All articles by Son I. M.
2016 № 2 Staff time specialist doctors for the provision of medical care in the outpatient setting
In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 № 598 «On improvement of state policy in the sphere of public health» and in accordance with the Action Plan of the Ministry of Health Labor norms in health care, approved by the Interagency Working Group on the organization of rationing of work, the development of professional standards and skill levels in the health sector conducted observed for 2 working weeks of the working process of two specialists: cardiologist, endocrinologist and dentist-therapist in 20 pilot areas of the country. Data analysis observation revealed the need for regulations to establish standards load specialists providing outpatient care to the population due to an increase in the time to visit a patient.
2015 № 5 Direct costs calculator as a tool for economic justification of health care expenditures for patients with castration-refractory prostate cancer
The article describes a tool to calculate the direct medical costs of treating patients with castrationre fractory prostate cancer. This tool will allow to assess cost of medical procedures and to justify treatment choice.
2019 № 7 To the 10th anniversary of the health centers
The article analyzes the main performance indicators of health centers for the period 2014–2018. Shows the coverage of comprehensive surveys in health centers per 10000 population; distribution of citizens recognized as healthy and with risk factors; presents indicators characterizing preventive work with the surveyed citizens. In the context of Federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation, indicators for the last two years – 2017 and 2018 were analyzed. According to the provided results, conclusions are drawn about the absence of significant positive dynamics of the indicators characterizing the activities of health centers over the past 5 years. Thus essential divergences of indicators at the level of Federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation are revealed. Analysis of indicators of activities of health centers indicates the lack of a unified organizational methodology of their activities. Improvement of organizational processes in health centers should go in parallel with the improvement of accounting and reporting documentation, these processes should be inextricably linked and aimed at solving the strategic problem – ensuring the quality of preventive work with the population, including the formation of management decisions based on them.
2020 № 9 Forecasting of labor resources in the system of primary health care in Kazakhstan
Primary health care is a highly effective and efficient way to tackle the root causes and risks of poor health
status, and to address emerging problems that threaten future health and well-being.
Goal: Develop a model for predicting the need for general practitioners (GPs) until 2030, taking into account various
input data in the equations describing the movement of labor resources in the form of “flows” and “ stocks “ using the
method of system dynamics.
Methods: The model was built using the Any Logic program, based on information about the availability of primary
health care doctors, demographic data and the general prevalence of diseases in the population. Three scenarios were
considered to predict the need for general practitioners. The base year was 2018, the forecast was carried out until 2030.
Results: All of three scenarios indicate that with the current number of graduated GPs, the shortage of primary care
physicians will be exacerbated. In general, the shortage can reach more than two thousand.
Conclusion: Government and medical universities need to take measures to correct the number of students in the specialty of “General Practitioner” in order to avoid a growing shortage of primary care physicians in the future until 2030. -
2017 № 5 Study of workload and working time costs of general practitioners in healthcare organizations in Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of a chronometric analysis of patients from the Karaganda policlinic, while analyzing and studying the costs of the doctor’s working hours for performing various labor operations. In addition, the main factors influencing the duration of admission of general practitioners of primary care organizations were identified, and we also compiled a forecast of the duration of GPs’ admission, depending on the treatment of some variables. Statistical analysis determined the main factors affecting the duration of admission of patients by GPs. These include the Communicative Factor or Component 1, Operating Procedures or Component 2, and Working with Documentation or Component 3
2016 № 8 Formation records on childhood disability in the Russian Federation for 1980–2016 years
A retrospective analysis of primary medical records, recording children’s disability. Studied the chronological sequence of changes in accounting forms and prerequisites for these changes, and also features documentation for registration of children with disabilities.
2018 № 10 Problems of normative support of health care institutions in the context of structural reforms
The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of structural reforms in health care, their validity, compliance with the Program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation, adequate provision of medical organizations with resources. It is proved that the formation of a network of medical organizations should be justified by the objective needs of the population in medical care, confirmed by the data of monitoring the health status of the population and the study of consumer demand. It is also necessary to take into account the forecast of changes in the needs of the population in the volumes and types of care, as well as to scientifically justify the profiling, typing and staffing of medical organizations.
2018 № 1 The Department of Medical and Social Assistance to the Adult Population and the Department of Nursing: the concept and principles of organization
The concept of the organization of medical and social assistance to the most socially vulnerable population contingents (people in the residential and senile age, the disabled and citizens with a temporary restriction of the ability to move and self-care after the transferred diseases and injuries) is proposed. This includes the creation departments of medical and social assistance in medical organizations that provide assistance to the adult population on an outpatient basis
2016 № 10 State and tendencies of the organization of medical care by the patient with rheumatic diseases in the orenburg region
In the Orenburg region there are multidirectional and nonuniform tendencies of incidence of rheumatic diseases, the possibly bound to decrease in availability of the specialized rheumatological help to patients. Medical care by the patient with rheumatic diseases in the Orenburg region does not meet the modern expectations of necessary level to its organization and an operating order of rendering. Level of primary specialized rheumatological help is not provided with necessary quantity of positions, and territorial distribution of available, causes its transport inaccessibility. The specialized stationary help, including hi-tech turns out in one office at regional hospital what is also represented poor. The calculated quantity of necessary established posts of rheumatologists makes from 17 to 32 rates, depending on the applied calculation procedures. The number of necessary beds for rendering the specialized rheumatological help varies from 94 to 250. The organizational model of the rheumatological help to adult population of area developed on the basis of analytical and normative methods includes creation of interdistrict offices of rheumatologists for rendering primary specialized rheumatological help, two interdistrict rheumatological offices for rendering the specialized help taking into account preservation of the office in a regional hospital providing specialized and high-tech medical care to patients. This model is the first stage in development of the concept of development of the rheumatological help in area.
2016 № 9 Modern approaches to an estimation of efficiency and an assessment of quality of medical diagnostic researches
Perfection of the medical diagnostic help, including its pre-hospital level, demands the working out and the realization of a series of measures on diagnostic interventions’ management and their quality assessment. The list of the common and specific indicators of efficiency of diagnostics is developed on the basis of the researches made and offered, modern approaches to quality management, carrying out of internal and external quality assurance are described, the problems demanding the decision for the further increase of efficiency and quality of medical diagnostics are defined.
2016 № 7 The activities of day hospitals in the Russian Federation in 2000–2014
The article analyzes legal documents, which that regulate the work of day hospitals in the Russian Federation since the late 90-ies of XX century to the present. Presents an analysis of the performance of activities of day hospitals in health institutions providing medical care in ambulatory and stationary conditions in the country in 2000–2014. Marked increase in the number of beds in day hospitals 2,3 times, which is mainly due to the increase of beds in day hospitals in health institutions providing medical care in ambulatory conditions. Spend the evaluation of use of hospital beds hospitals for 15 years. During the study period the number of beds in hospitals has decreased by 27,7%, the number of discharged patients has almost not changed, which is associated with the intensity of the work beds. Shows the comparison of the number of persons treated in day hospitals and hospitals round-the-clock stay. The total number of patients treated in day hospitals and round hospitals, the proportion of patients treated at a convenience care hospitals declined from 92,5 to 80,3%, the proportion of patients treated in day hospitals increased from 7,5 to 19,7%.
2016 № 3 Primary Health care. Medical Network organization features and staff provision
Annotation. Changes of Medical organizations network, providing ambulatory treatment, were studied, for past 10 years. In addition, trends of manning tables formation in outpatient clinic were analyzed, as well as population provision by district doctors (uchastkoviy doctor) and general doctors. The analysis of main indicators of doctors’ activities in medical organizations, providing ambulatory treatment, is provided.
