Manager Zdravoochranenia 2017 #5
Published: 2017-05-25
A new control tool in healthcare: a control without interacting with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
The article deal with the emergence of a new monitoring tool in the health sector – organization and conduct of control measures without the cooperation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The authors note that the legislation of the Russian Federation contains a significant amount of the requirements for medical organizations
to embed and provide information. Thus compliance with these requirements will be validated by the Supervisory authorities by carrying out control activities without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. All this increases the responsibility of medical organizations and confronts them with new challenges when conducting internal monitoring the quality and safety of medical activity. -
Analysis of maternal deaths in the Russian Federation in 2016
The article presents analysis of information of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on 183 cases of maternal death in 2016 Identified a reduction in the direct and relative increase in indirect obstetric causes. On the background of a General decline direct causes increase of postpartum hemorrhage, septic and iatrogenic complications. Among the indirect to the greatest extent growing diseases of the circulatory system. The maximum role in the death women UFO antisocial environment; the deaths of women CFD foci of chronic infection and iatrogenic; women PFO fetoplatzentarnyi violations. Offers advanced unified scheme of collecting information on maternal deaths for the realization of the possibility of introducing specific reasons and to develop effective measures for their correction and prevention
The integration of the systems of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity and quality management of medical organizations
For example, regarding the system of quality management large dental enterprises in conformity to national standard of Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9001–2015 «quality management System. Requirements» shown the possibility and feasibility of the integration of the system of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities in specific internal standards and the documents of QMS of the medical organization. The integration of the two systems will allow to avoid the duplication of monitoring procedures and its documenting, will provide a more detailed study of the internal control procedures of the quality and safety of medical activities by binding them to the production processes in medical organizations
The efficiency of using the hardware diagnostic radiology in subjects of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the data of state statistical observation for the period from 2011 to 2015. The analysis of the indicators of the number of radiation diagnostic devices, namely, radiographic apparatus, computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography, the number of studies carried out on them and the number of radiologists working on this equipment. The load on each device in different regions is determined. The most effective regions for the use of the fleet of radiation diagnostic equipment and their congestion have been determined. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis that the effectiveness of the operation of the radiation diagnostics service does not depend on the amount of equipping the equipment of the regions with radiation diagnostic devices. This study made it possible to identify regions with the maximum and minimum efficiency of the operation of the radiation diagnostics service.
Prevention of pathological reactions to the material of gloves as a factor of medical personnel safety. Economic aspects of choice
Occurrence of the adverse reactions to latex gloves among operating doctors is caused by the statistically unverified structure, underestimation on the issue by epidemiologists and not rational approach to hospital purchases. The article shows that the accurate assessment and structuring of the medical professionals’ needs, simple clinical-economic analysis and knowledge of the Russian market of gloves allows to find the best solution of the allergy to latex issue for every hospital despite its level of financing
Study of workload and working time costs of general practitioners in healthcare organizations in Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of a chronometric analysis of patients from the Karaganda policlinic, while analyzing and studying the costs of the doctor’s working hours for performing various labor operations. In addition, the main factors influencing the duration of admission of general practitioners of primary care organizations were identified, and we also compiled a forecast of the duration of GPs’ admission, depending on the treatment of some variables. Statistical analysis determined the main factors affecting the duration of admission of patients by GPs. These include the Communicative Factor or Component 1, Operating Procedures or Component 2, and Working with Documentation or Component 3
Place of clinical medicine in the disciplinary structure of Russian science
The article Considers the disciplinary structure of science in the world and Russia It is shown that the share of publications on clinical medicine accounted for 26% of the total number of publications indexed in 2015 in the Web of Science database, and 35.3% of publications indexed in Scopus for 2011–2015, the conclusion about the growing importance of clinical medicine in global science. It is noted that the RF power developed in the last century, and not changing the quota system of public sector support for civil science, for research of medical subjects, is no more than 3.2% of domestic expenditure on research and development by socio-economic objectives. It is projected that the underfunding of medical science in Russia will not allow to achieve a substantial increase scientometric indicators reflecting the efficiency and productivity of Russian science in General.
System of the address information support of the cancer patients in the compulsory health insurance system
Possible options of citizens' participation in the financial provision of rendering medical assistance using resources not provided by the program of state guarantees
Active search of new forms of co-financing of medical care is the answer to financial difficulties in the health sector. However, equally important is the streamlining of those forms of relations between medical organizations and patients about co-payments in the provision of medical care within program of state guarantees that exist. The analysis shows that the legalization of shadow payments, proper design of the acquisition at the expense of and at the request of the patient more quality of medicines, health care products, as expressly provided under the program of state guarantees, etc., can serve the interests of both patients and society as a whole. The article discusses specific payment options at the expense of patients, resources that are not provided under the program of state guarantees allowed under the current legislation