Articles with tag: «prevention»

    Sociology of healthcare
  • 2023 № 9 Self-assessment of reproductive health by future doctors.

    The reproductive health of the younger generation is of particular medical and social importance. The state of health of today’s youth, their reproductive potential and attitudes will be reflected in the demographic situation of Russia’s future. To maintain and improve the reproductive health of young people, a whole range of medical measures is being implemented. Of interest is the state of reproductive health of future doctors who receive a comprehensive education in the field of health care and have the highest level of knowledge about risk factors and health-saving technologies.
    T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : to analyze the responses of medical students to assess their reproductive health and commitment to maintaining it.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . An anonymous survey of 460 medical students studying at medical universities in St. Petersburg was conducted (September-October 2022). Methods of analytical and descriptive statistics were used.
    R e s u l t s . There is a low effectiveness of activities to inform adolescents about sexual education and reproductive health. Most students do not consider their own health as a priority for the coming years, give a low assessment of their physical condition, rarely go in for sports or do not do it at all, every second eats irregularly. A third of young people suffer from acute and chronic extragenital diseases, and every fifth has a pathology of the reproductive system. 72.6% of girls and only 21.4% of boys visit a gynecologist/urologist/andrologist at least once a year, more often for preventive purposes. During sexual intercourse, respondents prefer barrier contraceptives that meet the requirements of availability, reliability and ease of use.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . When developing strategies for improving and maintaining reproductive health, gender differences, medical and social characteristics and motivation of young people should be taken into account. To improve reproductive health-saving behavior, it is necessary to increase the availability of preventive measures, incl. anonymous counseling.

    Authors: Sokolova V. V. [3] Kokushin D. N. [1] Kirilenko V. V. [1] Zhgulyova A. A. [1] Kuzmin A. N. [2]

    Tags: factors4 generations2 nurses8 prevention24 professional burnout3

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  • 2023 № 4 Aspects of the quality of the life of persons of working age with chronic noncommunicable diseases of the respiratory organs

    Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCD) are widespread and affect people of different age groups in all countries. The fight against this group of diseases is one of the priorities of the modern health care. Non-infectious diseases of the respiratory system as well as other diseases, affect social, physical and mental components of well-being. The qualitative assessment of their influence helps to assess the study of the quality of life.
    P u r p o s e : to assess the quality of life of the working-age population of the Nizhny Novgorod region and to develop measures to reduce the risk factors for chronic non-infectious diseases of the respiratory system in these cohorts.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . A one-stage comparative study was carried out using the method of standardized interviewing using the SF‑36 questionnaire. The quality of life of people of various age-gender groups with chronic non-infectious diseases of the respiratory system was assessed. All respondents were stratified into groups by pathology and age.
    R e s u l t s . The scientific article reflects the results of the study of assessing the quality of life of working-age patients with the chronic respiratory system pathology. The analysis of the data revealed statistically significant differences in age, gender and groups of pathologies among the respondents. Differences in indicators reflecting emotional states were revealed among men and women of the working age. Age-related changes in indicators of physical and psychological components of health and on all scales of the quality of life were presented. The obtained values of patient indicators show the need to develop specific measures to reduce behavioral risk factors for chronic non-infectious respiratory diseases of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
    Findings. The comparative analysis of the results of the scales of the quality of life and health components reflects the age-related changes in indicators. The people of the older age group of the working age demonstrate significantly low results. The indicators of physical functioning are statistically significantly different in different pathologies of the respiratory system. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) restricts the physical activity of patients more strongly than other pathologies. Low values of the quality of life reflect the need to develop the measures to reduce the risk factors for chronic non-infectious diseases for the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

    Authors: Pozdeeva T.  V. [4] Sheyykhova S. S. [1] Kotova N. V. [1]

    Tags: chronic noncommunicable diseases3 people of working age1 prevention24 quality of life8 risk factors15 sf‑36 questionnaire1

