  • 2014 № 5 Age- and sex- mortality and years of life lost (YLL) in Russia in 2012 (Federal State Budgetary Institution «Center for Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, the Russian Federation)

    There is given a valuation of age-sex differences in Russian Federation. There is definied the number of years of life lost as a result of premature mortality in the subjects of Russian Federation. Minimal mortality indexes among male population are marked in the age of 11 years old (25,4 per 100 thousand), among female population at the age of 10 (18,2 per 100 thousand). The maximum differences in indexes of mortality are marked in the age group of 20–29 years old (314,5 per 100 thousand men against 92,3 per 100 thousand women). Quantity of men died before reaching the age of 70 years among men — 63,2%,among women — 29,9%. Total quantity of lost lives due to premature mortality in Russian Federation is estimated in 36 864 309, among them 24 321 992 (65,9%) as a result of men's mortality and 12 542 317 (34,1%) among women. All subjects of Russian Federation demonstrate higher indexes of lost lives than in other economically developed countries. The highest percentage of lost lives due to premature mortality (before 70 years old) is noticed among men in the areas of Siberia and Far East.

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7]

    Tags: mortality20 years of life lost (yll)1

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  • Economics of health
  • 2016 № 7 Analysis of mortality rates in the groups of regions with different levels of socio-economic development

    The article compares the mortality rates in the 2 groups of Russian regions that differ in terms of socioeconomic development. Material and methods. The division of regions into 2 groups performed on the basis of the rating of socio-economic situation of the regions, developed by the Rating agency «RIA Rating», included in the media holding «Russia Today» (RIA Rating, 2015). We analyzed standardized mortality rates (the whole population, men, women), age-specific death rates in subgroups of 20–39 years, 40–59let, 60–69 years: a) from all causes; b) from causes related to alcohol and drugs; c) from external causes; g) from a group of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The authors conclude that there are significant differences in mortality between the two groups of regions.

    Authors: Tret’yakov V. V. [1] Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7]

    Tags: mortality20 socio-economic development of regions1

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  • Focus of the problem
  • 2017 № 4 Mortality rate in the Russian Federation in 2006-2015

    Aim-сomparative analyses of age peculiarities and nosological structure in mortality causes in 2006 and in 2015 in the Russian Federation. Rosstat’s data of male and female population size and the number of dead as well in 5-years age groups for the years 2006 and 2015 were used. Standardised all-causes mortality coefficients were calculated using Kitagava’s formulae, comparison in 5yaers age groups was conducted. Nosological mortality structure based on Rosstat’s mortality causes nomenclature analyses was made. Percentage of each mortality cause was assessed; level of increase/ decrease was calculated for the completely identical groups. The mortality rate decreased by 13,6% in 9 years, the standardized rate dropped by 25,9%. The main decline was at the age of 25-29 (by 46,6%) and an the age of 1-4 (by 45,7%). The less change was an the age 90-94 (by 9,5%). More intensive dynamics in male was determined by the initial male «overmortality». The percentage of diseases of the circulatory system in all death’ cases was 48,7% in 2015 comparing to 56,9% in 2006; external causes had 7,7% and 9,9%; Neoplasms - 15,7% and 13,1%; diseases of the respiratory system - 3,97% and 3,8%; diseases of the digestive system - 5,3% and 4,1% respectively. The percentage of the mortality causes as «Senility» increased in 2,7 times. The highest percentage in the mortality causes in 2006 as well in 2015 falls on «Atherosclerotical heart disease» (12,5%). Mortality rate decline was determined, among others, by the realization of the state demographic policy and the task programs in health care. The mortality causes structure has changed because of the significant decline in the portion of diseases of the circulatory system and of external causes. Rosstat’s additional list of mortality causes which had no defined clinical criteria for the diagnosis had a certain influence, and MoH RF recommendations to use the «Senility» code as a cause of death since 2014, as well.

