All articles by Grishina N. K.
2019 № 6 Legal issues of non-conformity of payment medical services to expectations of the patient
The article is devoted to the problems arising in the course of inconsistency with the patient’s expectations in the context of providing paid medical services. The legal regulation of this service sector needs to be improved, so the paper analyzes the documentation of the legal relationship between the medical organization and the patient, considers the basic conditions that are mandatory for implementation and determines the specific nature of the medical service within the framework of delineating patient information when provided for payment and free medical care.
2020 № 7 On the question of the organization of outpatient psychiatric care in the city of Moscow
The article analyzes the organization and financing of psychiatric care in in-hospital conditions and hospital-replacing care for patients in the dispensary. The results of the study of the composition of patients on the basis of GBUZ “PB No. 13 DZM” for 2015–2017 years are given. The number of patients treated in a dispensary, a day hospital by nosological forms for the last period of time, the number of patients treated by gender were analyzed; considered age categories of patients, the structure of the professional status of patients. During the analyzed period, the main indicators of day hospital were investigated: the average duration of stay of patients, bed turnover, number of bed-days.
2020 № 3 To the question of integrating outpatient mental health module providing specialized care to patients
The article presents the result of the integration of a new organizational inpatient care – outpatient psychiatric module (APM) on the example of the medical rehabilitation Department (MPO), the Department of intensive psychiatric care (OIOPP) in one of the medical psychiatric institutions of the city of Moscow State budgetary institution of health “Psychiatric clinical hospital № 13 of the Department of health of the city of Moscow”. We used such methods as: the study and generalization of experience, analytical, sociological, comparative analysis. Presents certain advantages and characteristics of the MRO, OIOP in comparison with the provision of mental health care to patients in a hospital. The necessity of improvement of interaction, continuity of medical rehabilitation Department is noted. departments of intensive psychiatric care with other units of the new organizational form, other medical institutions.
2020 № 2 Improving the quality of organization and provision of medical care for children with injuries in order to reduce their disability
Children’s disability is an urgent medical and social problem of modern society, one of the main characteristics
of public health and social well-being of the country. This article provides additional data on the main trends in primary
childhood disability, depending on the age and type of injury, type of injury and a damaging factor; presents a medium-
term prognosis of primary childhood disability due to injuries for the Kursk region. The types of psychological status of a
family with a child with an injury are determined, and their effect on the implementation of measures for its rehabilitation in
various types of injuries is studied. The results obtained indicate the importance of an individual approach to each specific
family with a child with an injury, and the need for work aimed at achieving optimal treatment outcomes and preventing
the formation of disability. A scheme has been developed for the interaction of various organizations and departments
involved in the prevention of childhood injuries and the comprehensive rehabilitation of children with the consequences of
injuries. A scheme of the relationship between the types of rehabilitation and the level of adaptation (somatic, psychological,
socio-environmental) of children with the consequences of injuries under the age of 12 years is proposed. -
2020 № 1 Aspects of medical rehabilitation in the reform of psychiatric services
This article examines the medical documentation of patients and materials of the medical rehabilitation depart¬ment at the base of the Psychiatric Hospital of the Moscow Department of Health for the period April-December 2018. The results of the quality of treatment of 352 patients who were treated in the medical and rehabilitation department of the psychiatric hospital № 13 were evaluated.
2019 № 8 To the question of transformation of psychiatric care in Moscow
This article reflects the marked dynamics of inpatient care activities in the city of Moscow, however, there is still a
need for further reform of the service. The analysis of the composition of inpatients and the effectiveness of their treatmentwas carried out and studied. The article presents the results of the organization of inpatient care for patients on the basis of GBUZ “PB No. 13 DZM” for the years studied, analyzed the main indicators of the inpatient sector of the hospital and the financing of the psychiatric inpatient service.