Manager Zdravoochranenia 2020 #1

Published: 2020-02-20



  • There are defined winners in nominees of Publishing House «Manager of Health Care»

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  • Focus of problem
  • Is the medical organization obliged to ask the patient for an identity document when applying for paid medical services?

    The article shows and proves that when a patient applies for paid medical services, a medical organization is obliged to ask him for an identity document. First of all, this is enshrined in the requirements for the maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the authors emphasize that even if the patient does not have an identity document, the refusal to conclude a contract for the provision of paid medical services is unacceptable. The issue of presentation of an identity document by a patient when applying for the provision of paid medical services became particularly relevant after the introduction of such a control tool as the control purchase of paid medical services.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control purchase2 identity document1 medical documentation2 medical organization53 paid medical services22 patient13 quality control and safety of medical activity3

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  • Management in health care
  • New model of ambulatory healthcare operation as a form of sustainable development of healthcare organization

    The article presents a review of the literature and the data of our own research on the problem of introduction of certain elements of the lean production model in the work of the ambulatory healthcare and assessment of its impact on the sustainable development of the healthcare organization as a whole. It was revealed that the new model of the am¬bulatory healthcares increases the efficiency of activities in the following areas: the achievement of long-term development strategy by 6.8 times, the introduction of organizational improvements and training of personnel by 5 times, synchronizes processes and optimizes resource provision 3 times more often than the initial level of work of the healthcare organization. In this regard, the sustainability potential of the healthcare organization providing primary health care to the population has increased by 3.47 times, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the organization.

    Authors: Latukha O. A. [3] Kalinichenko A. V. [2] Sokolov S. V. [1] Tolstova K. S. [3]

    Tags: lean  production6 new model of ambulatory healthcare1 sustainable development of healthcare organization1

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  • Implementation of principles of lean production providing paid services in a medical organization

    The aim of the study is to optimize the processes leading to increasing patient satisfaction level, providing accessibility to medical services, increasing efficiency and eliminating existing temporary financial and other losses using the implementation of lean manufacturing principles and tools. The experience of organizing medical services on a paid basis allowed us to establish a patient-oriented system in the provision of primary health care to the population.. Legislative and regulatory framework governing the provision of medical services on a paid basis, guidelines for the implementation of lean manufacturing principles in medical organizations. Mathematical, analytical and descriptive methods were used. Schemes for the implementation of medical services based on optimizing the flow of created values for the patient are proposed. Changes of some indicators of the medical organization activity are analyzed. Implementation of the principles and tools of lean production leads to the solution of the problems of the current healthcare system – the effective use of the personnel potential of a medical organization, the possibility of creation additional income source for medical workers within one healthcare facility.

    Authors: Barankina T. A. [3] Yakimenko O. N [3] Fetisov A. O. [2]

    Tags: lean  management4 paid services in medicin1

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  • Assessment of the demand of population with cataract for specialized medical care

    The Study of the adequate demand of population in specialized medical care is one of the problematic issues in the process of planning of medical care. The aim of the study was to develop an indicator to assess the demand of population with cataract for specialized medical care. Information on the research topic was collected from books and electronic sources, including Internet sites in order to achieve the aim. A comparative analysis of ophthalmological data from the official statistical reporting forms (№ 12, № 14) of Orenburg, Samara, Penza and Perm regions was performed. As part of the study, significant spread in the values of indicators of general and primary morbidity of the population with eye diseases, both within the region and between regions, was defined. The values of the indicator for assessing the demand of population for specialized medical care for cataracts were obtained.

    Authors: Chuprov A. D. [4] Khodzhaev N. S. [1] Lositsky A. O. [2] Trubnikov V. A. [1]

    Tags: cataract morbidity1 demand for specialized medical care1 planning the extent of medical care1

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  • Aspects of medical rehabilitation in the reform of psychiatric services

    This article examines the medical documentation of patients and materials of the medical rehabilitation depart¬ment at the base of the Psychiatric Hospital of the Moscow Department of Health for the period April-December 2018. The results of the quality of treatment of 352 patients who were treated in the medical and rehabilitation department of the psychiatric hospital № 13 were evaluated.

