Manager Zdravoochranenia 2014 #4

Published: 2014-04-06



    Sociology of health care
  • On the question of study on public's satisfaction with health care system (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).

    Satisfaction of public having accessibility and quality of medical care, as well as its organization became one of the main criteria of valuating the system of health care in the recent time. Conducting sociological research requires a scientific approach and high qualification from its organizers. Sociological valuation can become of the criteria of complex valuation of medical care quality.

    Authors: Geht I. A. [17] Artemieva G. B. [12]

    Tags: complex valuation of medical care quality1 satisfaction valuation of public by accessibility and quality of medical care1 sociological research3

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  • Management in health care
  • Comparison of mortality indexes in subjects of Russian Federation: role of population's age structure (State scientific-research center of preventive medicine of Ministry of health care of Russia, Moscow, Russia)

    Significant geographical discrepancies in mortality indexes are stipulated by many factors (social-economical, climate, efficiency of functioning and amount of health care system funding, sex-age structure of population). In this article there is studied the role and significance of age structure of population in regards of regional mortality indexes. There is presented a hypothesis that neither factual nor standardized mortality indexes do not represent solid criteria for monitoring and valuating the health care efficiency programs.

    Authors: Boytsov S. A. [7] Samorodskay I. B. [1]

    Tags: mortality due to all reasons1 subjects of russian federation1

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  • Current rules and law regulations for the labor of ophthalmologist (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    Existing normative base does not correspond with modern requirements on providing specialized medical aid and is in need of re-consideration. One of the main instruments for achieving this objective in the process of health care modernization is objectivation of physician's work norms and of the middle-level medical staff with the regards of changed social life conditions of the society and epidemiological situation, as well as significant improvement of material-technical base of medical organizations and new requirements towards organization of aid-diagnostics process. Modernization of medical organizations, implementing innovative methods of diagnostics, suggesting high qualification of specialists along with understaffing of personnel set, and the growth of pressure on physician, require re-consideration of existing normatives.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Ivanova M. A. [12] Starodubov V. I. [40] Sokolovskaya T. A. [5] Bantyeva M. N. [4]

    Tags: activity1 aid1 normatives2 ophthalmology1 order2 states1

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  • Several questions of normative regulation of organizing intensive care in medical institutions (Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    The review presents options for organization of chambers of resuscitation and intensive therapy in advanced profile orders of rendering medical assistance to adult population.

    Authors: Gorbachev V. I. [4]

    Tags: anesthesiology and intensive care1 intensive care unit (icu)1 leadings1 manning table1 orders4

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  • Healthcare and law
  • The concept of medical expertise in the russian law (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)

    This article analyzes the concept of the medical expertise (its characteristics and legal and technical constraints), species classification, as well as the prospects for the emergence of biomedical expertise. Examines the legal framework for the implementation of control procedures for the production of medical expertise. Paid attention to the regulation of the independent expertise.

    Authors: Romanovskaya O. V. [6]

    Tags: biomedical expertise1 control3 independent expertise1 medical expertise1

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  • First medical aid documentation
  • Modernization of the primary medical documentation Maternity and the child health services (On conducting newborns at stages of obstetrical and children's hospitals) (FSBI «the Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)

    The concept of construction of the registration documentation on conducting newborns in conditions of obstetrical hospital (in delivery room, physiological branch of newborns and branch of resuscitation and intensive therapy) — with corresponding supplementary sheets to estimate state of health and conducting of premature babies and sick newborns — is stated. Projects of the documentation of the exchange character intended for data transmission about a current of pregnancy and a state health of mother and a fruit from female consultation in obstetrical hospital and from obstetrical hospital to female consultation (data on the woman and its posterity), in children's polyclinic are resulted. In connection with peculiarities of features of an estimation of state of health and conditions of conducting of premature babies and sick children in the conditions of children's hospital (at the second stage) the project of the new registration document «Medical card of the newborn receiving medical care in the conditions of a hospital of the second stage» is developed and presented in article.

    Authors: Leonov S. A. [14] Tsybulskaja I. S. [2] Zajchenko N. M. [2]

    Tags: a maturity estimation1 an obstetric hospital1 anthropometrical indicators1 gestational age1 intensive supervision1 mother2 of premature babies1 the centil table1 the newborn1 the second stage of nursing1 the sick child1

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  • It management
  • Mobile Health (mHealth): A Conceptual View (Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany; Microsoft Europe, Middle East and Africa, Munchen, Germany)

    The value of mHealth for sustainable healthcare is discussed. It is projected that mHealth can become a disruptive technology that is set out to radically transform the current state of medical disciplines. In particular, the mHealth solutions can provide better understanding of the organism stability margins and of the emergence of diseases as well as ensure more patient safety under drug and physiotherapy prescription. The issue of measuring the physiological quantities is addressed, with the conventional yet complex task of quantitative accuracy evaluation being discussed. The concept of complexity and its relevance for the physiological parameters defining both the health state and disorders is accounted for. The principles of body area networking and the relevant standards are briefly overviewed, with a focus on security issues. The concept of biofeedback implemented through mHealth sensor technologies is examined. Basic requirements to facilitate market acceptance and response are analyzed. Selected case studies of pervasive health monitoring are presented. Possible current and future mHealth applications are considered. Since some general problems of healthcare are touched upon in the article, it is intended to provoke a controversy.

    Authors: Pankratov S. [3] Znamenskaya T. [3]

    Tags: biofeedback3 homeostasis3 measurement3 networking3 sensor3

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • Legal and practical aspects of decreasing amount of labor compensation (including the amounts of incentive pay outs) in the frames of introducing an efficient contract (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    Introduction of efficient contract suggests further close-bodied dependency of labor compensation from its outcome. It also considers not only raise of salaries as far as reaching best results, but a decrease of salaries in case of decline of corresponding indexes. However, there are legislative limitations directed on decrease of labor compensation amount. The study also considers problems of decreasing labor compensation amounts while not reaching foreseen indexes with meeting requirements of active legislation.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: collective contract1 efficient contract9 incentive pay outs2 income6 labor compensation fund1 labor contract6 material stimulation2

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

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  • Health care-2014
  • HEALTH CARE-2014

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  • Innovations in medicine

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  • Review of actual normative documents
  • Review of actual normative documents

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