Manager Zdravoochranenia 2014 #7
Published: 2014-07-27
Rules and law regulations for the labor of general practitioner in Russian Federation (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
The current regulatory framework in a grate measure ignores aspects of the labor of general practitioner, and does not ccorrespond modern requirements for primary health care. In consequence of that, possibility of a general practitioner, capable because of its approachability to the public and competence, cconsiderably attend both primary medical health care and emergency medical services, is used inefficiently. One of the main tools in solving this problem in the process of modernization of health care is the revision of regulations governing the labour of general practitioners and nurses with taking account of changed social conditions of society and the epidemiological situation, as well as a significant improvement of material and technical base of medical organizations and the new requirements to the organization of the diagnostic and treatment process.
Circulation of medical products: numerous problems regulatory or what chief doctor have to do. Part 1 (Saint Petersburg; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)
In the article the characteristic of a number of issues in the sphere of medical products circulation: insufficient legislative regulation, absence of the system of training, lack of secure rights of a patient and, as a consequence, serious problems at the level of the medical organization. The authors offer concrete solutions as part of the normative regulation of the sphere of medical products circulation, and of the expanded operation algorithm at the level of medical organization in this area, namely those actions that must initiate the chief doctor.
The application of Balanced Scorecard for the evaluation of the medical organization (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia)
The article is devoted to questions of application of Balanced Scorecard for the evaluation of the medical organization. The result of the work is theoretical substantiation of causality prospects and compilation of the list of indicators for measuring the achievement of objectives within the system of balanced scorecard of outpatient organization. The article concludes on the need to develop methodological approaches to the development of strategic objectives in the framework of the system of balanced indicators.
Organizational and legal aspects of internal control of health and safety performance (Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
In the article the legal acts in the field of health in order to develop recommendations for establishing a system of internal control quality and safety of medical practice at the level of medical organization.
Tarrification of workers in a medical institution (Municipal hospital № 4 Ulianovsk, Russia)
Annotation. The article endeavours to give a definition to the term of tarrification of employees, clarify the order of creating tarrification commission and forming tarrification list. There is presented a list of questions, studied by commission. There are reviewed criteria when classifying worker's professions and titles are refered to professional qualification groups.
Review of government procurement of software for computerizating healthcare in 2013 («Complex medical informational systems» Company(K-MIS), Petrazovodsk, Russia)
Annotation. There has been conducted an analysis of government procurement for computerizing healthcare with regards to further implementation and development of software in United State Informational system in the sphere of healthcare (USISH) for the period of 2013 year. Analysis has been conducted on the basis of data monitoring which was obtained from government procurement web-sites. Report shows essential indicators of contest procedures, data on the winners and the auctions.
Medical duty of medical staff at home within the frame of new legislation (FSBI «Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. Medical duties at home were always considered as a rational form of organizing medical staff's labour, primarily in rural areas. However, within the new labour legislation they turned to be «above the law». One of yet another modification made to Labour codex returned the right to introduce medical duties at home. The article is dedicated to analysis of labour legislation, other normative acts related to medical duties at homes.
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Health of teenagers
Review of actual normative documents