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  • Sociology of health care
  • 2020 № 3 Population relation research to the healthy lifestyle (on the example of the fish and suburban region of Republic of Tatarstan)

    One of the main tasks of modern health care is decrease in incidence and noninfectious diseases mortality of the population which are preventable at observance of a healthy lifestyle, early identification and timely effective treatment. Results of a sociological research of the relation to a healthy lifestyle on estimates of adult population of the Fish and Suburban Region of Republic of Tatarstan are presented in article. Purpose: reveal commitment of the population to a healthy lifestyle, investigate connection of a healthy lifestyle with presence of noninfectious diseases. The research is conducted on the basis of questionnaire by method of random check of adult population. 2346 respondents from 21 year to 74 years took part in questioning. Authors developed the questionnaire concerning commitment of the population to a healthy lifestyle and presence of noninfectious diseases.. The average physical activity among all respondents is slightly higher than 20%. The commitment to a healthy power supply in all groups does not exceed 25%. Respondents aged from 31 to 40 years are most committed to healthy nutrition. Among the polled respondents smoke 22.21%, regularly take alcohol of 0.2%. From among the respondents who noted presence of cardiovascular diseases of 98.6% monthly visit the doctor and regularly take medicines; with digestive tract diseases monthly visit the doctor of 16.3% and regularly take the drugs of 18.5% of respondents; from among respondents with diabetes regularly take the drugs and monthly visit the doctor of 100%. Analyzing data retrieveds, authors came to a conclusion that the commitment to a healthy lifestyle among the population does not exceed 30%. Results of questioning of the population can be used when developing the address program of treatment-and-prophylactic actions for forming of commitment to a healthy lifestyle for each age group.

    Authors: E.  A.  Kitayeva [1] Т.  А.  Suyetina [1] S.  R.  Sabitov [1] M.  R.  Kitayev [1]

    Tags: commitment2 healthy lifestyle5 noninfectious diseases3 population5 prevention24 questioning1 republic  of  tatarstan.1

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  • Social aspects of health
  • 2019 № 5 Satisfaction of the population with the organization of clinical examination of certain groups of the adult population on the example of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    One of the criteria for the quality and availability of clinical examinations is the satisfaction of the population with the obtained preventive care. The subject of the study was the level of satisfaction of citizens who underwent medical examination, accessibility and quality of its organization. The following methods are used in the work: content analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents; statistical method; analytical method. The reliability of the results obtained was evaluated by the method of calculating confidence limits. Applied correlation analysis. A sociological survey of 568 respondents who have undergone clinical examination of the adult population. Identified a number of subjective and objective problems in the organization of clinical examination. The degree of satisfaction of the population with the availability and quality of the organization of clinical examination of the adult population is determined. A correlation was found between the satisfaction of citizens with clinical examination and its availability. Proposed measures aimed at improving the organization of medical examination.

    Authors: Khodakova O. V. [5] N.  V.  Koshevaya [1]

    Tags: citizens’  satisfaction1 clinical  examination  of  the  adult  population1 correlation  interrelation.1 prevention24

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  • 2019 № 2 The sistem of the pushing influences (Nudge) as a factor of increase in efficiency of formation at the population of commitment to a healthy lifestyle

    Results of the researches devoted to studying of a role of a system of the pushing impacts on increase in efficiency of prevention of noninfectious diseases and formation of commitment to a healthy lifestyle are presented in the review of literature. These literatures demonstrate that a complex of actions on increases in efficiency of prevention of noninfectious diseases and pushing of the population to maintaining a healthy lifestyle by change of a context of the environment and indirect impact on their representations concerning a healthy lifestyle have the proved efficiency and has a certain potential for reduction of risk of development of noninfectious diseases. Article is constructed on pilot studies of the foreign scientists connected with identification of features of thoughts and behavior of people at assessment and forecasting of uncertain situations within which, in particular, it is shown that people are mistaken at decision-making and their mistakes are subordinated to certain psychological regularities which are revealed and well experimentally proved by researchers. It is about fundamental laws of social psychology in the field of decision-making: heuristics in decision-making, the subjective probability, forecasting psychology, irrational predictability, causal and diagnostic conclusion, the theory of attribution and an error of attribution, tendency to conformality, assessment of difficult probabilities, intuitive forecasting, etc. Most fully the description of experiments in Russian is submitted at D. Kahneman [16], and the applied aspect is most fully presented in [8]. On the basis of the carried-out analysis of foreign and Russian literature of approaches to the organization of prevention in the field of noninfectious diseases and formation of a healthy lifestyle we allocated incentives and factors which do not bear in themselves the direct bans or restrictions, but are capable to have a necessary impact on people in terms of formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of noninfectious

