Articles with tag: «mortality»
2018 № 9 Morbidity of adult population with acute cerebrovascular diseases and mortality from them
Relevance: the progress achieved in the treatment of stroke is now evident, but the prevalence of this pathology, both in Russia and throughout the world, remains at a high level. The aim of the study was to To analyze the incidence of adult cerebrovascular diseases in the adult population and mortality from them in the Russian Federation for the period from 2012 to 2016. Materials and methods: the incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among adults was based on data from a form of federal statistical observation. Statistical, analytical and descriptive methods of statistical analysis are used in the work. Results: the increase in the total incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among the population aged 18 and over is 13,6%. However, a 2,1% increase in deaths from intracerebral and intracranial hemorrhage was noted. Conclusion: an increase in the total incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among the population aged 18 years and older by 13.6% and deaths from intracerebral and intracranial hemorrhage by 2,1%. Against this background, the mortality of adults from acute cerebrovascular diseases decreases. In their structure of cerebrovascular diseases more
2018 № 5 Nosological structure of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system of the population in three age groups of the population of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the influence of errors in coding the causes of death and the inadequate filling of death certificates on the statistics of mortality from circulatory system diseases. Using the example of the ABC-anal¬ysis of the nosological structure of mortality in the Russian Federation from the circulatory system diseases in three age groups in 2014, the possibility of using this approach to optimize prevention and treatment programs to reduce mortality from this pathology is being considered
2019 № 9 The dynamics of the components of the changes in the life expectancy of the population of the Krasnoyarsk territory
The aim of the study was a component analysis of mortality in the Krasnoyarsk region for the period from 1999 to 2017. To conduct a component analysis, we used depersonalized databases of all registered deaths in the Krasnoyarsk region from 1999 to 2017 and data on the average annual population for this period. E. M. Andreeva and E. E. Arriaga methods were used as a methodology of component analysis. The results of the component analysis allowed to establish a positive contribution of mortality changes in the dynamics of life expectancy of the population of the Krasnoyarsk territory in almost all age groups, with the exception of women in the age group 35–39, where there was a slight negative contri¬bution. For the period from 1999 to 2017 negative contribution to the dynamics of life expectancy has made changes in mortality from such causes as: diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism diseases of the nervous system and diseases of the digestive system, and diseases of the skin and subcuta¬neous tissue. At the same time, the greatest negative contribution among all categories of the population was made by the change in mortality from diseases of the nervous system. The results can be used in the formation of short-term health development programs to increase life expectancy.
2022 № 7 On the issue of the current state of the medical and demographic situation in Russia
At the present stage in Russia, the main strategic initiatives aimed at improving medical and demographic processes are set out in a number of regulatory documents presented in the form of national projects, concepts, strategies and other federal projects, while special attention is required to study and monitor these indicators of public health of the population.
Purpose of the study is analysis of the medical and demographic situation in Russia and in individual subjects in recent years, making proposals to improve the processes of fertility and mortality, migration growth.
Materials and methods. Scientific publications, official statistical data and analytical materials of Rosstat, data from the
statistical collection of the SFO were used as research materials. Statistical data processing was carried out using SPSS, Excel‑2007 packages. The main research methods were: the study and generalization of experience, information-analytical, statistical, bibliographic.
Results. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the demographic situation in the Russian Federation determined a low degree of compliance with the priorities of the state policy; there was a negative dynamics and a discrepancy between the actual value of the planned target indicators, therefore, in order to eliminate the existing problems, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of individual territories when setting and formulating strategic directions and initiatives on this problem.
Findings. The results of the study indicate the need for constant monitoring of the main demographic indicators, considering certain directions and the course of the state policy pursued in this direction. -
2022 № 7 Analysis of morbidity and staffing of the population of rural areas in the Russian Federation
Rural health care is the most important socio-economic resource in the system of the agrarian economy.
Purpose of the study. Based on medical and demographic indicators and analysis of morbidity and staffing of the rural population, develop proposals for improving the organization of medical care for rural residents.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s : analytical, statistical, direct observation. The article used the forms of federal statistical observation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
R e s u l t s . The mortality rate of the rural population over the 20 years of analysis for all the years has been and remains higher than that of the urban population. In 2020, there was a sharp increase in the mortality of the population: urban – from 11,9 to 14,3‰, rural – from 13,3 to 15,4‰, which is associated with the COVID‑19 pandemic. The indicators of the general and newly diagnosed morbidity of the rural population are lower than those of the urban population, which is associated with the low availability of medical care to the rural population.
