Manager Zdravoochranenia 2015 #8
Published: 2015-08-23
Forum of All-Russian People’s Front on the issues of health care: problems are identified, however, the analysis of reasons underpinning them is missing
Adult population’s quality clinical examination management in outpatient organizations on the basis of the process approach
Aim of the study: Development of quality management system in health care organization in periodic health examination of target adult population groups. The developed materials could be exploited in similar institutions engaged in the periodic health examinations.
On certain questions relating to interterritorial accounting in the system of compulsory medical insurance
Issues of interterritorial accounting for provided care to citizens registered with a compulsory medical insurance plan yet outside of the insurance territory is relevant and needs further and deeper analysis. It is safe to conclude that insurance medical organizations should participate in interritorial accounting process along with conducting control check of volumes and conditions at which medical care is provided and completing a medical aid quality check.
Operation mechanisms, priorities and volumes of financial support of research in health care in Russia and in the USA
The article demonstrates that Russia’s amount of finance in research and development is less than 2,5% from the global budget, while the amount of financing of only three countries – USA, China and Japan takes up to 50%. It was suggested that incomparability of Russia’s internal amount of financing in development of the citizens science sector compared to developed countries allows to identify a limited number of research areas as priorities of scientific-technological development of the country. There was compared and contrasted the amount of spending on research and development in biomedicine in USA and in Russia. It is demonstrated that the basic amount of financing of 27 research centers, included in the US National Health Institutes network, in 2014 exceeded the amount of financing of 104 Russian medical scientific-research institutes subordinate to Russian Minisry of Health care and Federal Agency of scientific organizations by 173 times. A conclusion was drawn about the appropriateness of substantial increase of the amount of state financing in fundamental, exploration and related research in the field of biomedicine in case the life sciences are preserved as priority areas for scientific-technological and social development in Russia. There is emphasized the necessity to eliminate all administrative and tax barriers, preventing active participation of domestic industrial entities in co-financing the development of Russian drug substances and medical equipment.
Assessing the level of provision of Russian medical organizations with computer equipment
Presents analysis equipment computer equipment medical organizations. The lowest rates of provision of healthcare organizations to automate the treatment process were registered in Crimea and North Caucasus Federal districts. It is necessary to optimize medical documents on the types of operating systems.
Constitutional court of Russian Federation on the concept of posthumous medical confidentiality
Regulatory control of state-private (municipal-private) partne
The article examines a legislation, related to the state-private partnership and municipal-private partnerships, specifics of its application in the state system. There is also analysis done of a possible impact of the new legislation on investment activity in circumstances of current economic crisis. There are demonstrated legislation opportunities and limitations for realizing state-private partnership projects with participation of state (municipal) institutions in health care.
Questions and answers
Actual normative document
Abstarct. First time ever working hours standards were introduced to the health care system. In light of an increasing role of labour rate setting this order has significant, and yet uncertain perspectives. The passing of the order, that set standard labour regulations, has complex history and clearly demonstrates aspiration of Russian Ministry of Health Care to support the primary network of health care professionals.