2016 № 3 Provision of medical rehabilitation care for the population of Russian Federation on an outpatient basis
Annotation. Demographic changes in the direction of increasing of older age groups in the population structure, chronicity diseases, disability height, high premature mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases and due to this enormous economic damage to the national economy of the country pose the problem of organizing measures of effective medical rehabilitation of patients to the category modern Russian health priority issues. The results of analysis of medical institutions and professionals activities, that provide assistance for medical rehabilitation in outpatient settings, indicate that there is a low level of cabinets and experts providing assistance on medical rehabilitation in Russia. The low number of visits to the professionals of all profiles in combination with a high coefficient of combining and low understaffing, indicates lack of sending patients for this type of restorative treatment, that is unfairly against a background of increased morbidity, especially chronic and disabling forms of diseases. This, in turn, shows the lack of organizational and legal forms of regulating the flow of patients from the active treatment to the rehabilitation, that leads to the dissatisfaction of the population need for this type of care. The structural analysis of the situation and identify unsolved problems so far give us basis for looking for priority actions for the development of provided medical rehabilitation on an outpatient basis – a necessary condition for the implementation of medical and social functions of the state to preserve and strengthen health of the population.
2015 № 10 Cancer patients routing experience of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Republic of Tatarstan
In the research, we analyzed the experience of the regions, that have implemented and have been using effective automated routing systems of cancer patients, that allow to optimize the use of resources in the region. We studied and described the key elements of an effective system for the routing of patients with malignant tumors. We propose optimum steps for implementation of the routing system in the regional oncology service.
2015 № 9 The condition and renovation of capital assets of TB-institutions in the Russian Federation (2012–2014)
The state of capital assets of TB organizations in the Russian Federation: buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles evaluated. Discovered increased depreciation of capital assets, imbalance of wear, imbalances of renovation. The ways of harmonization of state assets offer.
2015 № 8 Adult population’s quality clinical examination management in outpatient organizations on the basis of the process approach
Aim of the study: Development of quality management system in health care organization in periodic health examination of target adult population groups. The developed materials could be exploited in similar institutions engaged in the periodic health examinations.
2015 № 4 Supply of general practitioners and their activity in different federal districts of the country in the period from 2007 to 2013 biennium
In the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2013 biennium. indicator of the availability of general practitioners has steadily increased. The most pronounced positive trend registered in the southern federal district (53,9%), the lowest-in the Siberian federal district (2,6%), along with the indicators of the medical and the coefficients of its rejection had considerable variability (maximum in the North Caucasus federal district: +40,6%, minimum-VLS: +14,6%) Also decreased the number of specialists, particularly in the Northwest and Vls, which contributed to the growth in health care ISSUES for the country as a whole, over the period from 2007 to 2013 biennium. was +31,4%. Increased proportion of patients and GPS at home, especially rural people. The overwhelming number of visits to doctors in that specialty was about diseases. This situation requires re-evaluation of the primary health care for the population in order to increase the availability of care provided by general practitioners, and the basis of the positive experience of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2014 № 9 Main morbidity trends of population of the Russian Federation in 2012–2013 (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
There was conducted an analysis of dynamics of general and primary morbidity rates among Russian population in the period of 2012–2013 years. There was noticed an increase in the general morbidity rates of population in Russian Federation by 5,2% in 2013. The structure of general morbidity of population in Russian Federation hasn't changed significantly: the first place is taken by lung diseases, second — by diseases related to a blood circulation system, third — by diseases of a musculoskeletal system. The level of primary morbidity rates among the whole population of Russian Federation has increased by 0,8%. The structure of general morbidity among Russian population hasn't changed significantly: the first place is taken by lung diseases, second — by the injuries and intoxications, third — by diseases of genitourinary system.