    Authors: Kitayeva E. A. [2] Suetina T. A. [1] Kitaev M. R. [1]

    Tags: behavioural economy.1 noninfectious diseases3 nudge1 prevention24 pushing1

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  • Public health
  • 2022 № 3 Features of the state of health of students during their training, including in the conditions of COVID‑19

    Purpose: to assess the characteristics of the health status of students in the conditions of education during the pandemic period – 2020–2021. The analysis of the data obtained will form the basis of the developed medical recommendations, organizational measures aimed at maintaining the health of students, including various periods of increased infectious risks.
    Materials and methods: Medical and sociological research was conducted among students of one of the Institutes of the Russian
    State University named after A. N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art). The continuous sample of students was 505 people. In the course of the study, socio-hygienic, clinical, statistical, and analytical methods were used.
    Results: It was revealed that in the process of teaching student youth, an increase in the number of people with chronic diseases is determined; diseases of the nervous system, organs of the digestive system, ENT organs and the cardiovascular system prevailed in the structure of chronic diseases of students.
    Findings: It was found that there is no difference between the number of patients with coronovirus infection among students who do not have chronic diseases and among those who have chronic pathology. Among students with chronic diseases and recovering from Covid‑19, the most common were people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and people who often get colds (4 or more times a year). Studying the state of health of students is important, both from the point of view of its comprehensive assessment, and from the standpoint of analyzing subsequent dynamic changes, which makes it possible to identify trends in changes in health in the dynamics of education, as well as to introduce appropriate medical and social adjustments.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Gureev S.  A. [8]

    Tags: chronic diseases1 covid-1928 health status2 prevention24 students6

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  • 2022 № 4 The relationship between the structure of nutrition and chronic non-communicable diseases

    I n t r o d u c t i o n . The article analyzes modern literary sources and scientific ideas devoted to the study of the role of healthy
    nutrition and the influence of nutrition factors on health. Proper and healthy nutrition is the basis of a high-quality human life,
    affects health, longevity and performance. Modern nutrition should not only satisfy the physiological needs of a person for nutrients
    and energy, but also perform preventive and therapeutic functions. Diets based entirely on the consumption of plant products are
    becoming increasingly popular due to the many claimed health benefits. Numerous studies conducted in recent years indicate
    that a plant-based diet with a restriction of animal products is accompanied by a lower risk of developing chronic diseases, and
    in some nosologies contributes to disease control. The goals and objectives of the prevention of healthy eating are to preserve
    and strengthen the health of the population, prevent diseases caused by inadequate and unbalanced nutrition. M a t e r i a l s a n d
    m e t h o d s . A review of the literature on the control of food safety, the fullness and balance of nutrition, compliance with dietary
    regimes. R e s u l t s . With eating disorders, the ability to withstand adverse environmental influences, stress, increased mental
    and physical exertion sharply decreases. An imbalance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the composition of food leads to
    metabolic disorders and subsequently to disease. D i s c u s s i o n . Rational nutrition is considered as one of the components of
    “lifestyle medicine”. At the same time, most researchers emphasize the need for large-scale population-based research in this
    area in accordance with modern principles of evidence-based medicine. C o n c l u s i o n . The results of numerous studies indicate
    the significant role of nutrition in the development of various diseases, their prevention and treatment. Nutrition is the basis for all
    metabolic processes of the human body, therefore, a violation of nutrition contributes to the occurrence of the disease. A healthy
    diet and a healthy lifestyle are the basis of disease prevention.