    Authors: Grishina N. K. [6] Belostotskiy A. V. [3] A. Yu. Ter-Israelyan [3] Zagoruychenko A. A. [8]

    Tags: cognitive function1 medical care and rehabilitation department1 psychiatric rehabilitation1 quality control4 rehabilitation programs1

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  • The effectiveness of the reorganization of dermatovenerological care in the Samara region in terms of “lean production”

    By implementing “lean manufacturing”, medical organizations can save on all costs, while improving acces¬sibility and improving the quality of care.
    The roadmap “Changes in social sectors aimed at improving the efficiency of health care” set the task of increasing the share of outpatient care costs in the total costs of the “Program of state guarantees of free medical care” from 25.3% in 2013 to 31.7% in 2018. the Share of inpatient care costs should be reduced from 60.3% to 50.3%. In providing effective treatment of patients with dermatovenerological pathology of great importance is the use of the necessary amount of der¬matological care, as well as therapeutic methods of diagnosis and treatment, which determines the need for continuity in the work of PHC and PHC. In 2010. in the Samara region the restructuring of the bed Fund and partial reduction of der-matovenerological beds, improvement of selection of patients for inpatient treatment according to the developed criteria of hospitalization in hospitals of round-the-clock stay and day hospitals on the profile of dermatovenerology were carried out, clinical protocols were introduced at the outpatient stage – all of the above contributed to the efficiency of the use of the bed Fund in dermatovenerology. The reorganization of dermatovenerological care improved the quality of medical care for patients with dermatovenerological diseases and clinical and organizational indicators of dermatovenerological care.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Shakurov I. G. [2] Morozova E. V. [2] Merekina M. D. [3]

    Tags: bed fund4 dermatovenerological care1 indications for hospi¬talization1 primary health care (phc)2 the effectiveness of reorganization1 “lean manufacturing”3

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  • Information management
  • Application of distributed registry technology and smart contracts in medicine

    Аuthors consider the technology of distributed registries and, in particular, blockchain as one of the potential technical solutions that can ensure the protection of patient data. According to the authors, the technology of distributed registers should be used to collect primary data, verify the interaction of various institutions, work with electronic medical records. The use of blockchain technology can lead to the creation of a comprehensive system of «health», within which it will be possible to make the transition to personalized medicine.

    Authors: Akulin I. M. [6] Chesnokova E. A. [5] Svirkin M. V. [2] Balykina Y. E. [1] Presnyakov R. A. [5] Vasin A. G. [1] Guryanova N. E. [6]

    Tags: blockchain2 chi1 data security1 decentralized networks1 distributed registry1 electronic medical card1 emr1 hybrid networks1 information technology5 medical information systems11 medicine2 public and private blockchains1 scaling1 single digital health circuit1 smart contracts1 vmi1

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  • Medical science
  • Planning the subject of dissertations in the specialty «public health and healthcare»: problems and solutions

    Over the last 20 years, the professional values of applicants for a degree in the specialty «Public health and health care» have shifted from health issues to disease issues, which does not meet the needs of modern society. There is a disappearance from the considered discipline, the ancestor of which is the medical police, of knowledge and competencies necessary for the successful implementation of management activities for the implementation of one of the most important social functions of the state-the prevention of threats to public health and safety. It is necessary to clarify the essence of the basic concept of the scientific specialty “Public health and healthcare”, as well as to improve the planning procedures of dissertation research.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Perkhov V. I. [20] Starodubov V. I. [40]

    Tags: dissertation1 health policy1 medical science2 organization of health care1 organization of medical care4 public health and health care2 state system of scientific certification1

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  • Manager of heath care consults
  • Health care Financing in 2020: priorities within the national project «Health Care»

    Analysis of future health financing shows that in 2020–2022, despite the difficult financial situation, the growth of financial support for the health system will continue. Among the priorities for 2020, we should highlight the increase in funding for cancer care. This is the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on may 7, 2018 No. 204 "on national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". The allocation of funds in the compulsory health insurance system is also based on these priorities. In particular, at the expense of mandatory medical insurance funds, financial incentives are provided for employees to identify oncological disease. Among the positive aspects are inter-budget transfers to the budget of the compulsory health insur¬ance Fund from the Federal budget to pay for high-tech medical care that is not included in the basic program mandatory medical insurance and birth certificates. All this should have a positive impact on the further development of health care.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Obukhova O. V. [28] Bazarova I. N. [12]

    Tags: deficit6 expenses7 federal budget9 federal fund1 financing13 healthcare12 insurance premiums1 inter-budget transfers3 mandatory medical insurance10 rev¬enues1

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  • Questions and answers
  • Incentive Payments for the detection of cancer

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Chililov A. M. [23] Panov A. V. [2]

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  • Possible options for providing individual maintenance services on childbirth

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

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