The ranking of indicators of the general incidence of the rural population in the federal districts of the Russian Federation (2020) showed that the difference in indicators was 1,5 times. The highest indicator was noted in the Volga Federal District – 142220,6‰00, the lowest in the Far Eastern Federal District – 96922,8‰00. In the subjects of the Russian Federation, the difference in indicators is 8 times. Lower rates of primary morbidity in the rural population than in the urban population were noted for all classes of diseases. The incidence of COVID‑19 among rural residents was 2151,9‰00, lower than in urban areas – 4539,5‰00, in the Russian Federation the figure was 3384,5‰00. In 2020, the primary morbidity rate of the rural population decreased for all classes of diseases, except for respiratory diseases. In dynamics (2014–2020), the provision of medical organizations located in rural areas increased with doctors from 12,1 to 14,0‰0, with nurses from 44,4 to 50,3‰0, the number of physical EMS persons decreased by 14,8%, paramedics – by 11,6%, the number of FAPs and AFs decreased by 8,9%. The analysis shows that the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.02.2015 No. 151-r “Target indicators of the strategy for sustainable development of rural areas of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030” is not being implemented.
C o n c l u s i o n . Proposals for providing medical care to the population of rural areas are presented -
2023 № 1 Medical and demographic indicators of the population older than working age in the conditions of pension reform in the Russian Federation
Purpose of the study. Based on the study of medical and demographic indicators and analysis of the incidence of the population, develop recommendations for the health protection of the population older than working age in the context of the transition to pension reform.
Materials and methods: sociological, statistical, direct observation. The materials of the Federal State Statistics Service and statistical materials of the TsNIIOIZ of the Ministry of Health of Russia for 2012–2021 were used.
Results. The mortality rate of the population older than working age in the Russian Federation (2020) amounted to 4408,1‰oo, the total population – 1460,2‰oo, in the federal districts of the Russian Federation the indicators fluctuated 1,2 times: from 3818,7‰oo in the North- Caucasian Federal District to 4638,6‰oo in the Volga Federal District, in the subjects of the Russian Federation the difference is 3 times. The indicator of primary morbidity of the studied contingent in the Russian Federation (2020) was 57041,4‰oo, in the Federal District the difference in indicators is 1,25 times, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation – 3,9 times. The incidence of COVID‑19 in 2020 was 4373,9‰oo, in the Federal District the difference in indicators is 2,2 times, in the subjects of the Russian Federation it is large – 10,6 times, which allows us to conclude that the coding of COVID‑19 is ambiguous. Comparative analysis of the primary incidence of the study population by disease classes in 2019 and 2020 showed an increase in the indicator by 8,9% due to respiratory diseases by 40,8%, the incidence of COVID‑19 in 2020 was 4357,6‰oo. In all other classes, the indicators decreased as a result of a decrease in dispensary and preventive work. During the period of analysis in people older than working age, the increase in the primary morbidity rate is higher – 8,9% than in the total population – 5,7%, which indicates the need to strengthen dispensary and preventive work with the older population. The article gives recommendations on the health protection of the population older than working age. -
2018 № 9 The dynamics of mortality of the population of the Russian Federation from 2012–2016
The article presents the dynamics of mortality in 2012–2016. The structure of the death rate of the pop¬ulation for 2016 is given. The target indicators (indicators) of the state program of the Russian Federation «Development of Health Care» – mortality from all causes, diseases of the circulatory system, traffic accidents, neoplasms are considered
2022 № 5 Child mortality in different countries during the COVID‑19 pandemic
At the beginning of the pandemic, COVID‑19 deaths were relatively higher among older children than in younger age groups, although there was a high likelihood of life-threatening cases of COVID‑19 in children with underlying medical conditions. Low child mortality from COVID‑19 is attributed by the authors of the study to the use of protective measures by children from high-risk groups and isolation measures. However, the COVID‑19 pandemic has led to serious disruptions in the work of health services in various countries, to interruptions in the provision of maternal and child health services (medical examinations, vaccinations, prenatal and postnatal care, and others), to a shortage of medical personnel.
Purpose: to analyze the data of scientific studies on the characteristics of child mortality in various countries with the allocation of risks in the system of maternal and child health care.
Materials and methods: bibliographic and analytical methods were used in the work.
