Articles with tag: «examination of the quality of medical care»
R e l e v a n c e . Currently, the issues of ensuring the quality and safety of medical activities are one of the priority areas in healthcare management. The legislation of the Russian Federation has determined the organization and conduct of internal quality control and safety of medical activities as a licensing requirement. Identified inconsistencies/violations in the provision of medical care are one of the elements of risk management and should be used to improve the efficiency of medical organizations.
T h e p u r p o s e of the study is to develop management practices to improve the quality and safety of medical activities using the results of external audits in the field of compulsory health insurance.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The analysis of modern requirements of normative legal acts of quality control and safety of medical activity has been carried out, the main tools used in conducting external audits in the system of compulsory medical insurance have been systematized.
R e s u l t s . The modern architecture of quality control and safety of medical activities includes 5 levels of control. The tools for monitoring the quality of medical care for identifying violations, applying financial sanctions to a medical organization are described. In order to improve the quality and safety of medical activities, the development of corrective measures and various management practices is recommended.
C o n c l u s i o n s . The results of external audits are an important element of the modern model of quality management and safety of medical activities, which should be integrated into the work of a medical organization of any profile for use in a system of continuous quality improvement -
2023 № 11 On the organization of internal quality control and safety of medical activities in a multidisciplinary hospital: practical experience and problems.
The article presents the features of the implementation of the Regulations on internal quality control and safety of medical activities in the Clinical Hospital of the Federal Medical Institution «Medical and Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow». To implement this line of activity, a person responsible for this type of control was appointed, medical workers improved their qualifications on the issues of examination of the quality of medical care and quality control and safety of medical activities. The peculiarity of the implementation and implementation of internal control was associated with a large number of structural units and a bed fund. A regulation on interaction with the medical commission of a medical organization has been created. The general functions of the internal control system, the medical commission and the examination of the quality of medical care are defined.
2019 № 4 Amendments to the Federal law “On the basics of public health in the Russian Federation” on matters of clinical guidelines: what to do and what to expect medical organizations
The article deals with an analysis of certain provisions of the legislation on health care in connection with the changes made to the Federal law “on the basics of public health in the Russian Federation” on clinical guidelines.” In the context of the adopted changes, the authors consistently and clearly justify the obligation of medical organizations to comply with both the standards of medical care and the current clinical recommendations (treatment protocols). The sig- nificantly increased role of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care, approved by the Ministry of health of Russia, is emphasized and justified.
2018 № 4 The role and importance of criteria for evaluating the quality of medical care, approved by order of ministry of health of Russia from 10.05.2017 n203n for healthcare organizations working in the mandatory health insurance system
The article analyzes the regulatory framework governing the quality control of medical care in the system of mandatory health insurance (MHI) and the application of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care in a medical organization. It is noted that the criteria for assessing the quality of medical care are an integral tool for ensuring and controlling the quality of medical care for all medical organizations without exception, including those operating in the MHI system. The authors explain and emphasize that the legislation on compulsory medical insur¬ance in no way limits the use of these criteria medical organizations working in MHI. At the same time application of the specified criteria allows to prevent or reduce number of defects of medical care / violations at rendering medical care, and also number of defects of registration of primary medical documentation