    Authors: Kozhabek L. [1]

    Tags: morbidity14 nutrition1 prevention24 treatment4

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  • 2021 № 8 Concerning the process of forming motivation to a healthy lifestyle

    The components of the concept of a healthy lifestyle, starting with the provisions presented in early sources, are considered from the standpoint of management. It was found that it is difficult to achieve the increase of the number of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle in the absence of clear criteria for the healthy lifestyle, since there is an objective difficulty in assessing the lifestyle of people. It is definitely necessary to formulate the basic principles for creating lists of criteria for healthy lifestyle in order to effectively motivate citizens for health-preserving behavior.
    The need was identified to update and expand a number of modern lists that are used to obtain information that serves as the basis for making managerial decisions in the field of public health protection at the strategic level based on the analysis of the main existing lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle. It is proposed to create an individual list of criteria for a healthy lifestyle by forming a low-variability part using the traditional approach, and a high-variability part using the personalized approach.
    The formulated principles of compiling lists of criteria for a healthy lifestyle can be used in the system of motivating and stimulating citizens to health-preserving behavior, aimed at reducing the prevalence of known behavioral risk factors for diseases.

    Authors: Vigdorchik Y. I. [1]

    Tags: health protection4 healthy lifestyle5 motivation2 motivation process1 prevention24 public health9

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  • Personnel management

    Professional burnout among nurses is an urgent public health problem, which negatively affects the quality of medical care. A specialist’s belonging to a certain generation determines its own characteristics of the response to stress factors and the development of professional burnout.
    Purpose of the study is to determine the main patterns of occurrence of professional burnout among nurses depending on the generation for development and implementation of targeted prevention methods.
    Materials and methods. A one-stage comparative study was planned and conducted using a specially designed questionnaire, including a burnout questionnaire MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) and questions assessing professional performance and socioeconomic status to determine the factors of professional burnout. All nurses were stratified into three generational groups.
    Results. The study involved 2486 nurses. It was found that respondents of all generations were prone to professional burnout, with a high and extremely high degree. At the same time, the third generation was most susceptible to the development of professional burnout, the first was the least. The main predictors of the development of professional burnout in the third generation were: lack of sleep and rest, low salary and large loan payments, excessive work load; in the first – the presence of chronic diseases. The second generation had a smaller percentage of respondents with an extremely high degree of professional burnout, because they were characterized by lower labor intensity, lack of sleep deficit and the highest salary.
    Findings. Thus, prevention measures can be individual for each generation, with considering the differences in predictive and protective factors. While, it is necessary to focus on the youngest, third generation, reinforcing factors preventing the development of professional burnout.

    Authors: Kobyakova O. S. [16] Deev I. A. [9] Kulikov E. S. [2] Levko A. N. [1] Tyufilin D. S. [3] Chigrina V. P. [3] Kononova L. A. [1] Chernov D. Y. [1] Kuzhuget R. A. [1]

    Tags: factors4 generations2 nurses8 prevention24 professional burnout3

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  • 2022 № 10 Mathematical prediction of the risks of iron deficiency in women