2014 № 8 Working hours expenses of doctors on an out-patient basis according to photochronometric researches (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
For the implementation of the Russian Federation President Decree of May 7, 2012 № 598 «About improvement of a state policy in the health care sphere» and according to the Plan of measures on work rationing in health care of the Interdepartmental working group on the organization of rationing of work, development of professional standards and skill levels in the health care sphere, within 2 working weeks phototime observation over work of two experts — therapists of district police officers, pediatricians of district police officers, general practitioners, neurologists, otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and obstetricians-gynecologists in 17 pilot territories of the country is made. Results of research testify the need of improvement of normative documents on setting standards for the doctors rendering the out-patient help to the population towards increase in time for visit of one patient.
2014 № 7 Rules and law regulations for the labor of general practitioner in Russian Federation (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
The current regulatory framework in a grate measure ignores aspects of the labor of general practitioner, and does not ccorrespond modern requirements for primary health care. In consequence of that, possibility of a general practitioner, capable because of its approachability to the public and competence, cconsiderably attend both primary medical health care and emergency medical services, is used inefficiently. One of the main tools in solving this problem in the process of modernization of health care is the revision of regulations governing the labour of general practitioners and nurses with taking account of changed social conditions of society and the epidemiological situation, as well as a significant improvement of material and technical base of medical organizations and the new requirements to the organization of the diagnostic and treatment process.
2014 № 4 Current rules and law regulations for the labor of ophthalmologist (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Existing normative base does not correspond with modern requirements on providing specialized medical aid and is in need of re-consideration. One of the main instruments for achieving this objective in the process of health care modernization is objectivation of physician's work norms and of the middle-level medical staff with the regards of changed social life conditions of the society and epidemiological situation, as well as significant improvement of material-technical base of medical organizations and new requirements towards organization of aid-diagnostics process. Modernization of medical organizations, implementing innovative methods of diagnostics, suggesting high qualification of specialists along with understaffing of personnel set, and the growth of pressure on physician, require re-consideration of existing normatives.
2013 № 11 Methodology of calculating industrial registration indicators, diagnostics and efficiency of medical treatment for patients suffering from tuberculosis (Federal Public Health Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
There are announced the principal mechanisms affecting the size of registration indicators, diagnostics and treatment efficiency for patients suffering from tuberculosis. There are presented the consequences of a number of management solutions.
2013 № 10 Demand of Russian Federation in medical human resources (Ministry of health care of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation: In the article there are presented results of defining demands of Russian Federation in medical human resources. Base for calculating the number of specialists was volumes of aid set in each subject of Russian Federation while realizing territorial program of state guarantees on provision of medical aid with consideration of age-specific indicators of analogue state guarantees federal program, regional specifics and level of population's morbidity in subjects of Russian Federation. Besides that, methodology called «Calculation of demands of Russian Federation in medical human resources», developed in Federal State Entity of «Central SRI of Organization and Informatization of Health Care», considered territorial specifics of subjects of Russian Federation, — location of the subject in Far North areas and equivalent to the, density of population, proportion of the rural population. With that there were used reducing the pressure coefficients on physicians positions. In the article there is a comparison of actual number of main professions in 2012 year and revised regulatory normative of physicians numbers in 2013–2014 years (per 10 thousand capita), as well as there is described а deviationof normative number of physicians from its actual number (deficit/surplus of physicians) for the main professions.
2013 № 8 Dynamics of morbidity with a temporary disability in Russian Federation in 2007–2011 years (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Annotation: In the article there is presented an analysis of cases when there is obtained a disability in different categories of diseases within the past 5 year old period dated from 2007 till 2011 years among men and women. Study of dynamics of this indicator has revealed that there has been noticed an increase of disease cases among men obtaining disability and with women the number of cases when disability was obtained remained almost the same. There is presented a structure of diseases causing temporary disability and analysis of indicator dynamics in all classes and particular groups of diseases in the sex cut. There is evidence of importance of studying diseases causing temporary disability, especially taking in account predicted temporary decrease of number of cases and days of temporary disability in 2018 and 2019 years (compared to 2017 year) due to the unfavorable demographic situation forecast.