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7] Semenov V. Yu. [3]

    Tags: age and sex population structure1 all-causes mortality1 disease as a mortality cause1 male and female mortality1 mortality in 5-years age groups1

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  • Foreign practice
  • 2015 № 4 Standards of medical care in Russia and USA

    Annotation. The analysis of the use of the term «standard of care» in the Russian Federation and the United States. The list of normative documents regulating the process of standardization of medical care, defined role and scope of clinical guidelines and standards of their legal component in the resolution of conflict and controversial clinical situations in health care. It is noted that the work on standardization of medical care due to objective socio-economic necessity of generalization, unification, of the desire to improve access to health care, including new medical technologies associated with the development of quality management of medical care.

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Stepchenkov V. I. [2] Batrova Y. V. [2] Saversky А. V. [1]

    Tags: clinical recommendations3 quality health care1 regulations4 standardization2

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  • Management in health care
  • 2015 № 5 Risk factor for mortality from cardiovascular diseases: the expert estimation doctors of various specialties

    No statistically significant differences in the average score evaluation by physicians of different specialties of each indicator (p > 0,05 for each item). Average effect on mortality from cardiovascular diseases comorbid somatic pathology according to the doctors is 3,5±1,5, and more than a third of experts evaluated the contribution of comorbid somatic pathology in maximum 5 points. Average impact of comorbid psychopathology — 2,7±1,4; comorbid diseases caused by alcohol and drug use — 3,5±1,5; failure to doctor's recommendations — 4±1,3; ignorance of the major risk factors for the Ivory Coast, or the rejection of their correction — 3,8±1,4; ignorance of the main manifestations (symptoms) of life-threatening diseases or complications requiring first aid and emergency medical services — 3,9±1,4. Almost 50% of specialists have put the maximum score in the answers to the last two questions. Аccording to doctors at the level of regional mortality from BSK is strongly influenced by physical and mental comorbid pathology, ignorance of the risk factors, symptoms and methods of providing emergency assistance in the Ivory Coast.

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7] Vatolina M. A. [2] Barbarash O. L. [1] Ovcharenko O. N. [1] Bykovskaja T. J. [1] Kovalenko T. N. [1]

    Tags: cardiovascular disease4 mortality20 risk factors15

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  • 2014 № 6 Problems of evaluation and interpretation of indicators of morbidity, morality and disability from diseases of the circulatory system (Federal State Budgetary Institution <State Research Center for Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia; South Ural State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Russia)

    The article examines the differences in the approaches to their assessment of morbidity, mortality and disability caused by diseases of the circulatory system (SBR). On mortality from BSK affect coding errors and selecting the cause of death, the lowest frequency of autopsies on the background of high mortality outside hospitals. Indicators of overall morbidity due to peculiarities of the collection of statistical information is significantly more than the population , while the actual number of sick people is unknown. On disability rates have a significant impact not only and not so much the degree of violation of physical state as psychological characteristics and evaluation of subjective perception of disease by patients and physicians; social factors, regulatory documents. These factors lead to the problems of comparing mortality, morbidity and disability between the Russian Federation and other countries, and between regions of the Russian Federation, the complexity of the information support for management decision-making in health and health care organization.

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7] Vatolina M. A. [2] Efros L. A. [3]

    Tags: alzheimer's disease1 cardiovascular disease4 daly3 disability5 disease3 mortality20 years of life lost1 yld1

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  • Population and healthcare
  • 2018 № 5 Nosological structure of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system of the population in three age groups of the population of the Russian Federation

    The article discusses the influence of errors in coding the causes of death and the inadequate filling of death certificates on the statistics of mortality from circulatory system diseases. Using the example of the ABC-anal¬ysis of the nosological structure of mortality in the Russian Federation from the circulatory system diseases in three age groups in 2014, the possibility of using this approach to optimize prevention and treatment programs to reduce mortality from this pathology is being considered

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7] Semenov V. Yu. [3] Starinskaya M.  A. [1]

    Tags: causes of mortality1 circulatory system diseases2 mortality20 mortality age structure1

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