Articles with tag: «financing»
2018 № 4 Assessment of financial flows and expenditures in HIV/AIDS infection in Tajikistan
In Tajikistan, despite the measures taken, there are still problems in reducing the spread of the epi-demic and covering the HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment measures related to HIV/ IDS financing. Development of measures to ensure long-term financing of national programs and strategies related to HIV/AIDS response. The need to finance HIV/AIDS programs in the long term until 2020 was developed on the basis of a mathematical model for assessing the epidemic’s development and forecasting. Based on the mathematical model, assessing the development of the HIV/AIDS epidemic shows that in the case of sufficient financing of all basic services within a budget of $129 million for the period until the end of 2020, about 8,360 new cases of infection and the preservation of 101,700 DALYs. Sufficient funding for all basic services related to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS will effectively achieve the goal of preventing the further spread of the HIV / AIDS epidemic by 2030
2021 № 1 Financing of healthcare in 2021 from the federal budget: priorities within the national project “Healthcare” in the context of the fight against coronavirus infection Covid‑19
An analysis of the upcoming financing of healthcare from the Federal budget shows that in 2021–2022,
despite the difficult financial situation, the volume of financial support for the industry will continue to grow. These are all
the more important parameters because the upcoming budget in the period under review assumed a slight reduction in
funding compared to the approved figures of the Federal budget for 2020. This should help to ensure the stable functioning
of health care. -
2020 № 1 Health care Financing in 2020: priorities within the national project «Health Care»
Analysis of future health financing shows that in 2020–2022, despite the difficult financial situation, the growth of financial support for the health system will continue. Among the priorities for 2020, we should highlight the increase in funding for cancer care. This is the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on may 7, 2018 No. 204 "on national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". The allocation of funds in the compulsory health insurance system is also based on these priorities. In particular, at the expense of mandatory medical insurance funds, financial incentives are provided for employees to identify oncological disease. Among the positive aspects are inter-budget transfers to the budget of the compulsory health insur¬ance Fund from the Federal budget to pay for high-tech medical care that is not included in the basic program mandatory medical insurance and birth certificates. All this should have a positive impact on the further development of health care.
2020 № 4 The effect of coronavirus Сovid-19 on the situation in Russian healthcare
The relatively slow initial rate of spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in Russia has its own objective reasons related to the size of the territory, population density, tourist activity of the population, etc. They have played a positive role in making it possible to better prepare for the fight against it, taking into account, among other things, the experience of countries where the rate and scale of the spread of the coronavirus was much higher.
Despite the serious damage to the economy, there are no global financial threats to health care yet. However, it is important that resources arrive in time to medical organizations in the context of large-scale conversion of beds, etc. Unavoidable periods of downtime during periods of re-profiling, being in standby mode, etc., lead to the fact that many medical organizations risk finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, even with sufficient resources in the industry. Therefore, at this stage, it is sometimes more important than serious financial infusions, and mechanisms aimed at com- pensating for the loss of income. -
2020 № 5 Russian Health Care in the background coronavirus COVID-19: Opportunities and Threats
The effectiveness of any public system, including health care, is determined by the adequacy of its legal regulation. The situation with coronavirus exposed many problems in this area, a number of which were quickly resolved with varying degrees of success. However, there are still many unresolved issues and the need to further improve the legal regulation of health care. This applies, among other issues, to the remuneration of medical workers engaged in providing medical care to patients who have been diagnosed with COVID‑19 coronavirus infection. The article presents an analysis of the procedure for implementing incentive payments at the expense of Federal funds, and suggests measures to improve it. The article presents a SWOT analysis of the state of Russian healthcare against the background of the spread of COVID‑19 coronavirus.
2022 № 1 Financing of the compulsory health insurance system in 2022
The most important factor affecting the amount and methods of financial support of the compulsory medical insurance system, as in the last two years, continues to be the spread of coronavirus infection COVID‑19.
In the proposed paper discusses not only the indicators of the budget of the Federal compulsory medical insurance Fund, but the dynamics of indicators, including, in comparison with the rate of inflation, and other factors.
New directions of the use of compulsory medical insurance funds are identified, the reasons for their appearance are considered. -
2015 № 8 Regulatory control of state-private (municipal-private) partne
The article examines a legislation, related to the state-private partnership and municipal-private partnerships, specifics of its application in the state system. There is also analysis done of a possible impact of the new legislation on investment activity in circumstances of current economic crisis. There are demonstrated legislation opportunities and limitations for realizing state-private partnership projects with participation of state (municipal) institutions in health care.