    Purpose. Based on the study of medico-social, medico-biological and psychological factors, to assess the risks of iron deficiency in women. The results obtained will be used to develop a relevant program for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency in primary health care.
    Materials and methods. The medical and social study was conducted on the basis of the city polyclinics of Kazan, the samples included two groups of women: 394 patients with laboratory-confirmed iron deficiency, including its clinical manifestations, and 373 women with a confirmed absence of iron deficiency and without probable complaints. The following methods were used in the study: bibliographic, socio-hygienic, psychological testing, sociological, information-analytical, mathematical-statistical, organizational experiment.
    Results. New data have been established on the factors affecting the volume of tissue iron stores in women: statistically significant associations of serum ferritin with sleep quality parameters and carbohydrate intake. The risks of iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency were assessed, and subranges for individual risk groups were calculated.
    Findings. Statistically significant associations were found in the ferritin-total protein model with late bedtime (p <0,001), discrete sleep patterns (p <0,001), situational anxiety (p <0,001), and daily sugar intake (p = 0,021). According to mathematical forecasting, the greatest influence on the development of IDA in women is “going to bed” (R=2,1). Women who go to bed after midnight and from 23.00 to midnight are at risk of iron deficiency anemia, the risk of which is 2 times higher than in women who fall asleep before 23.00. The probability of latent iron deficiency in women with a high level of personal and situational anxiety is 28–29 times higher than in women with a low level of anxiety (R=29,254 and R=28, respectively).

    Authors: Chernobrovkina G. I. [1]

    Tags: iron deficiency1 iron deficiency anemia1 latent iron deficiency1 prevention24 women2

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 7 Organization of preventive examinations of the adult population in the Healthy Moscow pavilions.

    The value and originality of the new organizational approach implemented in the Healthy Moscow program lies in the fact that mobile pavilions have been set up as part of a large-scale preventive examination of the population in convenient location accessibility – park areas, squares and recreation areas, which makes it possible to identify not only diseases at an early stages, but also risk factors among population groups who consider themselves healthy, as well as organize targeted promotion of a healthy lifestyle. During the period of the Healthy Moscow program, more than a million citizens underwent preventive examinations in the pavilions, and to a greater extent the population that, for a number of reasons, rarely visits polyclinics and who do not have pronounced symptoms of diseases. However,
    according to the results of the surveys, it was revealed that approximately 12% of the so-called healthy people have diseases.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Bezymyanny A. S. [4] Grinin V. M. [3]

    Tags: clinical examination2 health improvement2 healthy lifestyle promotion2 prevention24 risk factors15 screening programs2 “healthy moscow”2

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  • 2019 № 4 Prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases prevention in Russia: possibilities of optimization

    Chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) remain the cause of three-fourths of deaths in Russia, but their control is not productive enough. Achieving of planned mortality reduction to 2025 among employable persons by 25,4%, from cardiovascular diseases – by 16,5% and from cancer – by 6% is possible only due to CNCD prevention. However, the costs on the «Centers of Health» activity are not justified from the point of view of their effectiveness, and dispanser- ization is not yet fully balanced in structure and volume. The analysis of some financial, organizational, methodological, legal and reporting documents makes will be it possible to identify problems and to offer systemic measures to optimize CNCD prevention.

    Authors: T.  M.  Maksikova [1] A.  N.  Kalyagin [1]

    Tags: chronic non-infectious diseases2 dispanserization1 organizational problems1 prevention24 risk factors15 the centers of health1

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  • 2023 № 7 On the issue of peculiarities of organization of preventive measures for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

    The problem of prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in Russia is particularly acute, among which diseases of the circulatory system occupy the first place, becoming widespread.
    O b j e c t i v e : to analyze and study the features of the organization of preventive measures for patients with cardiovascular diseases, especially the elderly population.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . For the analysis were literary sources, statistical reporting data, regulatory documents, and electronic resources. In the context of this study, such methods as: studying and generalizing experience, content analysis, a systematic approach, and statistical analysis were used.
    R e s u l t s . In the framework of the study revealed a high overall and primary morbidity of BSK in older age groups, so you need to increase the interest of the population in activities of preventive medicine, in which medical services are provided free of charge; analyzed the main preventive measures in the world and the example of some of the subjects of the Russian Federation; the main role of physical activity of the population in the fight against CVD is determined; the main problems in the framework of prevention at the regional level are identified: low interest of the population in health care and low the problem of distribution of preventive measures in the framework of VHI programs is studied.
    C o n c l u s i o n . Higher common and primary morbidity of CVD in elderly age groups of population requires as priority-driven active enhancement of commitment of population in effective medical prevention on the basis of free-of-charge medical care and services. The key role of physical activity of population in prevention of CVD is approved. Among regional problems of CVD prevention of priority importance are critically low commitment of population in one’s own health care and inadequate exploration of prevalence of preventive activities within the framework of implementation of VMI programs.