Findings: Premature newborns are particularly vulnerable to the COVID‑19 pandemic, especially in low- and middle-income countries where the impact of health system failures is significant. Restrictions during the COVID‑19 pandemic exacerbate the risks of stillbirth, including delayed delivery. The drop in preterm birth rates seen in high-income countries is attributed by researchers to the indirect effects of the response to the COVID‑19 pandemic, and data on stillbirths are not taken into account, which may make it difficult to explain the decline. -
2023 № 3 Scientific substantiation of proposals for improving medical care for villagers.
P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : based on the analysis of the medical and demographic situation and the staffing of the rural population, develop proposals for improving medical care for the villagers.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s : statistical, analytical, direct observation. The article used the forms of state statistical observation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The results of the actual research.
Materials and methods: statistical, analytical, direct observation, the forms of state statistical observation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation were used.
R e s u l t s . The rural population in the Russian Federation (2021) is 36,9 million people (25,2% of the country’s population). The proportion of the rural population of working age was 53,8%, which is lower than in Russia as a whole – 56%. A 21-year analysis showed that the birth rate of the rural population increased until 2012, while mortality rates decreased, in 2013 the mortality and birth rates became equal and amounted to 14,5‰ each, in 2020 the death rate increased to 15,4‰ due to the COVID‑19 pandemic. The average (expected) life expectancy of the rural population (70,7 years) is lower than that of the urban population (71,8 years); the indicator for rural men is extremely low (66 years). The
overall incidence of the rural population is 1,4 times lower than that of the urban population, 117993,2 and 166901,5‰oo respectively. Primary morbidity is also 1,5 times lower (55082,4 and 83002,2‰oo, respectively). The difference in primary morbidity rates of the rural population in the federal districts (2020) was 1,3 times, in the constituent entities – 8,3 times. The incidence of COVID‑19 in the rural adult population (2020) was 1986,0‰oo, which is 2 times lower than in the Russian Federation as a whole (3913.9‰oo). There was a significant difference in these indicators (by 59 times) in the subjects of the Russian Federation, which can be associated with a lower density of the rural population,
low availability of medical care in the countryside, as well as the ambiguity of COVID‑19 coding. For 6 years (2016–2021), the provision of doctors in medical organizations in rural areas in the Russian Federation decreased from 14,8 to 13,6‰o, and of nurses – from 54,6 to 49,3‰o. The number of nursing staff individuals working for feldsher-obstetric station decreased by 12,5%, paramedics – by 9,4%. Given the special importance of paramedical assistance in the countryside, the reduction in the number of paramedics should be considered a negative.
C o n c l u s i o n . The unfavorable medical and demographic situation in the countryside requires the development of organizational and managerial decisions aimed at increasing the availability of medical care to the villagers.
C o n c l u s i o n s . Proposals have been developed to improve the provision of medical care to the population of rural areas. -
2018 № 4 Multivariate statistical analysis by the example of transport accidents
Modern methods of multivariate analysis allow to perform in-depth analysis on statistical data. The proposed method of multivariate analysis examines the formation of the array using the algorithm of generalized assessment of health indicators. It is possible to build and further analyze a mathematical model using an algebraic model of constructive logic. Using the proposed method, the analysis of mortality in the result of accidents in transport. This allows you to rank indicators lethality in the regions of the country and highlight the most problematic regions. The partial significance of the analyzed factors is shown. It provides analytical approach to the epidemiology of mortality in transport in different regions of the country
2019 № 6 Main trends in mortality from injuries among elderly persons
Р. 34-38
Abstract. Despite the fact that the main economic and demographic negative contribution to the death rate from injuries is caused by cases among the able-bodied population, a huge social role is played by mortality among the elderly and senile age. For all the major causes of death from injuries, with the exception of death in road accidents and due to injuries with sharp objects, where the maximum rates are recorded for men of working age, the leading age groups are65 years or more, and peak values occur at the age of 80 years or more.The problem of high mortality among seniors is interdepartmental in nature; to solve this problem, it is necessary to involve not only health authorities, but, above all, social services. For persons of old age, an organization of an accessible environment is necessary, not only at public and private facilities, but also at the place of residence. -
2016 № 7 Problems of formation of health of mothers and their offspring in modern Russia
The article presents the morbidity and mortality of mothers and newborns in Russia for the years 2013‑2014‑2015 a growth of negative phenomena in the vital signs of women’s and children’s organisms, evidence of systemic violations of their health (the formation of the fetal-placental complex, the implementation of compensatory protective mechanisms of women and development of the fetus). In order to optimize demographic processes, the preservation of life and health of women and newborn offspring, you must consider the trends and direct the efforts and funds to maintain the social status of the family and women’s health before and during pregnancy.