2018 № 6 Contribution of the Russian Federation subjects to the total population overall incidence Levels Formation in 2010-2016 years
The analysis results of the RF total population overall incidence by federal districts in 2010-2016, which allows to appreciate contribution of every RF federation district to the population overall incidence level formation on the nationwide scale, are presented in this work. The factors affecting to the formation of indicators of the RF total population overall incidence have been considered
2020 № 1 Planning the subject of dissertations in the specialty «public health and healthcare»: problems and solutions
Over the last 20 years, the professional values of applicants for a degree in the specialty «Public health and health care» have shifted from health issues to disease issues, which does not meet the needs of modern society. There is a disappearance from the considered discipline, the ancestor of which is the medical police, of knowledge and competencies necessary for the successful implementation of management activities for the implementation of one of the most important social functions of the state-the prevention of threats to public health and safety. It is necessary to clarify the essence of the basic concept of the scientific specialty “Public health and healthcare”, as well as to improve the planning procedures of dissertation research.
2017 № 8 The transition to a model of personalized medicine: barriers and possible solutions
The transition of the national health system to the model of «personalized medicine» is highlighted in the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation as one of seven priorities (item 20 in"). Analyzed risks and possible barriers of the implementation of this priority. Attention is drawn to the need to assess economic viability, human and infrastructural support, adequacy of legal regulation of development of methods of personalized medicine in the Russian Federation in the format of full project life cycle
2017 № 1 Analysis of changes reporting forms of federal statistical observation in terms of children and disability
Child disability – one of the most acute of medico – social problems of modern society. The level of disability along with infant mortality, morbidity, physical development and health demographic processes is a basic indicator of child health, reflecting the level of economic and social well-being of the country. This article presents a retrospective analysis of the changes in the reporting forms of federal statistical observation of the registration of children with disabilities for the period 1995 to 2015. Studied the chronological sequence of changes in the reporting forms and the background of these changes.
2013 № 5 Evaluation of health care modernization's impact on dynamics of adult population's morbidity (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: There are considered different criteria of evaluating health care's modernization, reflecting structural improvements of the system, current, financing and results of additional prophylactic medical examination service, status of medical equipment and its amortization. There is estimated an economic loss due to population's morbidity.
2021 № 1 The role of local governments in solving the problems of providing primary health care personnel
The problem of staffing in healthcare remains relevant for a long time. The article considers the possibilities of participation of local self-government bodies in attracting and securing medical workers, primarily primary care. The
analysis of normative legal acts of the Federal level is presented. Amendments to Federal laws № 131-FZ and № 323-FZ related to specifying the powers of local self-government bodies in terms of health personnel are proposed. The necessity of a comprehensive assessment of the implemented measures of social support for medical workers to identify the most effective measures and select the best practices is justified. -
2018 № 9 The number of plastic surgeons in the Russian Federation and their activities in 2017 year
Relevance. The issues of staffing of medical organizations always remain one of the urgent problems of practical public health. In the period of wide development of such a healthcare sector as plastic surgery, the urgency of providing specialist doctors and organizing control over their activities is growing. Purpose of the study. Conduct an analysis of the security and activities of plastic surgeons in the context of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Material and methods. The data of the federal statistical Observation № 30 “Information on the medical organization” for 2017 are used. Statistical, analytical, descriptive methods of statistics were used in the work. Results. The majority of plastic surgeons work in the medical organizations of the Central (36,2%), Siberian (20,7%) Privolzhsky (15.5%) federal districts, mostly in hospitals. At the same time, the largest number of specialist visits is in the Southern (49,7% or 8,330 visits per year) and Siberian (37,8% or 6335 visits per year) Federal Districts. Conclusions. An analysis of the number of plastic surgeons showed that most of them work in the occupied positions in the Central Federal District, especially in Moscow. At the same time, the highest number of specialist visits is in the Southern Federal District.