    Authors: Zagoruychenko A. A. [8] Karpova O. B. [5] Nechaev V. S. [2]

    Tags: adult population4 cardiovascular diseases3 diseases of the circulatory system2 prevention24 risk factors15

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  • Management in health care
  • 2020 № 7 Modern approaches to the construction of an effective model of preventive work with children

    The approaches to the analysis of the information of the medical information system about the child population
    attached to the medical organization (22,950 children) are described to identify homogeneous groups in order to build a
    preventive work plan with each. The team of experts of the medical organization has developed an electronic work plan for
    4,745 options for monitoring a child, which is implemented as a computer program that allows you to automatically rearrange
    the plan. It is considered as a sequence of standard operating procedures. The program automatically “restructures”
    the calendar plan of work with the child, allowing you to complete the missed work in an acceptable time for the child
    and the performer. The use of such planning is especially necessary for work in the conditions of prevention of COVID‑19.

    Authors: Choloyan S. B. [11] Pavlovskaya O. G. [8] Sheenkova M. V. [7] Ekimov A. K. [10] Baygazina E. N. [6] Tricomenas N. N. [3]

    Tags: medical care for children4 medical information system8 medical planning1 prevention24 process approach7

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  • 2015 № 8 Adult population’s quality clinical examination management in outpatient organizations on the basis of the process approach

    Aim of the study: Development of quality management system in health care organization in periodic health examination of target adult population groups. The developed materials could be exploited in similar institutions engaged in the periodic health examinations.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Tyazhelnikov A. A. [1] A. Sh. Senenko [5] Yumukyan A. V. [1] Volkova N. V. [1]

    Tags: periodic health examination1 prevention24 process approach7 quality management system9

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  • 2021 № 5 Health centers – a tool for improving the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases in the Russian Federation

    There are Health Centers in Russia that deal with the early diagnosis and prevention of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD).
    M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s : the data of 9505 visitors who applied to the Health Centers of Tomsk were analyzed.
    Purpose to identify the most significant combinations of risk factors for the development of NCD among visitors to Health Centers.
    R e s u l t s : 70% of people had two or more behavioral risk factors. Two or more metabolic risk factors were identified in 37% of people. The prevalence of combinations of behavioral risk factors remains almost constant in all age groups, while the prevalence of metabolic risk factors significantly increases starting from the age of 30–34 years. The combination of physical inactivity and inappropriate nutrition is most significant for the development of high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia and excess body weight in persons under 30 years of age. Individuals under 30 years of age have a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease and diabetes in the presence of combinations of metabolic risk factors (excess body weight, increased blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia). The risk of developing hypertension, ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus significantly increases with an increase in BMI for each unit, starting from a BMI of 22 kg/m2. It is noteworthy that this is still within the normal range. The risk of developing hypertonic disease and coronary artery disease significantly increases with an increase in cholesterol for every 0.5
    mmol/l, starting from normal values.
    C o n c l u s i o n s : the primary goal of preventive measures should be persons under 30 years of age without metabolic risk factors and with a combination of behavioral factors.

    Authors: Shibalkov I. P. [8] Starovoitova E. A. [1]

    Tags: chronic non-communicable diseases4 combinations of risk factors1 health centers2 prevention24

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  • 2017 № 1 The incidence of malignant neoplasms

    The article provides an analysis of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in Russia in dynamics for 10 years. The main feature of formation and development of cancer care in Russia is its preventive orientation. The experience of early diagnostics of malignant neoplasms expedient from the economic point of view a long-term strategy for the fight against cancer.

