Articles with tag: «security»
2020 № 2 Technical equipment of departments of anesthesiology and reanimation of the Russian Federation
Renders hardware of offices of anesthesiology and resuscitation on quality of delivery of health care and safety of patients of a surgical profile and the persons which are in critical condition. The analysis of security of these offices with the equipment and equipment in the Russian Federation, federal districts, subjects for 2015–2018 is presented in this article. Now the park of the equipment for these offices became morally outdated, security with this equipment on subjects is presented unevenly.
2015 № 4 Supply of general practitioners and their activity in different federal districts of the country in the period from 2007 to 2013 biennium
In the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2013 biennium. indicator of the availability of general practitioners has steadily increased. The most pronounced positive trend registered in the southern federal district (53,9%), the lowest-in the Siberian federal district (2,6%), along with the indicators of the medical and the coefficients of its rejection had considerable variability (maximum in the North Caucasus federal district: +40,6%, minimum-VLS: +14,6%) Also decreased the number of specialists, particularly in the Northwest and Vls, which contributed to the growth in health care ISSUES for the country as a whole, over the period from 2007 to 2013 biennium. was +31,4%. Increased proportion of patients and GPS at home, especially rural people. The overwhelming number of visits to doctors in that specialty was about diseases. This situation requires re-evaluation of the primary health care for the population in order to increase the availability of care provided by general practitioners, and the basis of the positive experience of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.