2018 № 3 To create a new model of medical organization providing primary health care: characteristics of medical staff of district health services
The results of the analysis of the provision of the population of the russian federation by district physicians, general practitioners, district pediatricians are presented. Significant differences in the indicators in the subjects of the Russian Federation were established. These differences necessitate a differential approach when planning actions to improve the organization of primary health care in the subjects of the Russian Federation
2017 № 6 Working time of doctors-specialists related to visiting one patient with doctor-physician, doctor-surgeon and doctor-dermatovenerologist
In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on November 11, 2002 No. 804 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 46, Article 4583) and paragraph 19 of the action plan (“road Card“)” Changes in social sectors aimed at improving the effectiveness of healthcare “approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2599-r of December 28, 2012 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 2, Article 130, No. 45, Articles 5863, 2014, No. 19, Item 2468), in 2016 photo-timing observations of the working process of phthisiatricians, doctors-surgeons and doctors-dermatovenerologists were conducted. The work was conducted in accordance with the methodology of conducting photo-timing studies within ten working days for two physicians in each specialty. The results of the research showed the need to develop new normative documents on setting the time limits for visiting one-patient TB doctors, surgeons and dermatovenereologists who provide primary care in outpatient settings (not providing 24-hour medical supervision and treatment).
2017 № 2 Non-medical and other staff working in the medical organizations subordinated to the subject of the Russian Federation
The demand for increasing efficiency in the use of health resources, including human resources, require improved approaches to demand determination for non-medical personnel of health. Over the past three years, almost half (47.3%) increased the absolute number of «other staff» and medical organizations increased by 24.6%, its share in the total number of health workers. Analyzed data provided by the health authorities of the Russian Federation on the size, composition and the additional requirements of healthcare organizations-medical and other staff. The necessity of developing a unified nomenclature of positions in the non-medical part of the health workforce, clearly defined methodological approaches to the formation of the staffing structure and numbers of non-medical personnel depending on the type and capacity of the medical organization.
2020 № 10 The evaluation of epidemiology and the availability of medical care for patients with retina diseases in the Russian Federation
Retinal diseases are significant causes of blindness and vision loss and they take the second place in the structure
of disabilities due to blindness in Russia. Objective: analysis of the official statistical data on the disease and availability
of health care to patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) that are prescribed intravitreal injection of drugs (IVD) as the first-line therapy for wet age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema, respectively. Materials and methods: Epidemiological parameters were assessed by the data obtained from the form of statistical records № 12 for 2018–2019 years. The availability of IVD was analyzed by the information registered in the form of statistical records № 14 for 2016–2019 with a recalculation per 1000 population. Results: In 2019 in the Russian Federation 330 thousand patients with AMD were registered (0.45% among the population older than 40 years old). The incidence rate was significantly lower than in other countries (8.69%). The data on the number of patients with DR was unavailable for statistical recording because of the absence of the code Н36.0 IDC‑10 in form № 12. However, according to the federal register of diabetes mellitus, the total rate of DR can reach 760 thousand people all over Russia.
The availability of IVD for all-day inpatient health care was 0.39 injections per 1000 population. In 26 subjects of the
Russian Federation, the availability was higher than the average in Russia, while in the rest 59 subjects, the availability
was lower than the average. Presently, there are no data on the number of IVD performed in day-time inpatient facilities.
