Articles with tag: «medical staff»

    Questions and answers
  • 2019 № 3 Corporate competency model in a medical organization practice as a quality improving factor

    The aim of the article is to describe the process of medical organization corporate competency approach in personnel management in health care system. The model of relations between professional standarts, key performances indices, functional responsibilities and competency model in practice of personnel management in medical center is examined. The model of personnel (corporate) and managerial competencies of Tatarstan cancer center is presented.

    Authors: Khayrullin I. I. [7] Zhavoronkov V. V. [3] Kamasheva A. V. [2]

    Tags: competency2 competency in health care2 competency model2 corporate culture5 effectiveness5 efficacy2 health care system5 health management3 human resources4 medical center efficacy2 medical staff7 personnel management4 staff development2

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  • Personnel management
  • 2021 № 1 The role of local governments in solving the problems of providing primary health care personnel

    The problem of staffing in healthcare remains relevant for a long time. The article considers the possibilities of participation of local self-government bodies in attracting and securing medical workers, primarily primary care. The
    analysis of normative legal acts of the Federal level is presented. Amendments to Federal laws № 131-FZ and № 323-FZ related to specifying the powers of local self-government bodies in terms of health personnel are proposed. The necessity of a comprehensive assessment of the implemented measures of social support for medical workers to identify the most effective measures and select the best practices is justified.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Senenko A. Sh. [7] Menshikova L. I. [6] Flagler N. A. [1] Rugles L. V. [1]

    Tags: health  personnel2 local governments1 medical staff7 primary health care23 social support measures3

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  • 2019 № 6 Medical staff resources of the Moscow psychiatric service during its reform

    Medical staff resources of the Moscow psychiatric service during its reform. Since 2010, a modernization of the psychiatric service has been carried out in Moscow. Reforms affect both outpatient and inpatient units. An analysis of the staff resources of the service reflects the effectiveness of the reforms. The aim of the study was to improve the quality of psychiatric care based on the analysis of staff resources of the Moscow psychiatric service. The article presents data on the staff resources of the psychiatric service in 2008-2017. During the modernization of the psychiatric service, the number of psychiatrists was at a high level, the provision of psychiatrists to the Moscow population of was higher than the average provision to the Russian Federation. Growth in the number and staffing of ambulatory rates in psychiatric institutions in Moscow in 2015-2017 partially compensated for the decrease in the number and staffing rates in psychiatric hospitals, however, there is currently a staff shortage in the psychiatric service of Moscow, as indicated by the excess of job-sharing coefficients in individual institutions. During the study period, there was a positive change in the number of visits per 1 psychiatrist.

    Authors: Masyakin V. A. [1]

    Tags: community-based  psychiatry2 health care  surveys2 medical staff7 mental  health  services2 nursing  staff5

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  • 2019 № 2 Health resourcing of traumatologic-orthopedic service in the subject of the Russian Federation amidst realization of grant program “Zemsky doctor

    Medical staff are one of the crucial factors, which guarantee health care service efficiency. However, Russian national traumatologic-orthopedic service exists under the lack of significant lack of staff. Grant program “Zemsky doctor” became one of the problem solving ways.
    Purpose. To evaluate Health resourcing of traumatologic-orthopedic service, and to examine results in completing staff jobs of trauma orthopaedists in medical organization in the subject of the Russian Federation achieved due to “Zemsky doctor” program realization.
    Approaches: analytical, statistical.
    Results. The research is conducted within Stavropol region. It showed that in 5 municipal districts of 36 trauma orthopedist jobs were either not specificated or completed, 6 of 36 had no traumatologic beds. Within the period 2011–2016 we registered negative dynamics of trauma orthopedists completeness from 94,4% to 88,9%. Comparing to 2011, when excluded trauma orthopedists were 23,3% of the general number of fired and hired, in 2016 they were 42,8%. The most active medical staff change is in town medical organizations. Within the period of 2012 to 2016 in terms of “Zemsky doctor” program 12 trauma orthopedists were hired in Stavropol region, which is 1,9% of all signed contracts under this program and 9,2% of all hired within this time trauma orthopedists.
    Conclusion. We revealed significant disproportion of health resourcing in health service centres in the subject of the Russian Federation, which limits traumatologic-orthopedic care accessibility. Despite “Zemsky doctor” program being implemented, the strong deficiency of trauma orthopedists still exists, whereas its efficiency decrease the number of licenses for institutional traumatologic-orthopaedical care in rural areas.

