Articles with tag: «federal districts»
2020 № 5 Incidence of microsporia and trichophytis in the Russian Federation in 2013–2018
Introduction. Purpose. Study of the incidence of microsporia and trichophytis among children. Material and methods. Data of forms of federal statistical observation No. 9 “Data on sexually transmitted infections and contagious skin diseases” in the federal districts of the Russian Federation for the period from 2013 to 2018. The work uses descriptive statistics. Main results. An analysis of the incidence of microsporia in the Russian Federation showed that in the federal districts the dynamics of indicators among children was almost similar to the total population. The highest incidence is found in the Volga and Southern federal districts, both in the general population and among the child population. During the period under study, the incidence of microsporia decreased by 0.2% in the general population and by 8.1% in the infant population. Indicators of trichophytis in both the general population and the infant population were also unstable. At the same time, the incidence of trichophytis in the general population decreased by 7.1%, in children by 11.5%. The most disadvantaged situation in trichophytia was observed in the North Caucasus Federal District, further as the Far East and Siberian federal districts declined. Among the children between the ages of 0 and 14, an unprecedented high incidence rate is observed in the North Caucasus Federal District: from 28.8 in 2014 to 34.7 in 2016, which is higher than in the country as a whole by 4, 4 and 6.7 times, respectively. Conclusion. During the period under study, the incidence of microsporia decreased by 0.2%, among the infant population – by 8.1%, the incidence of trichophytia – 7.1% and 11.5%, respectively.
2020 № 8 Medical and social aspects of the development of health resources in the Federal districts of Russia
An important area of health care is the implementation of equal rights of citizens to preserve health throughout
Russia. In order to analyze the dynamics of the development of the main forces and means of the medical industry in
the territory of the macroregions of our country, we used the following methods: analytical, logical, statistical and direct
ranking. The results of the study were established, the dynamics of primary morbidity of the population, the security of
citizens medical staff capacity outpatient organizations and hospital beds Fund, and the differences of these indicators in the federal districts.