Articles with tag: «phthisiatricians»
2018 № 1 Availability and staffing by phthisiatricians in the Udmurt republic, 2011-2015
Provision of human resources represents one of the main problems in the organization of health care. The purpose of the study was to determine the main trends in the provision and staffing of phthisiatricians. The purpose of the study is determination of the main trends in the provision and staffing by phthisiatricians. Material and meth¬ods: official statistics of Udmurt Republic from 2006 to 2015. Mathematical, analytical and descriptive methods were used. Analysis of the availability of outpatient clinics by the phthisiatricians of the Udmurt Republic in the dynamics for 2011-2015 (per 10 000 population) showed the stability of the situation in the provision of specialists with a slight decrease in staffing. A positive trend was noted in the desire of young specialists to work in phthisiatric services. The results of the study of the level of provision and staffing of the phthisiatrics services in Udmurt Republic demonstrate the stability of the situation as a whole across the Republic, although in some administrative regions of the country the data are highly unequal. The arrival of young specialists in the phthisiatric service is encouraging growth in the supply of specialists in the near future