Conclusions: The current rate of application of IVD in Russia can be estimated as low considering the revealed problems
with the registration and accounting of patients with AMD and DR. It is impossible to perform a complete evaluation of the availability of IVD for the Russian population within obligatory medical health insurance because of the lack of data on the provision of IVD in day-time inpatient facilities. For the rational planning of the volumes of medical care provision to patients with AMD and DR, the form of statistical records should include the data on the indication of IVD in the day-time inpatient facilities in the subjects of the Russian Federation. -
2018 № 9 Morbidity of adult population with acute cerebrovascular diseases and mortality from them
Relevance: the progress achieved in the treatment of stroke is now evident, but the prevalence of this pathology, both in Russia and throughout the world, remains at a high level. The aim of the study was to To analyze the incidence of adult cerebrovascular diseases in the adult population and mortality from them in the Russian Federation for the period from 2012 to 2016. Materials and methods: the incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among adults was based on data from a form of federal statistical observation. Statistical, analytical and descriptive methods of statistical analysis are used in the work. Results: the increase in the total incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among the population aged 18 and over is 13,6%. However, a 2,1% increase in deaths from intracerebral and intracranial hemorrhage was noted. Conclusion: an increase in the total incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among the population aged 18 years and older by 13.6% and deaths from intracerebral and intracranial hemorrhage by 2,1%. Against this background, the mortality of adults from acute cerebrovascular diseases decreases. In their structure of cerebrovascular diseases more
2023 № 6 Behavioural risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases in health care workers.
Low physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption are among the leading behavioural factors contributing to high morbidity and excess mortality from noncommunicable diseases. It can be assumed that health-care workers should be in the mainstream of population behavioural patterns. However, greater awareness of both the principles of healthy lifestyles and the harms of not following them may distinguish this population group in terms of behavioural responses.
Purpose: to estimate the prevalence of behavioural risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases among health-care workers.
Materials and methods. Study type: case-control study. Data source: results of the survey of the 28th wave of the Russian National Research University Higher School of Economics’ Monitoring of Economic Situation and Health, representative sample by individuals, survey year 2019. Responses received from respondents – health care workers about their use of tobacco, alcohol and exercise were analysed comparatively. Pearson Chi-square test at significance level p≤0,05 was used to find differences.
Results. A sociological survey of 55 male and 257 female health workers of working age was carried out. We found that the incidence of a positive smoking response was lower in both male and female working-age health professionals than in the general population of working-age individuals. Compared with the general populations of men and women, no significant differences were found in responses to questions about alcohol consumption and exercise.
Findings. We found that of the three behavioural factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity), only the first was significantly less prevalent among health professionals. The overall trends identified need to be investigated in more detail. -
2023 № 10 Integrated approach to the implementation of strategy in a sustainable developing healthcare organization.
Currently, strategic planning is the basis of the activities of many healthcare organizations. Building strategic goals and objectives structures the action plan and allows you to determine the degree of importance of the work being carried out relative to the organization’s policies.
However, not all management methods and techniques lead to sustainable development of healthcare organizations. To achieve the strategic goals of an organization, an integrated approach is needed, which determined the relevance of this study.
Purpose of the study is to determine and the description of an integrated approach to the implementation of strategic objectives in a sustainably developing healthcare organization providing primary health care to the urban population.
Materials and methods. The study of the sustainable development of healthcare organizations was carried out from 2012 to 2023, and a sociological study of the opinions of the heads of healthcare organizations implementing a development strategy was carried out from 2012 to 2018.
Results. A sociological survey of managers showed that 24,6% of healthcare organizations applying a development strategy do not achieve their indicators within 3 years. To increase the sustainability of the development of healthcare organizations, an integrated approach is required in combination with such management methods as: implementation of a quality management system; implementation of a sustainable development model; implementation of improvements; training staff on a long-term development strategy; analysis of process effectiveness, etc.
To implement a sustainable development strategy in the healthcare organization, the following activities were developed and implemented: determining the long-term goals of the healthcare organization; determination of key performance indicators of the organization; identifying key processes to achieve long-term goals of the clinic; identification of key performance indicators for each process; determining the quality and quantity of resources that support key processes; on-the-job training of personnel; monitoring and analysis of key performance indicators; identifying departmental best practices; implementing organizational improvements and innovations; changing long-term goals and key performance indicators based on the internal needs of the organization.
In general, over 6 years, the effectiveness of the organization’s strategy and policies increased by 5,9 times.
