Articles with tag: «labeling»
2019 № 5 Modern aspects of marking of medicinal products: organization model introduction marking «DataМatrix» drug
The introduction of an automated system for monitoring the movement of drugs from the manufacturer to the end user is one of the priorities of the “Health”, which in the future will provide full protection of the population from counterfeit drugs and prompt removal from circulation of counterfeit and substandard drugs. Many participants in the commodity distribution chain are not fully aware of the peculiarities of registration in the system of monitoring the movement of medicines, the purchase of equipment for their labeling and subsequent inclusion in the life cycle of the goods. The aim of the study is to develop an organizational model for the introduction of “DataMatrix” labeling on the drug, which is a modern element of the system for monitoring the movement of the drug from the manufacturer to the end user and contributes to the proper step-by-step inclusion of “DataMatrix” marking at each stage of the commodity chain.
In the course of the research the methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of observation were used, the monitoring of legal documentation in the current edition was carried out, the algorithm was compiled using logical modeling.
As a result of the work, an organizational model for the implementation of a system for monitoring the movement of medicines was created, which provides preventive measures for the entry into circulation and simultaneous withdrawal from circulation in an automated mode of counterfeit, substandard and counterfeit medicines at any stage of their circulation; control of the targeting of the movement of drugs purchased from the budget, the cost of their acquisition; monitoring of pricing and maximum retail prices for medicines from the list of vital and essential medicines.