Articles with tag: «web of science»
2015 № 3 Medical sciences after optimizing the chain of dissertation councils in Russia
The article explored outcomes of optimizing a network of dissertation councils in Russia in the period between 2013 and 2015 years.The subject structure of world science was compared with anticipated after optimization disciplinary structure of highly qualified Russian scientific personnel body. To make the comparison complete, there was evaluated the gravity of publication flow volume per certain subjects in data bases like Web of Science and the contribution of certain related areas in forming research frontlines according to data of Essential Science Indicators. It was factually proven that project's realization contributes to the process of balancing out the structure of reproduced body of highly qualified personnel in Russia and of the world's science subject structure. In addition to that, it was noted that by the end of 2015 year Russia will witness a groundlessly low share of dissertation councils in medicine and similarly groundlessly in the context of global science development trends a high share of councils in economics sciences.
2015 № 7 Evaluation of contributions of specific areas of clinical medicine to Russian integral publication flow, indexed in Web of Science and Scopus
The deadline for evaluating achievements by Order № 599 of the Russian President dated 7 May 2012, in accordance to which the share of Russian researcher’s publications among all publications of international scientific journals, indexed in the Web of Science data base, should reach 2,44% by 2015, is fast approaching. The article evaluates the contribution of specific areas of clinical medicine to integral publication flow in Russia, indexed in Web of Science in the period between 2011 to 2015. It is demonstrated that despite the efforts of the professional medical community directed on increasing the publication activity in international segment, the share of Russian publications remain at a low level. The issue of reflecting research findings in international journals is particularly critical for Russian surgeons, dentists, orthopaedists and otolaryngologists.
2015 № 6 Possible methodological approaches to reviewing Russian clinical medicine journals in order to be published in Russian science citation index on the platform of Web of science
There was analysed a methodology for reviewing thousands of leading Russian journals in order to get published in the National Science Citation Index — Russian Science Citation Index in a form of a separate base created on the platform of Web of Science, which is used by coordinators of the project. There was suggested the methodology for reviewing domestic scientific journals in order to be included in the RSCI, which is formed on the basis of establishment of quotas of journals by subject areas in accordance with disciplinary structure of world science, as well as for identifying the most productive and dynamicly developed scientific disciplines in the frames of separately chosen subject area (using an example of clinical medicine).
2019 № 6 Assessment of attainability of fifth place in the global ranking of the publishing activity on priority areas in biomedicine
During 2012-2018 in the Russian Federation, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 599 of 05/07/2012, a set of state support measures was implemented aimed at increasing the specific gravity of Russian publications indexed in international databases. The national project “Science” (NPS) designed to realize the goals set by Presidential Decree No.204 of 05/07/2018 “On the National Goals and Strategic Tasks for Development of the Russian Federation until 2024” continues and develops the theme of increasing the publication activity of the Russian Federation in the internationalized space. One of the six NPS targets is “The place of the Russian Federation in terms of specific gravity in the total number of articles in areas defined by the priorities of scientific and technological development in publications indexed in international databases”. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the basic value of this indicator for biomedical disciplines related to the priority direction (paragraph 20c) of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation. We compared volumes of publication flows of the Russian Federation in 20 biomedical disciplines with a similar indicator of countries ranked fifth in the number of publications on the subject area under consideration, indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC). A 5-10 fold lag of the Russian Federation was recorded for the most part of the priority areas in the field of biomedicine identified by the NTS passport. The impact of public policy measures aimed at increasing the national biomedical publication stream for the period of 2012-2018 was estimated as insufficient to meet the considered NTS target.