2013 № 12 The analysis of regional features of mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation for an assessment of efficiency of programs of health care (Research Institute for Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases, SB RAMS, Kemerovo, Russia)
Annotation. Analysis results of mortality of the population of the Kemerovo region are given in article from diseases of system of blood circulation and its two main forms: coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases in the period of 2000–2011. For the purpose of separation of regional features the assessment of probability of death by calculation of the odds ratio and creation of their trends was carried out. Results of research testify that implementation of regional and federal programs on lowering of mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation allowed to achieve certain successes in improving of a demographic situation in Kuzbass. It concerns first of rates of mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation as a whole and from coronary heart disease.
2015 № 5 Risk factor for mortality from cardiovascular diseases: the expert estimation doctors of various specialties
No statistically significant differences in the average score evaluation by physicians of different specialties of each indicator (p > 0,05 for each item). Average effect on mortality from cardiovascular diseases comorbid somatic pathology according to the doctors is 3,5±1,5, and more than a third of experts evaluated the contribution of comorbid somatic pathology in maximum 5 points. Average impact of comorbid psychopathology — 2,7±1,4; comorbid diseases caused by alcohol and drug use — 3,5±1,5; failure to doctor's recommendations — 4±1,3; ignorance of the major risk factors for the Ivory Coast, or the rejection of their correction — 3,8±1,4; ignorance of the main manifestations (symptoms) of life-threatening diseases or complications requiring first aid and emergency medical services — 3,9±1,4. Almost 50% of specialists have put the maximum score in the answers to the last two questions. Аccording to doctors at the level of regional mortality from BSK is strongly influenced by physical and mental comorbid pathology, ignorance of the risk factors, symptoms and methods of providing emergency assistance in the Ivory Coast.
2017 № 1 Basic trends of mortality from external causeson the territory of the Russian Federation
Annotation. The analysis of the statistics of the Russian Federation, the mortality rate as a whole, as well as by federal districts and subjects for the period 1990–2015 years. It was revealed that the death rate from external causes has specific regional characteristics, and its level in some subjects of the Russian Federation remains at extremely high values. Over the period 2011–2015 there is a noticeable slowdown to reduce mortality from external causes, which highlights the need for the development and adoption of organizational measures with the involvement of the health authorities and other agencies of the Russian Federation.
2014 № 6 Problems of evaluation and interpretation of indicators of morbidity, morality and disability from diseases of the circulatory system (Federal State Budgetary Institution <State Research Center for Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia; South Ural State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Russia)
The article examines the differences in the approaches to their assessment of morbidity, mortality and disability caused by diseases of the circulatory system (SBR). On mortality from BSK affect coding errors and selecting the cause of death, the lowest frequency of autopsies on the background of high mortality outside hospitals. Indicators of overall morbidity due to peculiarities of the collection of statistical information is significantly more than the population , while the actual number of sick people is unknown. On disability rates have a significant impact not only and not so much the degree of violation of physical state as psychological characteristics and evaluation of subjective perception of disease by patients and physicians; social factors, regulatory documents. These factors lead to the problems of comparing mortality, morbidity and disability between the Russian Federation and other countries, and between regions of the Russian Federation, the complexity of the information support for management decision-making in health and health care organization.
2020 № 10 Efficiency indicators of the round-the-clock hospital beds of the oncologic profile in the Russian Federation
The steady growth trend of oncological diseases in Russia in recent years requires a response from the health
care system: development of prevention aimed at early detection of diseases; improvement of methods of diagnostics and treatment of oncopathology; improving the quality and effectiveness of medical care.
A i m : to identify trends in changes of the neoplasms incidence and performance indicators of oncological beds for
round-the-clock stay of the state health care system in the Russian Federation, federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation in dynamics for 2010–2019.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Using the data of federal statistical observation (forms NoNo. 12, 30) by the method of
descriptive statistics, the main indicators of the neoplasms incidence in the population are analyzed, as well as the work
of round-the-clock oncological beds in the Russian Federation, federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation in
dynamics for 2010–2019.