    Authors: Denisenko A. N. [2] Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Sulkina F. A. [3] Terentyeva D. S. [2]

    Tags: early diagnosis1 economic impact1 malignant neoplasms5 oncology7 prevention24

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  • 2020 № 2 Improving the quality of organization and provision of medical care for children with injuries in order to reduce their disability

    Children’s disability is an urgent medical and social problem of modern society, one of the main characteristics
    of public health and social well-being of the country. This article provides additional data on the main trends in primary
    childhood disability, depending on the age and type of injury, type of injury and a damaging factor; presents a medium-
    term prognosis of primary childhood disability due to injuries for the Kursk region. The types of psychological status of a
    family with a child with an injury are determined, and their effect on the implementation of measures for its rehabilitation in
    various types of injuries is studied. The results obtained indicate the importance of an individual approach to each specific
    family with a child with an injury, and the need for work aimed at achieving optimal treatment outcomes and preventing
    the formation of disability. A scheme has been developed for the interaction of various organizations and departments
    involved in the prevention of childhood injuries and the comprehensive rehabilitation of children with the consequences of
    injuries. A scheme of the relationship between the types of rehabilitation and the level of adaptation (somatic, psychological,
    socio-environmental) of children with the consequences of injuries under the age of 12 years is proposed.

    Authors: Grishina N. K. [6] Gordova L. D. [1]

    Tags: childhood injuries1 children with disabilities1 disability5 prevention24 quality of organization and provision of medical care1

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  • Law
  • 2020 № 7 On the issue of legal protection of adolescent girls ‘ reproduc tive health

    The article presents an overview of modern approaches to legal protection of reproductive health of adolescent girls
    in the Russian Federation. The system aspects of health protection of girls and adolescent girls, as well as prevention of violations
    of reproductive health formation, are taken into account. The research was based on Federal laws, regulatory and legislative acts
    of individual subjects of the Russian Federation, and relevant scientific publications. The legal priority in ensuring the reproductive
    health of girls and adolescent girls is determined by the availability and quality of specific medical care, as well as relevant sections of the main legal documents.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Zhelezova P. V. [5] Samojlova A. V. [1] Zagorujchenko A. A. [1] Shigabutdinova T. N. [2]

    Tags: adolescent girls1 eproductive health1 health4 health protection4 legal regulation1 legislation4 prevention24 regulatory framework1

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  • Infection security in health and prevention entities
  • 2013 № 1 Modern Aspects of prevention of hospital infection in high-tech medical center (as exemplified by trauma and orthopedic profile) (The Federal State Institution Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics & Endoprothesis Replacement, Cheboksary, Russia)

    Based on the analysis of FSBI «Federal Centre for trauma, orthopedics and endoprosthesis replacement », the Health Ministry of Russia (Cheboksary) developed a scheme for prevention of hospital infections in high-tech medical center. During 2009–2011 laboratory studies of environmental, medical products, swabs from the hands of members of the operating team, the patient's skin in the surgical field 100% of cases showed negative results. A group disease incidence of hospital infections and occupational diseases among medical workers are not registered. Proportion of infectious complications is at the average 0,36%, which, in our opinion, is due to endogenous infection (pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic micro flora in the setting of chronic foci of infection, long-term use of steroids, cytotoxic drugs).

    Authors: Nikolaev N. S. [4] Orlova A. V. [3] Andreeva V. E. [2]

    Tags: endoprosthesis replacement1 hospital infection1 organization1 prevention24

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  • Healthcare economics
  • 2023 № 7 Organization of preventive examinations of the adult population in the Healthy Moscow pavilions.

