Manager Zdravoochranenia 2015 #10
Published: 2015-10-06
Cancer patients routing experience of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Republic of Tatarstan
In the research, we analyzed the experience of the regions, that have implemented and have been using effective automated routing systems of cancer patients, that allow to optimize the use of resources in the region. We studied and described the key elements of an effective system for the routing of patients with malignant tumors. We propose optimum steps for implementation of the routing system in the regional oncology service.
About formation of new content of work of the head of the medical organization to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activity
The article deals with the problems and issues that impede the implementation of legislative requirements on ensuring and monitoring the quality and safety of medical activities in medical organizations. The article presents and justifies a specific list of the main activities of the head of the medical organization to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activity. Proposed and substantiated the areas of control that should be reflected in the internal control of quality and safety of medical activity. Reasonable changes in the activities of medical commissions. Emphasized the need for active and systematic participation of the health authorities and the territorial departments of Roszdravnadzor in the formation of a new content of the work of the head of the medical organization to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activity.
Prospects for rehabilitation assistance in the region on the example of private medical Center
The need of the population of the region in medical rehabilitation can be resolved through active cooperation between private business and the state of health. One possible solution to this problem is considered on the example of the initiative of private medical companies.
The optimization processing system statistical reporting «MED STAT» in contemporary conditions
Presents an analysis software for the collection, reception and processing of medical statistical reporting, the measures on improvement of information support for medical statistics.
Overview of BI-platform for use in projects of E-Health
The results of the study and comparison of different platform Class Business Iintelligence (BI), performed in order to select the optimal solution for the creation of regional information and analysis system for health care
Biomedicine priorities in the focus of the practical assessment of the prospects applications (Federal Research)
Using genome-sequencing as an example there are analysed risks when choosing priorities for science and technologies development in Russia, based only on the analysis of trends in development of global biomedicine, but not factoring resource provision of the direction. It is demonstrated that in today’s Russia there is a lack of sufficient numbers of competent doctors-genetics. The volume of core courses in medical universities (36 hours) in Russian Federation is inadequate to the intensity of the development of this direction and growth in numbers of genetic diseases. Modern domestic park of sequenators is represented by the equipment of early generation, using which prevents it to meet the world standards of research in the area of genome medicine. In practice the technology of genome sequencing is not widely used in the health care due to high costs of the diagnostics procedures. There is a conclusion drawn about unviability of choice as a priority direction of development, which doesn’t have the personnel and instrumental provision as well as demand in the real sector of economy.
How the process of loosing real authority among directors of Federal (Municipal) institutions impact the efficiency of operations in organisations lead by them
The market conditions in which health care and other social sphere industries operate, issues with financing and so forth prompted the need for reforms, directed on forming an optimal balance between rights and responsibilities of state (municipal) institutions and their leaders. This article looks into opportunities for executing legislatorial rights of Federal Municipal health care institutions from the perspective of matching the authority given to the directors with the responsibilities weighted on them.
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov