporate competency model in a medical organization practice as a quality improving factor

    The aim of the article is to describe the process of medical organization corporate competency approach in personnel management in health care system. The model of relations between professional standarts, key performances indices, functional responsibilities and competency model in practice of personnel management in medical center is examined. The model of personnel (corporate) and managerial competencies of Tatarstan cancer center is presented.

    Authors: Khayrullin I. I. [7] Zhavoronkov V. V. [3] Kamasheva A. V. [2]

    Tags: competency2 competency in health care2 competency model2 corporate culture5 effectiveness5 efficacy2 health care system5 health management3 human resources4 medical center efficacy2 medical staff7 personnel management4 staff development2

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  • Personnel management
  • 2019 № 10 Professional standards as a tool to improve the efficiency of personnel management in medical institutions

    The transformation of the sphere of employment and the labor market of hired personnel, training systems for specialists have identified the need for the development and implementation of professional standards. The article substantiates the main reasons for the demand for new regulatory documents to the challenges of the time, the relevance of the competency-based approach at all stages of the implementation of professional standards in the healthcare system. The implementation of professional standards requires large-scale processing by the personnel department of organizational and structural documents; adaptation to new per-sonnel management tools, while taking into account the interests of employers, workers, educational organizations engaged in the training of specialists; additional costs for retraining workers. The main problems of the implementation of professional standards in the healthcare system are related to the renaming of posts and the transfer of employees to less qualified posts, which affects the level of wages and benefits, provokes conflict situations in the team, and creates the conditions for professional burnout.
    The article shows the practice of implementing professional standards, implementation problems and ways to solve them using the example of a medical institution, considers changes in the training system, reflecting the dynamics of the formation of professional competencies in the face of uncertain changes. Particular attention is paid to the problems associated with the implementation of professional standards in healthcare.

    Authors: Niyazova I. M. [1]

    Tags: competence2 conflicts1 coordination of interests1 personnel management4 professional burnout3 professional standard2 qualification6

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  • 2020 № 2 Competency model based human resources assessment in medical organization

    The article considers main types of personnel assessment on the example of a large specialized hospital, analyzes
    the features of the assessment of medical personnel. As an example of the system of personnel assessment, personnel
    assessment is given according to the competency model of a large medical organization with consideration of practical
    examples of the use of personnel assessment results in the development of the clinic. The model of personnel rating based
    on the given competency model is presented.

    Authors: Zhavoronkov V. V. [3] Kamasheva A. V. [2]

    Tags: competency2 competency in health care2 competency model2 corporate culture5 effectiveness5 efficacy2 health care system5 health management3 hr-assessment1 human resources4 human resources in medicine1 medical center efficacy2 medical staff7 organizational culture1 organizational model3 personnel management4 personnel rating1 staff development2 staff rating1

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