R e s u l t s . On the background of an increase in the neoplasms incidence in the population (by 24.9%), including malignant (1.5 times), for the period 2010–2019 in the Russian Federation increased: the absolute number of oncology beds of round-the-clock stay from 30,970 to 36,186 (+ 16.8%), the provision with these beds from 2.17 to 2.47 per 10,000 population (+ 13.8%), hospitalization rate from 6.1 to 9.6 per 1000 population (+ 57.4%), and decreased: the average length of stay in an oncological bed (from 12.1 days to 8.4 – by 30.6%), as well as the average bed occupancy per year (from 345 to 330 days – by 4.3%). The extreme values of the indicators of the hospitalization rate for round-the-clock oncological beds in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2019 differ 12.8 times, the provision of these beds – 9.2 times, the average bed occupancy per year – 1.5 times, the average length of stay in a bed – 2.4 times. Mortality in oncological hospital beds increased from 0.76% in 2010 to 0.95% in 2019 (by 25%).
C o n c l u s i o n . The 24-hour oncological bed capacity, against the background of the growth of oncological morbidity,
has naturally increased, but at the same time it is characterized by an extreme disproportionality of development in the
Federal Districts and the regions of the Russian Federation. Optimization of the bed fund should be carried out based on
the objective needs of a particular region, taking into account its characteristics and with the simultaneous development
of alternative medical services. -
2018 № 10 Analysis of morbidity, mortality from malignant neoplasmsand organization specialized medical care for the population with oncological pathology in Moscow region
The article presents morbidity and mortality in the Moscow (MO) from cancer for improvement organization of specialized medical care with oncology pathology. An analysis is made of the reasons for the excess of the specialized Medical Assistance (MSP) (including high-tech medical care - ВМП) for residents of the Ministry of Defense for malignant neoplasms more than 2 times mean values for the Russian Federation, in a 24-hour hospital due to a larger residents of the Moscow region of the NSR and the VMP at the expense of federal medical centers in Moscow.
2016 № 7 Analysis of mortality rates in the groups of regions with different levels of socio-economic development
The article compares the mortality rates in the 2 groups of Russian regions that differ in terms of socioeconomic development. Material and methods. The division of regions into 2 groups performed on the basis of the rating of socio-economic situation of the regions, developed by the Rating agency «RIA Rating», included in the media holding «Russia Today» (RIA Rating, 2015). We analyzed standardized mortality rates (the whole population, men, women), age-specific death rates in subgroups of 20–39 years, 40–59let, 60–69 years: a) from all causes; b) from causes related to alcohol and drugs; c) from external causes; g) from a group of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The authors conclude that there are significant differences in mortality between the two groups of regions.
2014 № 5 Age- and sex- mortality and years of life lost (YLL) in Russia in 2012 (Federal State Budgetary Institution «Center for Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, the Russian Federation)
There is given a valuation of age-sex differences in Russian Federation. There is definied the number of years of life lost as a result of premature mortality in the subjects of Russian Federation. Minimal mortality indexes among male population are marked in the age of 11 years old (25,4 per 100 thousand), among female population at the age of 10 (18,2 per 100 thousand). The maximum differences in indexes of mortality are marked in the age group of 20–29 years old (314,5 per 100 thousand men against 92,3 per 100 thousand women). Quantity of men died before reaching the age of 70 years among men — 63,2%,among women — 29,9%. Total quantity of lost lives due to premature mortality in Russian Federation is estimated in 36 864 309, among them 24 321 992 (65,9%) as a result of men's mortality and 12 542 317 (34,1%) among women. All subjects of Russian Federation demonstrate higher indexes of lost lives than in other economically developed countries. The highest percentage of lost lives due to premature mortality (before 70 years old) is noticed among men in the areas of Siberia and Far East.
2014 № 11 Data on the number of homeless and neglected minors, placed in medical-preventative organizations in 2013 over time from 2009 to 2013 years (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
There is presented data on the number of homeless and neglected minors, placed in medical-preventative organizations in 2013 over time from 2009 to2013 years. There was analyzed it's morbidity (including socially associated diseses) in Russia as a whole and in constituent members of the Federation. Moreover, there are analyzed outcomes of their stay in stationaries, frequency of mortality outcomes by territories. There has been stated an increase in growth of morbidity among homeless children infected with such diseases as tuberculosis, HIV as well as infractions and toxications.