Findings. Thus, to achieve sustainable growth in long-term development indicators, it is necessary not only to formulate strategic performance indicators, but also to ensure their implementation in all divisions of the healthcare organization, including administrative, economic and support services. To this end, it is necessary to involve staff in improving work efficiency through on-the-job training in the best practices for implementing project work to improve the activities of a healthcare organization. This integrated approach increases employee engagement and allows for sustainable development of the organization as a whole. -
2023 № 9 Analysis of the effectiveness of healthcare organizations implementing the development strategy.
The development strategy is the most well-known model implemented in various industries, including healthcare. It allows managers to make decisions and focus the efforts of employees on processes that contribute to the achievement of the long-term goals of the organization.
However, when conducting a study of management models that affect the sustainable development of healthcare organizations, we received conflicting results. On the one hand, some healthcare organizations implementing the development strategy achieved their results within 3 years or more. On the other hand, 24,6% of healthcare organizations using this concept participated in the study, which did not achieve sustainable growth in indicators. This was the basis for the present study
Purpose of the study is to determine and the analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of healthcare organizations implementing a development strategy.
Materials and methods. The study of management models for the development of healthcare organizations was carried out in the period from 2012 to 2023 at the Novosibirsk State Medical University. Sociological (n=625) and expert survey (n=286) of heads of healthcare organizations was conducted in the period from 2012 to 2018.
Results. 625 heads of healthcare organizations participated in the sociological study. Only 43,4% of respondents used a development strategy in their work.
According to the results of the study, healthcare organizations that implement a development strategy in 100% of cases pay special attention to the implementation of an effective strategy. Plan processes in line with the organization’s strategy 34,6% more often than the average of all organizations surveyed. 1,7 times more likely to cooperate with government and scientific organizations to achieve their strategic goals. In the internal policy of the organization, they emphasize the implementation of corrective and preventive measures, and also evaluate mutual cooperation between departments.
Findings. The results of the study show that in order to achieve strategic goals, it is necessary to involve all the main activities of a healthcare organization, which gives reason to believe that the development strategy has a positive impact on the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. However, the method under study contributes to increasing the potential for sustainable development of a healthcare organization by only 39%. And a quarter of all the studied organizations that implement a development strategy do not achieve a stable growth of indicators within 3 years. This means that the studied management model can improve the efficiency of the organization only in combination with other approaches. -
2016 № 3 The level provision with diagnostic equipment in medical organisations, offering medical aid in ambulant conditions
Annotation. Shift to the provision of medical care in the outpatient setting updates the analysis of the provision of medical equipment and the loading it in the outpatient departments. Condition of medical devices for preventive screening equipment for computer and magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound and endoscopic diagnostics studied using official reporting statistic data. The technical condition of the buildings outpatient departments was analizing too. Identified the shortages of equipment for mammography, the suboptimal using of the equipment for screening of the chest. The expediency of the certification of health care organizations recommended, as well as the revision of standards studies using computed tomography. A path to optimizing the load on the diagnostic equipment proposed.
2019 № 3 Historical background the scientific organization of labour in health care: the experience of the early twentieth century
The active introduction of lean production technologies in the activities of medical organizations, conducted in recent years, was the occasion to study the history of the origin and formation of management science in Russia, as well as the study and rethinking of the Russian and Soviet experience of health care organization. Analysis of documents and literature related to 20–30 years of the last century, a period when the rapid pace of construction and development of the national economy of the USSR makes rethink the place and role of the Soviet experience of production management, which was at one time called “scientific organization of labor and production”, and later – “rationalization”. The universality of technologies and methods of scientific organization of labor (SOL) allows to use them both in production and non-production spheres, including health care. Note that the Soviet experience, as a rule, is not reflected in Western textbooks on management, or only mentioned, although the achievements of Soviet scientists 20-ies of the last century anticipated many areas of modern management and remain relevant even after almost a hundred years.