Manager Zdravoochranenia 2016 #9

Published: 2016-09-27



    Management in health care
  • New mechanism for financing high-tech medical care in 2017: characteristics and risks

    Federal hospitals will receive state funds to provide high-tech medical aid from the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund directly, and not from the budget of its founder or of insurance companies in 2017. Thus, in relation to Federal clinics it is planned to implement the mechanism of financing expensive medical interventions, which, according to the authors, is neither the budget nor the insurance. The authors have shown that legislative innovations and their associated risks will require from the Ministry of health of Russia and the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund serious work to ensure the necessary accessibility for citizens is costly, but most effective methods of medical care.

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20] Gorin S. G. [3] Kolesnikov S. I. [1]

    Tags: federal medical institutions1 funding1 high-tech medical care11 mandatory health insurance5

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  • Modern approaches to an estimation of efficiency and an assessment of quality of medical diagnostic researches

    Perfection of the medical diagnostic help, including its pre-hospital level, demands the working out and the realization of a series of measures on diagnostic interventions’ management and their quality assessment. The list of the common and specific indicators of efficiency of diagnostics is developed on the basis of the researches made and offered, modern approaches to quality management, carrying out of internal and external quality assurance are described, the problems demanding the decision for the further increase of efficiency and quality of medical diagnostics are defined.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Vyalkov A. I. [2] Skvirskaja G. P. [1] Serjogina I. F. [1] Bilalov F. K. [1]

    Tags: diagnostic researches1 efficiency indicators2 internal and external quality assessments1 medical1 quality control4 social and economic efficiency1

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  • Financial management
  • Payment arrangements for interrupted case of medical care, including ultrashort course, in the system of compulsory medical insurance

    Annotation. According to the draft program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens in the years 2017–2019, when paying for medical care provided in a hospital, as well as in the provision of medical rehabilitation services in specialized medical institutions (structural units) in the compulsory medical insurance system, used payment method for interrupted, including ultrashort, the case of medical care. Issues correct compensation for the medical organization with ultrashort or interrupt the event is dedicated to the treatment of the material costs.

    Authors: Obukhova O. V. [28] Brutovа A. S. [5] Bazarova I. N. [12]

    Tags: case of treatment1 interrupted case of treatment1 methods of payment medical care1 system of compulsory medical insurance1 ultrashort case of treatment1

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  • Рayment of primary health care on per capita financing

    Examines conditions and problems of translation of health care organizations on a per capita principle of financing. The material is based on the experience of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a long-time practicing activities in terms of per capita funding. Recommendations for minimization of financial risks of healthcare organizations.

    Authors: Saidgareev R. R. [1]

    Tags: capitation1 compulsory health insurance17 methods of payment for medical care3 outpatient care6

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  • Medical science
  • History of the development of breakthrough biomedical areas: lessons for Russia

    On the example of development of technologies of reprogramming to obtain induced pluripotent stem cells estimated timelines for the transformation of the results of breakthrough fundamental research into commercial high-tech product in Japan, USA and Russia. The conclusion is that a key role in accelerating the life cycle of research and development play a growing high-tech companies and large industrial companies interested in diversifying their business strategies. It is stated a critical lag of the development of life cycle studies in this field in Russia and investigates its causes.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10]

    Tags: acceleration1 deceleration1 duration2 factors4 induced pluripotent stem cells1 japan2 life cycle2 research and development2 russia8 technologies for reprogramming cells1 usa2

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  • Technology management
  • Is return of almost forgotten reusable surgical gloves a cost optimization or impractical spending?

    Restoration of reusable surgical gloves, followed by consistent negative trend in the sterile surgery import over the last two years, is not economically viable. The article presents data of the clinical-economic analysis justifying the fact that medical organizations that use gloves sterilization on site, are at risk of getting increased budget burden. It is proved that hopes on extra savings due to multiple sterilizations are rather naive mistake than the reality: extra spends related to the use of cheap reusable gloves increase total budget up to the cost of the mid- and high-end price segment gloves. It seems to become critical to integrate the clinical-economic analysis into a routine decision making process of choosing and purchasing medical gloves to every single hospital.

    Authors: Volkova O. I. [2] Supov A. Y. [1]

    Tags: clinical-economic analysis2 gloves sterilization1 medcom-mp2 reusable surgical gloves1

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  • Law
  • Administrative suspension of activities of the health care institution

    Annotation. The analysis of the legal nature of the administrative penalty of business interruption of activities assigned by the courts, a temporary suspension of activities applied by officials of the government authorities in relation to health care organizations, as well as the proscription in a civil lawsuit is performed. The criteria for the use of these measures is performed. Law enforcement practice outcomes in the different regions of the Russian Federation are presented in the article.

    Authors: Roshchin D. O. [5]

    Tags: administrative penalty1 administrative suspension of activities1 health care institution1

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  • It management
  • Automated business process management with the use of hospital information system

    This review concerns automated business process management with the use of hospital information system (HIS) in the Pirogov’s national medical-surgical center (Moscow, Russia).

    Authors: Karpov O. E. [5]

    Tags: automatic management system1 hospital information system3 medical center1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • Prospects of implementation «May» Decrees of the President in the field of health

    2017 is key year in the implementation of the «May» Decrees of the President. Despite the difficult financial conditions, there are many ways to achieve the specified orders, the levels of remuneration. Planned real measures for financial support of these activities. However, more important is not how to provide the intended level of pay, and how to achieve the goals of the Decrees, which are not be reduced to a simple wage increase.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: budget7 compulsory health insurance17 decrees of the president1 effective contract13 salaries4

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

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