    The value and originality of the new organizational approach implemented in the Healthy Moscow program lies in the fact that mobile pavilions have been set up as part of a large-scale preventive examination of the population in convenient location accessibility – park areas, squares and recreation areas, which makes it possible to identify not only diseases at an early stages, but also risk factors among population groups who consider themselves healthy, as well as organize targeted promotion of a healthy lifestyle. During the period of the Healthy Moscow program, more than a million citizens underwent preventive examinations in the pavilions, and to a greater extent the population that, for a number of reasons, rarely visits polyclinics and who do not have pronounced symptoms of diseases. However,
    according to the results of the surveys, it was revealed that approximately 12% of the so-called healthy people have diseases.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Bezymyanny A. S. [4] Grinin V. M. [3]

    Tags: clinical examination2 health improvement2 healthy lifestyle promotion2 prevention24 risk factors15 screening programs2 “healthy moscow”2

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  • Health economics
  • 2023 № 1 Economic effect of vaccination as an argument in explanatory work on vaccine prevention

    There is no doubt about the economic effect of vaccination. However, the relevant assessments have not yet become a convincing argument for the need for vaccination.
    P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y . Based on the results of the inventory of the existing domestic and foreign experience in determining the economic effect of vaccination, identifying management problems in the relevant explanatory work, propose other approaches on how to calculate the economic effect of vaccination and how to use this argument in explanatory work on vaccination.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . A comparative analytical assessment of domestic and foreign experience in the field of calculating the economic effect of vaccination has been carried out. It is analyzed what place the economic effect of vaccination has in explanatory work of state bodies on vaccination.
    R e s u l t s . It has been established that the insufficient effectiveness of explanatory work on vaccination is largely the result of an incorrect delineation of functions at different levels of government (municipal, regional, federal). Unreasonably large tasks in this area are assigned to the municipal level, while the federal level, on the contrary, turned out to be actually unreasonably exempted from solving the substantive tasks in the field of explanatory work on vaccine prevention. The analysis of foreign and domestic experience in determining the economic effect of vaccination confirmed the significance of the results, calculations, and estimates. The necessity of presenting the results of the
    assessment of the economic effect of vaccination in a simpler and more understandable form is substantiated. For this purpose, an assessment was made of what can give the economy in value terms 25 years of additional human life, which he received in the 20th century thanks, according to experts, to vaccination. The calculation of GDP per capita (according to Rosstat for 2021, in purchasing power parity) for 25 years of extra human life due to vaccination was carried out. The need to consider the issue of the advisability of paying people for vaccination is substantiated.
    F i n d i n g s . It is necessary to reconsider the traditional approaches to assessing the economic effect of vaccination. State and municipal authorities should update the tasks in the field of vaccination in order to increase its effectiveness.

    Authors: Nikolaev I. A. [1] Cherepov V. M. [1] Sobolevskaya O. V. [1]

    Tags: assessment2 economic effect3 explanatory work1 prevention24 vaccination3

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2019 № 10 Overview of interdepartmental programs for public health care

    “In the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2018 No. 204 “About the national purposes and strategic problems of development of the Russian Federation until 2024” achievement of the following target indica¬tors is established: increase by 2024 in the expected life expectancy at the birth till 78 flyings and till 80 flyings by 2030)”. Prevention of noninfectious diseases on an interdepartmental basis is necessary for achievement of such indicators. We carried out the overview of federal orders, resolutions, a regulatory framework and interdepartmental programs for public health care. The analysis of literature showed that in the Russian Federation development and realization of the strategy, projects and programs directed to prevention of noninfectious diseases and forming of commitment of the population to a healthy lifestyle is conducted many of which are between sectoral and use the principles of “Health in all strategy”.

    Authors: Kitayeva E. A. [2]

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  • Financial management
  • 2016 № 2 The economical effectiveness of actions preventing the expansion of incidents of substance and alcohol abuse

    The analysis of economical effectiveness of preventative measures against substance and alcohol abuse in the Kostromskaya region between 2008–2012 years showed a presence of significant losses for the region’s economy, prompted by the population’s morbidity for drug and alcohol abuse among the young and employable population. There was noted a low level of financial provision of regional target-oriented programmes and a deficit in current financing of narcology service, what in turn makes the medical aid considerably less accessible. The level of achieved indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the narcology service’s activity demonstrated that there is a significant retardment among the regions, included in the process of realization of the concept for modernizing the narcology service of the Russian Federation.

    Authors: Bryun Е. А. [1] Pochitaeva I. P. [1]

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