    Authors: Bugayev D. A. [1]

    Tags: medical staff7 organization of traumatologic-orthopedic care1 quality of health care3 staff management1 “zemsky doctor” program1

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  • 2020 № 2 Competency model based human resources assessment in medical organization

    The article considers main types of personnel assessment on the example of a large specialized hospital, analyzes
    the features of the assessment of medical personnel. As an example of the system of personnel assessment, personnel
    assessment is given according to the competency model of a large medical organization with consideration of practical
    examples of the use of personnel assessment results in the development of the clinic. The model of personnel rating based
    on the given competency model is presented.

    Authors: Zhavoronkov V. V. [3] Kamasheva A. V. [2]

    Tags: competency2 competency in health care2 competency model2 corporate culture5 effectiveness5 efficacy2 health care system5 health management3 hr-assessment1 human resources4 human resources in medicine1 medical center efficacy2 medical staff7 organizational culture1 organizational model3 personnel management4 personnel rating1 staff development2 staff rating1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2019 № 7 Improving the system of organizing the psychiatric aid of the megapolis

    Abstract. Currently, a restructuring of the psychiatric service is carried out in Moscow. The changes are implemented accordingto the concept of socially-oriented psychiatry based on a biopsychosocial approach. Reforms include the reductionof inpatient and the development of an outpatient unit of the psychiatric service. Psychiatric hospitals were merged with outpatient units on a territorial basis.
    The aim of the study was a comprehensive analysis of the psychiatric service functioning in Moscow during the period of
    its restructuring.
    A retrospective analysis of the demographic characteristics of the Moscow population and clinical and epidemiological
    indicators characterizing the incidence of mental disorders, as well as an analysis of the functioning of inpatient and
    outpatient units of the Moscow psychiatric service and its staff, was made. The evaluation of the conversion efficiency
    indicators was made. A sociological survey about the reforms (questionnaire) of specialists and relatives of persons with mental disorders being carried out through questionnaires was also conducted.
    During the transformation of the psychiatric service, the incidence of mental disorders, hospital mortality and the number of cases of disability decreased. The provision of the population with places in day hospitals, the number of places in day hospitals and patients who received assistance in day hospitals, the staffing level of outpatient rates, and the number of visits to district psychiatrists increased. The share of persons involuntarily examined and recognized as in need of inpatient treatment increased from 70% to 100%. According to a sociological survey, most of the heads of structural units of the psychiatric service, psychiatrists, and users of the service positively assess the reforms that have been carried out.
    For a large city, the cluster-modular system of psychiatric service, currently organized in Moscow, is a priority.
    Results of this work have found application in the organization of psychiatric care in Moscow, Vladimir, and Tula regions
    and the city of Sevastopol, and can be put into practice in other major cities of the Russian Federation.

    Authors: Zolotareva L. S. [2] Masyakin A. V. [1]

    Tags: community-based  psychiatry2 health care reform1 health care  surveys2 hospitals2 medical staff7 mental  health  services2 psychiatric1 quality of health care3

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  • Hr management
  • 2013 № 9 Employment of medical staff for provision of first medical aid in the frames of territorial programs of state guarantees (Region state organization of healthcare «Bureau of medical statistics », Tomsk, Russia)

    In connection with the improvement of the health care system of the Russian Federation become actual problems of efficiency of use of available human resources and their planning. The basis of the health care system is the program of state guarantees of providing free medical care to the population (Federal and under construction on the basis of it region programs), so it is of paramount importance staff planning for the implementation of the size of the program. In the article the author considers the experience of use of the races, the couple needs for medical personnel in the Tomsk region, according to the «Methodology of calculation of needs of the subjects of the Russian Federation for medical personnel», developed by FSBO «CSRIOIH» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation. Shows the main advantages and complexity of the methodology, the authors make proposals for its improvement.

    Authors: Nesvetaylo N. Y. [1] Shibalkov I. P. [8]

    Tags: calculation1 demands1 medical staff7 methodology5 planning3

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