2018 № 1 Prospects of health financing in 2018
New 2018 in terms of funding health care will differ from the previous - it is expected a sharp increase in funding from all types of sources. However, this is due not only to increased revenues and the restructuring expenses. It becomes more rational - "saving" (for example, reducing expenditures on more costly inpatient care in the Federal budget). In the system of obligatory medical insurance is the refusal of a number of "non-core" expenditure. All of this should have a positive impact on the development of health care
2020 № 6 Assessment of public policy in relation to certain issues of healthcare functioning during the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus
Health care, as a predominantly public system, is objectively subject to serious regulation in special operating conditions, which include the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection. It is also important that the private healthcare system is also subject to direct or indirect regulation. At the same time, public authorities are sometimes forced to resort to "manual management", the consequences of which are not always clear for both public and private health care.
2016 № 1 The paradoxes of health care funding in 2016: the system of mandatory health care insurance policies recorded extra funds, which will be withdrawn back into the federal budget
With all complexity of current economic landscape in the country, health care remains to be one of the top priority spheres regarding financing. Despite the crisis, the volume of funds, allocated to the field is gradually increasing. However, the growth rates of spending on health care lag behind the rates of inflation. Furthermore, a significant part of the budget of Federal Fund of the mandatory medical insurance policy is not connected with the provision of medical aid in the medical mandatory insurance system. Expenditure of Mandatory Medical Insurance System is not oriented on President’s orders to increase the salaries. And despite the presence of crucial financial issues in the mandatory medical insurance system, substantial funds are withdrawn from the Federal budget of Mandatory Medical Insurance system into the federal budget.
2019 № 1 Financing health care in 2019: new priorities and channels for the movement of funds
Analysis of the future financing of health care shows that in 2019–2021, despite the difficult financial situation, the volume of financial support for the industry will continue to grow. Thus, the size of health care spending from the Federal budget is growing not only in absolute terms, but also occupies all a large share in the structure of Federal budget expenditures. The increase in expenses in the system of compulsory health insurance (CHI) in absolute terms is still quite large. Among the priorities of 2019 are the increase in funding for cancer care, as well as high-tech medical care, which directly follows from the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation May 7, 2018 № 204 "The national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" (presidential Decree № 204). The distribution of funds to the compulsory medical insurance system is based on these priorities, and based on the results of implementation of decrees of the President 2012 for leveling a series of problems, such as unreasonable reductions in personnel. All this should have a positive impact on the further development of health care.
2023 № 7 On the issue of the effectiveness of the maintenance of insurance medical organizations in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation.
The problems of domestic healthcare are associated with a number of factors that are influenced by the indicators of the economic state of the country, while the main problem is insufficient funding, largely related to the participation of insurance medical organizations in healthcare. A comparison of the cost of maintaining the CFR and the Pension Fund of Russia over a long period of time clearly shows that the effectiveness of the healthcare system with the participation of the CFR is significantly less than the effectiveness of the Pension Fund.
I n t r o d u c t i o n . In article problems of availability of high-tech medical care for residents of separately taken region are considered.
Communication of an increase of the rendered medical care depending on sources of financing and a regulation of a level cofinancing is analyses.
T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : a background of principles of realization of the program of the state guarantees of free rendering of medical aid at availability of insufficient financing the region, based on the analysis of existing problems in the organization of maintenance of availability of high-tech medical care.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . In research were used a database of a subsystem of monitoring of realization of the state task on rendering high-tech medical care of information-analytical system of Ministry of Health of Russia and regulatory legal documents.
The statistical, analytical method and a content-analysis were applied.
R e s u l t s a n d d i s c u s s i o n . It is revealed, that at a quadruple increase of medical institutions rendering the given type of the help in territory of region, the percent of its rendering decreases, not leaving for its limits. Since 2012, decrease in grants from the federal budget almost twice is ascertained. Thus during last four years financing from means of the budget of the Astrakhan area remains at a constant level.
C o n c l u s i o n . For the big percent of the patients leaving for limits of region, the given type of the help in fact is not at all «free» as there is an indispensability of payment of additional inspection and travel. And absence of a precise regulation of a level cofinancing provides the way to allocate money resources from the federal budget by «a residual principle».